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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "True, but" Ellester, it's true you said, BUT you said but... " "...the dwarf makes a great BIOw**nian arse-kisser fer sure, anyways...years o' practice, I guesses..." Oh really, that must explain why they'v cursed me out, and banned me several times.... Uhuh.. I'm a HUGE kissass when I say KOTOR is overrated. LOL Espicially since I haven't even played all their games, and never will... R00fles!!!
  2. Volourn


    "Jagre has a ton of points, but he's probably only in the top 100 in terms of greatness. If he suddenly comes alive in the playoffs and takes his team to consecutive Stanley Cups, then he will be great." Actually, he did with the Penguins. LOL :D And, I still say Crosby didn't live up to the hype. People were saying he was *easily* the best rookie in the league this year. In fact, he was so overhyped that he was along with Lemiux and others were supposed to make the Pens one of the best teams in the league this year, and he hasn't hence why he is soooo overhyped. Heck, he's *maybe* the 3rd best rookie in the league. Definitely not in the top 2.
  3. " it would not have been their decision to move the boards. The only decision they would have made, would have been to accept the idea suggested by Atari. " Duh. That's exactly what i said. Atari decided to move the boards. They thought it be a good idea to have them hosted on BIO's baords. The final decision to it being on the BIo boards was BIO's. Period.
  4. I never once said you said that. Look closely. I said you made it SOUND like they had no choice. Man. Reading compression is even worse than my typing. WOWSERS!!!
  5. "Therefore, it can still be Atari's idea. They just needed Bio's agreement since it was their boards." Agreed. That's my point. "It was still Atari's decision to move the boards. Bioware just accepted." You make it sound like BIO had no choice. That's balony. Atari thoguht it would help to move the NWN2 boards to BIo's baord home of NWN1 boards, and BIO *agreed* . The final decision to have NWN2 hosted on the BIO baords was BIO's because it's THEIR boards. This isn't complicated, folks.
  6. "We can speculate what happened behind the scenes but all we were given was it was Atari
  7. "It very much is real life." No.
  8. "Like I said, we have no idea what Bioware's actual expectation were, so we can't say if it's good or bad." BIO has satted quite clearly that they are happy with JE's performance, and have stated its met and passed their expectations. Unless you have proof otherwise there's no reason for anyone *not* to believe them. "It was Atari's decision to move boards to Bio, not Bio's." Oh reaally? So, Atari just added them to the BIO boardd and BIO had no say it? I highly douubt that. Anything that officially happens on the BIO boards is up to BIO. Period.
  9. Um... Hades is the guy who who insults MW then proceeds to play it for 300+ hous accoridng to him in one play through...
  10. "hardly matters, I supposes, but I hates bein' called a liar when I ain't lyin'... " Well... whatever case it be hard to go out of my way to powergame anything in TOB as I only played it once. LOL *That's* why I know you are either lying, or misremembering...
  11. "Hmmmm, I think Volo and I have different interpretations of the "Chosen One" term." Perhaps. Mine tends to include one being predestined for something. ie. out of their control and destined to do great things usually good but neccessarily always true. Examples: Buffy and Angel are 'Chosen Ones'. Willow, while a powerful witch, is not a 'Chosen One' For example, in the OC, while the PC was eventually 'chosen' by Aribeth you weren't a 'Chosen One' as you were just a random trainee at the Academy that she likely saw a sonething that lacked in the other trainees (ie. that temporary henchmen you got in the prologue). In fact, the biggest beef there is that Aribeth seemed to be too sure of the PC so quickly. Another example of her being a confused, and easily manipulated soul.
  12. "ye e'en admitted 'afore ye enjoyed the odd powergamin' romp through SoA/ToB "when ye was bored"...yer soo full o' fecal matter yer eyes be a deep, stinkin' brown... " WOWSERS! A flat out lie to be sure, This comment of yours is 100% unproveable. You also make it sound like I play the game many times which is also a lie since I've on;y played the game 3 times. You are making stuff up or just as likely confusing me with someone else. R00fles! So, what's the bet then? I want to be able to collect it when we meet in Hell.
  13. How much of bet? I'll collect it in hell when we meet there.
  14. "Bioware also seem to like stories about the reappearance of long-forgotten civilizations - the Rakata in Kotor and the Old Ones in NWN. Don't know if that's true for their other games, though. " This is true though JE or BG series didn't have it. So... 3/5 of their CRPGs didn't have it... Hmm..
  15. Actually, we should be nice. Bringing up the werewolf constantly may be funny and cute; but tis about to die in usefulness. Sarge, cheat at Mr. Fireball? That is sooo cute. He's practically beatable with eyes closed. Heck, it was so easy that Hades beat it solo. LOL I don't cheat. No need to. Not to mention that when I played BG I wouldn't even have known *how* to cheat. L0LLERS "Why? DnD werewolves are easy to kill." Really? You should stop fighting them with your level 20 mage lol, and fight them as a real warrior as a level 1 rogue.
  16. I see a werewolf coming! RUNNNNN!!!
  17. "Ask Bioware, they sure love their "Chosen One" storylines. I'm starting to doubt that they are capable of having a story without that element.. " BG series - Not Chosen One NWN (including expansions) - Not Chosen One JE - Not Chosen One KOTOR - Not Chosen One Seems to me they ar every capable of not 'chosen one' storylines.
  18. Nah, that was Durlag's save one battle. I'm sure you guys died. Aftewrall, if you find the Fireball R00flers challenging you'd likely find anything hard. Hahahaha!!
  19. Probably 10 - all at the same battle. Hehehe.
  20. "No, you have to wlak a long ways out to leave Durlag's while all you need to do is step through a portal on Watcher's Keep and poof you are outside the keep." And? All enemies are dead so its just tedious walking back and forth. Great fun, indeed! Not to mention the one portal as well. Plus, it was explivitly explained *why* Watcher's Keep had multiple entracnes. It's a part of its history and background as Helm designed it for a reason. "But at that point when I visited the tower I was a high level party" What do you mean by 'high level'? You start TOB at around level 20. And if you didn't die even concem you were likely one of the very few. That still doesn't mean it was easy.
  21. "How the hell was it more challenging when you could leave the dungeon with ease at any time you want?" You can pretty much do that in Durlag's except the one area after the Psycho Dwarfs. "really???...an' which "battle" in Watcher's was e'en the least bit challengin', dwarf???...Demogorgon???...pleeze; he was so damnably neutered, I's surprised he didna have a Soprano-pitched voice-o'er...a fricken demon prince an' he couldna e'en last a couple o' combat rounds...Watcher's was the warehouse for the "Let's Make A Deal BIOw**nian Style" roadshow..." He was more challenging than the stupid Durlag boss and his lame fireballs. L0LLERS! "Watcher's was a cakewalk" So how much did you die? Lots most likely. People have a real weird definition of 'cakewalk', and 'easy' it seems. "But Durlags was cooler though" It was a dwarven keep so of course it was. :cool: Then agan, Helm is cool too so Watcher's earned bonus points too.
  22. Watcher's was wayy more challenging. Durlag's had only one tough battle.
  23. Darque has bad taste She agrees wit me!
  24. "Watchers keep is just a loot bank" So was Durlag's.
  25. "The NWN OC on the other hand not so much." Then why play it so much? It'll be like continually playing POR2, or MW. Does not compute. P.S. Alanshu wins.
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