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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. well, we can back up the hairy walking rug part. (w00t)
  2. it's so we can sort through the baggage and have fun![sarcasm/]
  3. none of wich are better than my 6200 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> eh? 6800s are much better than 6200s.
  4. I've never heard it called piratey.
  5. I don't think keeping strength at 8 is a good idea.:s well to each their own. I wouldn't ignore persuade at all. it's one of the skills that I think you should max out. very useful. I agree that going with 16 int is a good thing. since you're going weaponmaster make the most out of your skills before level 15. you might wanna just save points for demolitions and ignore another skill like stealth since you won't need it at all for any part of the game so you can put a bunch of skills into it when you become a weaponmaster and get demolitions as a class skill.
  6. a strength and con of 8 isn't really right for a weaponmaster.
  7. yeah, that would've been a cool and dramatic moment.
  8. yeah, even kotor 1 is xbox live enabled. though, only to download the new stuff that pc had.
  9. not all games are xbox live enabled.
  10. well, if you go ds in kotor 1 then their mistrust is justified isn't it?
  11. you don't get ls points for helping him so I always do it to get the power cell. also, I normally have a high computer skill so the only thing I need is one computer spike to fix everything.
  12. I don't think it's really a flaw. Although I'm surprised no one else has brought this up before. I'm sure Revan found some way to get rid of him. taxidermist anyone?
  13. I never had any problems with xbox except that it's so slow on loading times and one time it did freeze. I think it was because the stress was too much and the xbox froze. Usually it's just momentary pauses but this time it got stuck. yey for my moderately fast pc.
  14. the problem with atris being exile's master is that in one of the convo's with the other handmaidens exile can say that atris never had a padawan and some other stuff about her.
  15. I just wish that we stuck with kotor1's view of lord revan. the typical bad guy trying to take over the galaxy. now with kotor2 he has all these hidden motives and there's really some unseen threat and it wasn't all about power and ruling the galaxy, that he fell to the dark side to save the galaxy. bah...
  16. *sigh* the thing is that you can install it on multiple computers and no one would know or care.
  17. swoop racing is so easy. and for those saying nar shadaa is hard you're crazy! you can't lose, the competition always comes in slower than you. I would have to say that nar shadaa was a bit annoying with the other swoops but as I said you can't lose.
  18. if you want, you don't need charisma at all even for persuade because of your uber high skill points. well unless you wanted to cast lots of the opposite force powers. why you would be doing that on a combat based class is beyond me. I don't remember but doesn't the personal crystal add something to wisdom? and yes, take strength to 16.
  19. heh, the blinding yellow distracted me from the fact it is much smaller than default size.
  20. eh, I always raid the place so the mandalorians aren't getting anything.
  21. *only read the first page.. so shh * if "Darth Traya" is a title.. why do they always call Darth Revan "Revan" ? Darth is a title.. meaning "DARk lord of the siTH" that apparently Revan and Malak created, they where the first 2 Darths. so Traya is a name, and Darth is the title.. there you go <{POST_SNAPBACK}> something I found interesting about darth, "The term first appeared in the original script for Star Wars IV: A New Hope, which bore little resemblance to the final release of the film. In it, a "Darth Vader" appeared as an Imperial official who would be renamed Grand Moff Tarkin in the final film, with Darth Vader becoming the name of the menacing black-armored villain." a quote about the darth prefix.
  22. I'll just use one of those tanning mirrors.
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