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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "is eight skills... and some of them is cross-skills" They don't have to be. And, when i said 'easily'; I meant if someone wanted to do it it can be done easily..
  2. "Everyone says it sucks." Eh? You should read more posts... and, not exaggerate.
  3. And, if you do you get to say Atris in her panties.
  4. "Peragus on the other side is a far more interesting story. You try to figure whats going on and the Sith are already after you." Um. That is the story. And, no, it was not thrilling. It was boring. Nearly fell asleep, in fact. And, would've if it wans't for the bugs to keep me awake. <>
  5. "'cause even a sentinel/watchman cannot max out every skill..." You sure about that? Mine has an intelligence of 14 and I come pretty darn close to doing just that. I imagine someone focusing on intelligence can *easily* max out the skills or darn close it.
  6. Sue Obsidian/LA for identity theft.
  7. IWD2 was the second easiest IE game behind PST. It's overrated.
  8. "Yeah, well done Volly. Your analysis is absolutely correct...albeit one minor detail - the Sith still think you're a Jedi (well acording to Kreia anyway). Wait, why the hell does Sion then call you 'Exile"? This makes no logical sense at all." Amen. I'm glad youa ren't blindly defending that part. Those who do are more annoying than Krea, Atton, and Carth combined. :D "This character develops at an exponential rate. Trust me." She's improved somewhat. She's still not as clever as she thinks she is. The only reason I use her is because of being pre spoiled about what she offers you. "I'm sure you'll just dig the love-hate dominatrix thing." Nah. I already have Handmaiden for that. <> :"> "In regards to random loot, I already ran into something silly in the first playthrough. I got the Circlet of Saresh from K1... twice. I checked, and sure enough, there were two of what should be a UNIQUE item in my inventory. They should have items that unique marked to not spawn more than once." Agreed. Not to mention getting Jedi robs from random thugs on the street..
  9. Yes, if they improve the game's weaknesses. "No K3 threads, they've been done a million times. Moderator Lock it. Not again.......... And yes most people want K3. Now, if you are wise delete this topic." Stop trolling, please.
  10. "I really hope Obsidian doesn't do to KotOR3 what Bioware did to Baldur's Gate 3 BG3 was a great game and all, but it didn't feel like a sequel, it felt like an expansion for BG2" Huh? What ya babbling about? There is no BG3. There will probably be a BG3 when Atari decides there is one; but there is no BG3 at thsi time..
  11. I've played further. I'm still the last non Jedi Jedi.
  12. KOTOR should be cheap. Get it then KOTOR2. Or reverse the order.
  13. Agreed. It does a good job of going over important stuff from KOTOR1. Sure, it could have done more; but still a solid job in this area.
  14. Uh. Does. not. compute. You said you experience no crashes yet your first install crashed... Hmm...
  15. "I was bored to death in Taris and much the same way, I couldn't wait to get the hell out of Peragus. So since Peragus is shorter, Peragus gets my vote." At least Taris wasn't a striaght up boring dungeon cawl. Youa ctually had eal interatcion (other than the handful of joinable npcs like Kreia). That's why I personally prefer it. WOW! YOu are moving along quick. It took me 2 days to finish peragus due to not wanting to. <>
  16. "No. Neither have you. So quit assuming OE can do whatever they want with the license. Perhaps they can put out patches at their own discretion, or perhaps they don't. I don't know. YOU don't know." I never said they could do anything like that. What I said is that I doubt very much that LA would actually waste time suing them over a release of apatch. As for you not having bugs with what I presume is your rented copy, good for you.
  17. YOU ARE THE LAST JEDI (even though you are neither a Jedi any longer and there ar eother Jedis still around!) If there's one thing I'll take awya from this game; it'll be that line.
  18. "Stop blaming Developers for the Publisher's decisions." Stop blaming the publisher for the dveloper's bugs. Why do people insist giving Obsidian props for the good aprts of the game; but none of the negative? People have even blamed BIo for some of KOTOR's negatives; but don't give them credit for the positive. R00fles!
  19. "Only unrelated in your mind. Copyright infringement can be commited by Mike Gallo himself, if he doesn't count with the official support of LA. OE MUST be allowed to put out a patch by LA, due to the license stuff, at least from a legal standpoint. That can't be argued." Ahh.. So, you've seen the contract.
  20. I agree with the Pooster. The music as pretty awesome until I go to the Cantina. You'd they'd the Cantina would hie quality performers... <> Heck, the Peragus music is done better and no one is "performing" it. :D
  21. "The thing is you didnt choose to come out of your exile. "BLANK" As it has been said it will be explained more later. The story has it flaws but that isnt one of of them." That's my point. The Sith should have relaized with thier research that the PC was no threat to them yet the go after you anyways basically making you a threat. The Sith have enough enemies; did they have to create another one/ Guess they needed a challenge. :D "Funny review, sounds like Volourn is a member of the staff at somethingawful.com." LOL As for your nitpick, well, that's why I mention the 'convoluted' thing. I figured something like that even though it's not explained/shown exactly what happens. Meh. Why bother getting you the option(s) to ask Atton not to do it like 3 times in one convo when its obvious it'll be destroyed anyways. 'Tis silly and wasteful. I guess they just had to have the Peragus destroyed and to show how "evil" Sion is. R00fles!
  22. "And in case you don't know, LA has been known for shutting down mod projects and whatnot for not complying with copyright laws and stuff. The same could happen with a patch." I'm glad you brought up a completely unrelated issue. A patch being made for a LA game, and mod projects breaking the law are two seperate things.
  23. "THINK before you post. They are not going to risk a lawsuit just because a bunch of people whine and bitch for a patch on their forums. Nobody with half a brain would." Yeah, whatever. LA is really gonna sue Obsidian for releasing a patch. You'd have to be gullible to believe that nonsense.
  24. Taris. Simply more to do. More freedom, more interaction, more people, more variety, more coolness. Peragus is just a hugely long easy dungeon crawl where youa re forced to play another character about half the time. Not cool.
  25. "The importance of the 'Last Jedi' in regards to the Sith has to do with what the Jedi stand for - the struggle of light and dark. Your character is the only Jedi who didin't go into hiding after the Jedi Civil War and who didn't join Revan after the Mandalorian Wars either. The Jedi who went into hiding ceased to be Jedi in that regard as they no longer actively battle against the Dark Side. Convolute perhaps, but it is explained. Play it a little longer, and you'll see." That's funny. Your character was no longer battling the Dark Side either. Afterall, you had been in exile for a good 10 years. Heck, you gave up/lost your sabre; lost your connection to your force. Bottom line, they made an enemy they didn't need. You were no longer a Jedi. No. logic. there. at. all. "Useless? Depends on your point of view. Sure, you don't really need it per say, but from a 'power-gaming' perspective, certain items can only be made with the labstation/workbench (especially due to the randomness of the loot generator)" Eh. Useless may be a tad harsh; but its definitely not adding to the game as much as I did. Since this my first time through; I won't be noticing the random loot too much until I get stuff that doesn't make sense.. "Acually there is - at least partially to an extent in not all the way to level 1. You see Volly, this Jedi lost his connection to the Force. We don't really know how badly these Jedi rely on the Force; they use it as a guide and ally in almost everything they do, and in almost every perception that they use. Without it, they're nothing more than a man, a woman or a child. All will be revealed." Uhuh. For some reasons I have my doubt. <> Espiically consideirng how easy you recconect to the force. "Without a doubt. It ranged from item creation to dialogue options to opening new quests. Good stuff." Just to have something positive in this reply, yeah, skill useage is awesome.
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