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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. You're right. It's companies like Troika's problem. R00fles! Face it, you are a thief! You cna make exuses to the mermaids come to my bedroom; it won't change that fact.
  2. "It's pointless blaming customers. We have no other choice but to buy pirated copies." You aren't a customer if youa re stealing the product. Like NumberYou said, you can always buy off the 'net. And,w e both know you have access to the net and a good computer - after you played BL so don't bother denying it.
  3. "SUE ME!!!!!!!!!" Why would I sue you? You aren't stealing from me.
  4. "Well man, I only have original 50% the other 50% are the games with I played (in other words copies done by me of the games I bought) because when my cds will be bad for the use the company will not give me then again. But in Spain with the new law you even can't do your own security copy , then they are pirate games." As far as I know, you are legally allowed to make 'back up copies' of games you buy in stores as long as its for personal use. <>
  5. "Then all your games are original aren't they? Volo" Yes. I don't pirate. Period. "So while the odd copy may be trickling off the shelves in your particular area it's not SELLING is it." Trickling? Nice try. If one is sold; the game is selling at that price. Period. Once again, i never said Bl was a top seller. That was Ellester. You are arguing the wrong thing with the wrong person here. Sorry. "ROFLMAO!!!!!!! Man, you crackin' me up! It's not my freaking fault that there is no CIS publisher here! First live in my country, then speak." Your country of original is irreleavnt when it comes to stealing. If you took something that you do not know without paying for it or recieving it from the rightful owener; youa re stealing. Period. And, when it comes to games, there is no justification what-so-ever that is acceptable. None.
  6. "Aah, the liar strikes again. I seriously don't think anyone thinks that Gothic's combat is the best ever. The same goes for its AI. But since noone on these forums has ever said anything like it, the point is moot. At least the AI in Gothic is better than the one in NWN" You did, for starters. And, anyone who claims that Gothic's AI is better than NWN's is quite frankly full of it. "Hey, Volourn, here's an idea: how about you actually play the game before bashing it? You really should try it sometime, liar." R00fles! Is that your best? Someone says something negative about a game you like; youa ccuse them of NOT playing it. I hope it keeps you warm at night; as it doesn't make the dumb Gothic AI any smarter. R00fles! "Sure they would game stores do it all the time. Thats why things sit on the shelves for months and sometimes years.If it's not in their top seller charts, well one can conclude thats because the game isnt selling." Huh? A game doesn't have to be a top seller to be selling. As longa s it sells; it is selling. You lose. Nowhere did I claim that BL was still a 'top seller' thopugh Ellester did. Discuss that issue with him. Don't confuse the issues. "Look at the awards! It's one of the best RPGs of the past two years." Yeah. it couldn't even beat a 4-6 hour module for a 2 and a half year old game for Best RPG 2004. R00fles! "Plus, consider illegal sales also I have a pirated version " You are thief. That is worse than Mkreku calling me a lair. At least him claling someone lair doesn't hurt anyone; but youa re stealing someone;'s money. You are thief. You should be banned. Than imprisoned. Or at least fined 3 times the actual full price of the game.
  7. "Well I provided my links, if you want to hide behind your particular brand of "logic" be my guest. The logical conclusion that you wont say where bloodlines is can only be because it's not in the charts, which kinda proves my point whether by your ommision or not." Eh? I won't provide links because all I said was that the EB in my area is selling it for $40, and I used logic to state the obvious - they wouldn't be offering it at the price if no one was gonna buy it at that price. "I like Gothic's combat." But, you are smart so all is forgiven. Also, it's one thing to like Gothic series combat; it's another to think it's the best ever and it has genius AI.
  8. "So where is it on the chart list then ? Just because you think it's selling copies means nothing." Can you prove it isn't selling? Afterall, I doubt EB would be putting it on shelves with a $40 price tag if it wans't selling at that price. R00fles! "Another poor soul trying to get Volourn to listen to logic and facts.. Oh well." Says the one who thinks that Gothic 2 has great combat with super AI. HAHAHAH! P.S. Good troll, Mkreku.
  9. "Very relevent. Being priced at $40 and SELLING at $40 are two very different things. The game could be priced at $500 but if it never sold a copy,it wouldnt make any difference" I'm sure it's selling copies. How much copies it selling? Who knows. Therefore, it is selling at $40.
  10. "Where is it in the EB charts ?" Irrelevant. All that matter is it is still selling for $40 at EB at least here. Game over.
  11. Actually, it IS selling at $40. Just deal with the facts of life. Just because it is selling that cheap one palce; doens't eman every place is selling it for that price.
  12. Fact is that's it is $40 here. Deal with it. Your silly website has no power or influence over EB. Period.
  13. "D'nile is a river in Egypt" R00fles!; but no. You said the game was 9.99 already which showed it was a 'bad' game. The fact is; that's baloney and the game is still $40+ therefore your little anecdote fails.
  14. "Considering you have a second home there dosnt suprise me that you would think that." What are you babbling about?
  15. Good. Then BL is still a hit. It is surely not 9.99 here. Mor elike $40-$50. Still going good.
  16. "Does it piss anyone else off when a corporation buys a well known building and changes the name of the building to the name of the company?" No. It doesn't bother me at all. IKt's a name of a building. No biggy. If they own the huilding, or pay for the privelege than so be it.
  17. That's their problems. Customers still have right to choose which baseball game they want. And, yes, Madden and NFL Street are rival franchises. They both compete for football fans' dollars. Ex, I'ma footbal fan; but I am looking for one that is as close to a 'rela life simulation' so I choose Madden. Others may not be so they choose NFL Street. And, besides, you want competition, get someone to make a CFL football game. "Do you consider the upcoming "Mario baseball" a threat to the High Heat series?" For my money? No. But, they do compete for baseball fans. then again, the Mrio one is probbaly trying to hook Mario fans who have to have all Mario games and like basbeball too.
  18. "Troika are very much in a niche market that happens to be on the small side of things; a break in production isn't surprising." Troika is not a niche devloper. Why do people propogate this myth? Niche developers don't develop for licenses like D&D, and Vampire. Heck, they made a game based on the possibly the most popualr D&D module ever. Yeah, niche my behind. "ToEE had multiple endings." Role-playing is more than multiple endings.
  19. "One has the sole exclusive rights to baseball. One has the exclusive rights to football." Huh? No. One has exlusive rights to MLB, and the other to NFL. Football, and baseball games cna still be made. "So Vol, how do you see this as competion. I mean, where do you see the competion taking place, because to me it seems like the two companies eliminated it." A. They compteted with the NFL and LMB respectively to prove that they were worth of having the license. B. As above, no one as exlusive rights to either sport. There is still competition.
  20. "This is stupid what these publishers are doing. Competition is what makes the marketplace great. We as customers are going to lose out because of these deals." Huh? Both these companies ARE competing. Stop whining. I say good on both EA and these goons as well. WOO HOO! COMPETITION WINS AGAIN!
  21. Simple. EA is Big and Evil. Hardly anyone knows who "Take Two" is. In fatc, I hadn't head of them until these rumours of them trying to do with MLB what EA did with Madden. Personally, I say good on them. And, I'll say that even though I'd rathe rhave EA making their Triple Play/MLB games. They rock. Ah well. You win some; you lose some.
  22. I didn't like IWD2. IWD1 was better in every way except rules wise. That is all.
  23. Sammael wrote "1. You can play in third person" Yes, you can. Unless, of course, those (many) times where the computer automatically forces you to change views. Very annoying that. Very annoying that. As for the rest of your BL comments, I agree pretty much 100% with your assessment of the game.
  24. The Codex, of course, is laying most of the blame on the three different publisher. As for the actual posisble bad news, it's kinda too bad. I did enjoy 2 out of 3 of Troika's games inspite of any problems with them. Alas, Troika only has themselves and possibly their delusional fanboys to blame. R00fles!
  25. "Your blind faith would probaly be better spent in other arenas but if you so believe in our criminal justice system, then who am I to argue." Huh? Talk about a nonsenical reply. I say I want proof of the judge's bias and that somehow make it seem that I beleive the Justice System is perfect? Believe me, there's lots of things wrong with the Justice System. This judge, so far, isn't one of 'em. At least not in this case.
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