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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. I like Grom's main point. Good idea.
  2. Oh yeah... add that oen to the list. Thanks a bunch for rmeinding about another crappy game I WANT to forget. :D "Never again." Never forget.
  3. Every time someone 'steals' my silly sayings, I'm one second closer to Sainthood. Thanks, guys. Anyways, IWD2 is underrated when it comes to implementing 3E rules. It does a very good job of it. In many ways, it's on par with both NWN and TOEE in this aspect.
  4. Pools of Radiance 2. ES series. Dungeon Seige. Those are the crappiest ever of ones I can actually remember, and only because I';m barraged on message boards about them.
  5. "She turned you down, didn
  6. "Depends on how you define the term "role-playing". Back then role-playing was nothing more than taking a bunch of characters into dungeons, beating the crap out of monsters and by doing that gaining experience points for your aforementioned characters, so role-playing a plenty in these games." That's not role-playing. That's dungeon crawling. Role-playing is more than just leveling up, and killing monsters even those two activities cna be fun as they (mostly) wer ein the GB games. Still not role-playing though. "Recall that not only did Ultima VII (both parts) but both of the Fallouts had a better/more advanced dialogue system than Baldur's Gate I. Fallout I came out the year before BG and Fallout II came out the same year as BG." Sorry; but I figured when you stated 'earlier RPGs' that you menat games that had been out for years ala a 'different generation'. FO, of course, has more role-playing than BG; but since both games are like a year a part, I would term FO has really an older game even if it did technically come out earlier. I'm talking about games in the 80s and very early 90s. "Annah was a hot female half-fiend with a tail and a body that gets literally hotter when aroused." Annah is a crap character. She was so extremely shallow she makes the FO joinable npcs look as deep as the ocean. She was a **** who had sex with her adopted father,a nd who would jump in the sack at the first ugly dude that looked her way. She is one of the most overrated characters ever. Fall-From-Grace was much better in every way. "BG1 was, at its core, equally as hack'n slash as IWD1" As Lancer pointed out quite accurately, the two games aren't even close to being equal. IWD was about exploring dungeons, and hacking monsters. Story came came second. BG1 was about solving the mystery of the mine difficulties, and finding out about your charcter's origins. Sure, there was a lot of combat; but the purpose of the game was *not* the combat. In IWD and all hack n slashes; the combat is the purpose of the game while in non hack n slashes any (well most of it) like BG or PST or FO the combat is a means to an end - learning the story, role-playing your characters, and discovering the world.
  7. Drizzt is snotty? WOW! He's anything but. In fact, he's anything but. He's alwasy fearful of losing himself in hatred. Some people should actually *read* the novels before making stuff up. Drizzt is far from perfect, and makes tons of mistakes, and is far from snuff. Also read the short story about his encounter with a peculiar goblin. NOT a happy story to be sure. DRIZZT RULES ALL! People confuse Drizzt fanboys who run around with dark elf good duel weilding rangers with the actual Drizzt! LONG LIVE DD!!
  8. Trolling again now that you are no longer a mod, SS?
  9. In essence, they have trained you well.
  10. "Role playing isn't about gaining power and "winning." " That's up to the individual. Role-playing games are all whatever the players, and DMs make it. Be that dungeon crawling, politicial intrigue, or whaever. All are legit ways to play.
  11. And? Most of those banned deserved it. You don't get banned there for being colourful' as you put it. You get banned when (in BIO's opinion) you are viewed as disruptive. If it was so unfun there you wouldn't have made 1 billion alteregos in an attempt to post there. Obviously, you've enjoyed posting on the BIO boards very much. LOL :D
  12. "I personally don't like the time-triggered dialogue system of BG2. The time-triggered dialogue system meant that you would have conversations with your party in the most unlikely and illogical situations. Not only that but ongoing conversations felt disjointed due to their random nature. I think that you should be able to converse with your NPCs anytime you want whenever you want." A legit complaint. And, true, soemtimes it occured at illogical times. I don't think it's personally a big enough deal to hurt it much. All I know is that pretty much every joinable in BG2 had solid story and backgrounds, good interaction, and the player could influence them to varying degrees. That's about the same level as U7 did to my memory of such an ancient (and great) game. "And what direction was that?" About getting as close to the pnp experience as possible in a single player D&D game. You should be comapring the IE games to, say, the GB games not Ultima. "And BTW, I loved BG1. It is my second favorite Infinity game." I never said you hated it. We're discussing one aspect. I;m sure there ar ethings yoiu liked about BG1 that I didn't. "But this was one aspect in which earlier RPGS did a bit better in." Oh really? I'm surprised you used plural form here. Ultima can be argued to be better in this aspect. No doubt about it. But, what other earlier RPGs were in either BG or Ultima's class when it came to character interaction? I cna't think of any unless its some obscure one. Certianly not the GB games, M&M, Wizardry, Bard's Tale, etc. Most of these are basiclaly exploration/dungeon crawling games. Very light on actual role-playing.
  13. "The BG1 NPCs were nothing but pack mules. All they did was complain when you didn't do their quest or if your deeds countered their ideals." You contradict yourself. "BG's treatment of NPC character interaction in comparison (including BG2!) was a step backwards indeed. Not until Torment did we see a game that continued that high character interaction standard originally set by Ultima VII." Not quite true. BG2's treatment of character interaction is just as deep as Ultima 7's was. Ultima did have other things going for it as well, and BG2 had things that Ultima didn't do so well either. BG1 was lacking there; but then again, BG's goal was not the same as Ultima's so it wasn't a 'step backwards'. It wa step in a different direction. Just like IWD wasn't a step backwards from BG1 in terms of interaction even though it used the same engine as its goals were different.
  14. Real life does not equal = Fantasy. Anyways, I agree to soeme xtent, the 'Chosen One' story is overused. And, it's almost never used in pnp role-playing. At least I've NEVER seen it used in any pnp campaigns I've played or Dmed.
  15. "Can't. Banned for life at Bioware." Just use your unbanned accounts, or make a new one.
  16. Volourn


    Belfour is still a good goalie. If he is doing bad it's because the team in front of him is not so good. LONG LIVE THE EAGLE!!!
  17. "OMG KOTOR GAMES HAD ME AT PERFECTLY BALANCED LS/DS!!@ TWTFW#@" OMG OMG OMG Poor comparison. KOTOR is not D&D. Secondly, your character didn't remember his past so of course he didn't have a moral outlook untilt he player started making choice. Unless you are saying the PC in NWN2 has amnesia? R00fles!
  18. "ye dunna know the situation yer in startin' out the "adventure"," The adventure means squat. Presumably your character is either an adult or close to being one. This means, depending on race, they've had 16-125 years to live their life and make moral choices one way or the other. Someone's morals don't just appear when the game starts, ya know.
  19. "And neutral doesn't mean "never made a moral choice" In this case, it sure seems like it. Why else are they forcing all PCs to start TN (not counting certain class limitations)? Just because the OC just started; it shouldn't mean all characters have the same moral out look. Remember, as you pointed out, Neutrality is not neccesarrily the lack of moral choice; but a moral choice has been made. Hence, my character presumably has had a life previously to the start of the game. The player should be a llowed to choose how his character has been living morally and not be forced to be 'neutral'. "I'm thinking the story will be pretty good." I'm sure it will... but that has nothing to do with my complaint.. does it? Anyways, what we know of the story thus far it's set up like IWD2, HOTU, or many other games are - Big Bad making a huge army... "Two-Handed War Mauls...an' some cool-arse two-handed Battle Axes fer me Wemic ta dirtnap folks..." Mauls would be cool. Great axes are already in most likely sicne they were in NWN1. Wemics are wussies, and write funny. But are ok. "Get it right Volorun. "
  20. Your forced to be Neutral to start (barring class restrictions) which is illogical since it presume that people never made a moral choice in their character's life pre OC...
  21. NWN2 will be a good if not great game even if they're destroying familiars, adding garbage like the Warlock, and the poor alignment handling in the OC. Why? 'Cause it'll have a sweet world map, HORSIES to ride, and even more dwarves!
  22. "I guess my defenition is that a "chosen one" is someone with more power than a "standard character" would have. Another point is how everything seems to revolve around you all the time, you are'nt a keyplayer in the game, you practically are the game itself. Almost nothing happens without you having been present. One example is BG you are the offspring of a dead god, giving you a great destiny and power from the start. In JE you are the last of the spiritmonks, the only capable of destroying the evil in the land. KOTORS character always comes off as a giant twink, former warlord that controlled several fleets, badass in using lightsabers and obscenly strong with forcepowers." Well, by your defintion, you are basically a Chosen One tm in FO series, and PST as well. Not to mention most games. In pratically every game the game focuses on the PC as being soemthing special even if they're actually just a normal person. "In JE you are the last of the spiritmonks, the only capable of destroying the evil in the land." Of course, there's the fact you can utterly destroy the Spirit, and dominate the land. And, you aren't really the only one capable of it. "KOTORS character always comes off as a giant twink, former warlord that controlled several fleets, badass in using lightsabers and obscenly strong with forcepowers" Who ultiamtely failed as he got backstabbed by his minion, and then brainwiped by his former enemies. "One example is BG you are the offspring of a dead god, giving you a great destiny and power from the start." Really? Is this great power the power that allows you to do die from a single magic missle or a single attack my xvart? Weird. That's awesome power! As for great destiny.. no more destiny than all the other PCs in any other game. It's not destiny if there's the possibility of failure. "you possessed the relic that connected you to Mephistopheles from the very beginning." Of course, the 'Chosen One' aspect here was just a ruse by Meph. He didn't care about you. He only used you because you had stumbled upon the artifact. You werne't anything special. Meph just made the Drow Priestess *believe* you were which ironically his only tricks and games backfired on him.
  23. "Volourn was banned once from Black Isle too." Yeha; but that doesn't really count. I had to BEG to be banned, and that wasn't even enough. I had to be really, really, really, really, really mean to people before Mr. Sawyer aka Overseer took me out like the trash I was.
  24. Who says I did? LOL They accept me as a poster grudgingly not because they're big fans of me. Anyways, bannings ar eold news. Let's stay on topic. It's not about me or BIO. It's about NWN2....
  25. Volourn


    Yes. Ovechkin is top 10 in scoring, and Lunqvist is top 5 in all important goalie categories except wins (top 10). I think that qualfies them both as being better than Crosby. Espicially since Ovechkin's team is fighting for a play-off spot, and Lunqvist is one of the two main reasons why the Rangers are one of the best teams in the league (top 10) when they had missed the play-offs 7 seasons in a row. What has Crosby done? A good point total on a team that is in the bottom 3 of the league. Not that impressive espciially consideirng the hype.
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