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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. sounds like snay pliskin.
  2. you can still use the bonuses of the lightsaber crystal, just have it in the secondary weapon slot. I feel dumb because I could've had 3 or 4 lightsabers all with my personal crystal in it and had major bonuses but I never thought about it for some reason.
  3. I don't even care what I get randomly. I always duplicate the first lightsaber I get and pass it on to the rest of the party.
  4. pa, he was pathetic.
  5. no, it's completely random.
  6. the music sounds different in style to me but this is interesting. I wonder if a dev could elaborate.
  7. visas you just need her to have regular clothes on. you can use a lightsaber or any melee weapon( I think, I know vibrosword/blade/double-bladed work but I don't know about other kinds) you can also let her wear anything else, implants, belts, arm bands, headbands, gloves. you just pick it up off her dead body.
  8. I think wisdom is more important because you will have a lot of forcepoints so having a high charisma isn't such a high priority because you can take the hit.
  9. luckily there's also gauntlets that add to h2h. I think one of the best among them is lightning gloves that add like 2-12 lightning damage.
  10. yeah, that's a bad glitch. you have to do onderon/dxun before the last planet.
  11. I didn't use force sight but I know he was darkside. those were obvious signs and I know what he looks like normally.
  12. I don't think having high defense unlocks cool moves.
  13. normal play. I don't know how good his defense is compared to others but it's like 40 something.
  14. pffft. although, sadly, my lsm jedi watchman had more defense, just a little less health, and more forcepoints and higher saves and higher skills of course. The only thing this one has over him is damage. *sobs*
  15. maybe it was because I told him he was useless and I was going to kill him.
  16. I was at the part where you have to stop the sith destroying the telos citadel station when you come out of the elevator and meet the injured soldier. when talking to him I realized he was completely darkside. how does that happen?
  17. meh, neither for me. For the jedi you're a pansy and no love either. <_< For darkside everybody hates you, you look fugly, your life is generally in constant danger, your underlings will try to kill you for power, for people like sion you're constantly in pain. I'd rather command the force without restraints unlike the jedi and without the constant danger of the sith.
  18. THat was so awesome. Always cracked me up.
  19. I use 82.12 and kotor 2 runs fine. perhaps it doesn't like sli?
  20. I always have to do it 3 times for the lightside route in that situation, never more, never less. In every game that I've had.
  21. It depends on your influence with her. Influence changes the characters' alignment depending on your influence with them.
  22. I remember that. That actually happened in my last game.
  23. yay for time being the only honest thing here.
  24. bah, it can still look bloody jaggy. kotor is one of the jaggiest games I've ever seen. without aa I'd go crazy.
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