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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "the bright side, "Despite some of the worst review scores for a mainstream game released in 2005, VUGames sent out a press release announcing that 50 Cent: Bulletproof has now sold over 1 million units in the US." Here's a thought: Reviewers aren't always right. LOL :D
  2. "But at the same time, using an existing and well plotted storyline could handicap a new writer, especially if they weren't a part of the original storyline. IMO, that same writer could produce a much more original story without constraints if they make a brand new storyline, rather than trying to just add on to an existing one." Maybe. But, it can go either way. It be up to the writer in question to get the job done.
  3. "Something that should have happened to K2, but a certain company said release it now." Hialriously enough, KOTOR2 came out about the time it was originally scheduled to come out - around Christmas time. R00fles! :D
  4. "Fans aren't important? I'm sure game companies would say otherwise or they wouldn't be selling anything." Those are customers. Not neccessarily the same though they often overlap. Afterall, the Codex LOATHE Bioware and are most definitely not BIO fans; but they most assuredly are BIO customers as they lap up the next game BIO releases to loathe it. And, oh, games don't sale AT ALL unless the devloper/publsiher offers soemthing the customers want to buy so, in essence, it's all up to the companies involved. theya re the important ones. "It can, but does that necessarily mean it's a good idea to do it?" Sure, it is. There's more than afew creative ways to make a continuation of the Bhaalspawn storyline, and you can do it with or without the original PC. ie. If the PC decided to remain mortal, a replacement as Lord of Murder takes his/her place and does something "bad" akin to what Bhaal did. ie. Not all Bhaalspawn were destroyed. Some could have taken seats of power for their own, and the PC could be one of them or perhaps runs amok of the Bhaalspawn. ie. The original PC literally has their own "Bhaalspawn" who now has a legacy of their own to make. The list goes on. These are very general, and with proper development could be solid stories based on the events of the Bhaalspawn Saga yet still be open enough for a whole new game. "Much like, for instance, the Star Wars movies. GL can make more movies after the events of Return of the Jedi and continue the saga, but would that really make sense?" Sure, why not? Seems to work for the SW novels. Could focus on Luke's attempts to restartthe Jedi Council. Or that new dominating race trying to conquer the galaxy that's refeered to in the pnp rules (and probably infleunced by the novels). Tons of stuff that cna be done. The (lack of) quality of the writing, characters, and such would mark it as good or bad not the basic plotline/storyline anyways. "I rather see a brand new original storyline set in the city of Baldur's Gate." Bg series, inspite of the name, had little to do with BG. They likely went with a safe name as, afterall, calling it the Bhaalspawn Saga would kind of ruin it the first's major twist. LOL And, oh, prequels tend to be boring. SW notwithstanding.
  5. "Now explain that cowardice part in your post, I'm not sure I get that." Simple. Instead of running away from the problems of a multi cultural Kanada they should be working with fellow Kanadians to work out differences. Instead, Seperatists want to take their bagagge and split just ebcause the country isn't perfect. Running away from your problems is *always* the cowardly way.
  6. Fans simply aren't important enough to count. Period. BG series is dead. The handful of people who still play it (semi) regualrly are not even a blip on the radar. Dead as a doornail. And, oh, BG series and the Bhaalspawn Saga cna both continued. Only the unimaginative think otherwise.
  7. "Back on topic, nothing he said in that leads me to believe the game will be easy." As long as it's more challenging than KOTOR2 as it would show an improvement. Not that being harder than KOTOR2 is any challenge for a developer. Hehehe. P.S. The werewolf was not hard. I only died once because , by golly, I thought it was gonna be killable the 'ol natural way the first time. otherwise it's easy to avoid him long enough to escape (or kill him).
  8. What d umb, lazy, and pathetic decision by the E3 Masters. Why can't why we geeky ugly freaks of nature have both are precious games and are precious women in the same palce at the same time? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Meh. P.S. Not sexist, because I say have overrated hunky (puke) men out there for the geeky ugly freaky girls so it's all fair.
  9. 1. BG2:SOA 2. BG1 3. TOB 4. PST 5. IWD 6. BG1:TOTSC The other two don't deserve to be on the list.
  10. Besides having a handful of fans still playing/modding is nothing to brag about. Even TOEE has that many. Hah!
  11. "If not feeling a part of the country is not a good reason to want out, what is a good reason?" That's all well and good; but the problem I have with bigoted Seperatists they wanna leave the country to run away from their responsibilties yet keep all their rights as Kanadians. I say no way. If you leave the country, you are just another neighbour... a neighbour I have no respect for because of your cowardice.
  12. Llyr speaks from experience.
  13. Short? For an interview it was decent length consideirng it's two pages with reasonably sized replies. Did you expect an essay? LOL :D The new PrC is Warlock Slayer. Or at least it should be.
  14. He had decent intellogence, and wisdom. He also was supposedly good. You shouldn't be attacking people just because they don't do what you want. LOL Overall, though, I am one of those who like 'time limits' as long as they make sense in context of the quest.
  15. As for the Minsc situation, I like that it is on a timer of sorts. What i don't appreciate is Minsc going even more psycho and needlessly attacking you. It be ok if he simply elft the party; but him attacking 5 other party members is stupid on so many levels. What a dumbo design.
  16. With all the interviews around, I can't be 100% sure this is brand new; but it's certainly new to me and I tend to follow thes elike a hawk so... http://www.actiontrip.com/previews/neverwi...ights2_i2.phtml Good stuff here. Unlike other interviews, I can't find one negative about the game in this interview. Good stuff.
  17. Try the new link and follow the instructions... LOL :D
  18. Our votes might not matter!: http://ca.fullcoverage.yahoo.com/fc/Breaki..._stories_1.html Try the following topic: "Party with the most seats doesn't necessarily form government" Sure, it's unlikely to happen to but this is for fellow Kanandians who looked down upon the Amerikans because the one who didn't get the 'most votes' won the election 2 elections ago. Anyways, time to see how the Conservatives behave in power.
  19. "For the most part, this statement is illogical and flawed beyond belief." How is it illogical? Bioware still supports NWN with patches, and official content. When was the last time they did anything for BG series? Sure, you can point to the mere handful of player still foolinga round with BG's corpse; but that's nothing compared to the thousands still playing NWN. Not to mention the coming of NWN2 which will only enhance the Greatest Game Series ever's legacy for many years to come. LONG LIVE NWN AND AURORA!!!
  20. BG series is dead. Dead, dead, dead. Why are you people playing with a corpse? BIO has admitted to the death of BG many years ago when they threw that dead engine in the trash wher eit belongs with all the other dead engines. LONG LIVE NWN AND AURORA!!! There's a reason why NWN is still getting patches and official content from the devloper and BG series isn't. One game is dead, the other is ALIVE!!! P.S. It's tiny as I just recently rebooted my computer. Plus, outside of my in progress never ending trying to finish modules, I don't play much user mdoules. I spend my time playing on a certain PW and working on my mods. P.S.S. And, oh, that other 'thing' that Hades implied is also very, very, tiny.
  21. Normally, I'd agree but I'm simply over hyped by his media blitz (true; not completely his fualt). It's just that everyone made it seem he was the only noteworthy rookie in the league this year. Not to mention the brgaging of how he 9and Lemiux) were gonna kick butt this year. LOL I didn't really hear about Ovechkin or even Lundqvist despite him being a Rnager. Not to mention the handful of other rookies in the league. Heck, the Rangers have another rookie in Prucha who has more goals than Crosby (though he seems to suck at assists lol:P). Remember, I;m saying he's overrated not that he sucks. He's obviously a good, young player.
  22. "Lundqvist is great too, but it seems like the Rangers are playing well in front of him as well." Compare his stats to the Ranger back up. The Rangers are doing well for only two reasons - Lunqvist, and Jagr. the rest of the team is doing well *because* of them. "I don't think he'll be able to got in the spotlight enough to win the Calder." This is sadly true despite his stats being pretty much on par (a little below) the best goalie in the league Hasek. heck, depending what happens for the rest of the seasons, Lunqvist has a fair chance of winning the Vezina (but probably won't either). The reason why I say Crosby is overrated is because he came in the league being bragged about how awesomely godly he was on the ice. He's been nothing but mortal. Is he having a good season? Sure. But, 90 points or so in new NHL is no longer that impressive; but Lundqvist's stats are. I could live with Ovichkin winning the Calder (just bearely) 'cause his stats and playa re actually impressive; but not Crosby. But, like I said, I'll be accused of biasness; but the stats back me up. Espicially since I was one of the many who thoguht the Rangers would suck this year. LOL :D
  23. "My problem with the lizards is that Bioware made them appear to be this great one and only creator race which they are not. They are 1 of five and oneof those five are humans." Well.. They were concetrtaing on just that one. It was their tale; not the others'. I don't think they meant to imply the Lizardfolk were the *only* Creator Race but the only one that mattered in the story. "Also they got the whole time traveling wrong inthe Realms. There are only one way to travel in time in the Realms and that is use of time conduits which exist only in 3 locations. Mystryl made very very very strict rules about time traveling and Mystra enforces those rules fully." Rules are meant to be broken. In fact, Mystra herself is one who breaks them. "I think you're confusing mkreku and myself." My apologizes. (haha, I *do* apologize, R00fles!) For soem reason don't ask me why. I often get you two mixed up.
  24. Ice age? Huh? BIO didn't make up the 'ancient lizards'. TSR did. Anyways, what was BIo (and subsequently Obsdiain) thinking when they didn't even *try* to make use of the D20 SW rules. At least in games like NWN, the IE games, or TOEE; there was effort to make it as close as possible. P.S. Not counting POR2 because... well.. that game si full of 'what were they thinkings'. R00fles! "Don't ruin this thread," Don't balme here for your actions. She followed the topic, and then you attcaked her by accusing he rof 'cheating' or 'she should play in god mode'.
  25. "Ovechkin for Calder though!" I'm bias most likely; but the Rangers' Henrik Lundqvist is just as deserving if not more so. A 20-6-5 record, 2.14 GAA, .927 S%, and 2 shutouts (all near the top of the elague) is nothing to sneeze at in the new NHL espicially for a rookie netminder playing on a team that had missed the play-offs 7 seasons running with that team expected to be comeplet crap this year. He also managed to take away the #1 Golatender spot early in the season too. Ovechkin will likely win because he is getting all the hoopla along with the overrated Crosby. Though, Ovechkin is a worthy winner.
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