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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Everytime I read the title of this game I always make the quick impression that it's made by BIO... even though I know it's not. LOL That's the only "worthy" addition I have to this thread or game so I'll shut up now. :D
  2. "Muslims can insult Jews, Christians, Buddhists and others, but God forbid if anyone should do anything in the slightest way questionable, they will take to the streets and commit violence," Zuroff said, appearing on CTV's Canada AM." That says it all. Game over.
  3. Seems to be that one of the definitions of 'art' that Lancer likes to use is 'what are his favorite x'. As for me, no game is art. No book is art. To me, art is paintings, drawings, etc. To me, art has nothing to do with quality. Even the worst painting is art. Even the best novel isn't art. Afterall, writing/movie making/games were not taught in my Art Class. LOL
  4. Volourn


    That's just dumb. I don't want losers playing for the Cup., I want the *best* players playing for it.
  5. 1. Extremists using Islam (or any religion for that matter) to commit violent acts are scumbags. 2. Any religion that oks violence outside of self defense or defending families, and friends from violence is a scumbag religion. That said, extremists of all rleigions - Islam, Christian, and so - tend to twist various verses in their respective religious texts to justify their lust for power, and their hatred for those whoa re different. A good exmaple is going on now over these comics. Step 1: Certain European newpapers (kinda irrelevant who) decides to print some arguably funny yet insulting pictures. Step 2: Protests occur, and dissapproval occurs with many Muslims and others taking insult with the implication that their religion is being protrayed as violent. Step 3: The aforementioned scumbags in Part 1 decide to use this oppurtunity to ransack, burn, and utter threats of murder including threats of an 'European 9/11'. Step 4: An Iranian newspaper who i presume highly dissaproved of these mocking comics decide thet'll hold a contest to see who can mock the Holocaust in the funniest matter. Step 5: I shake my head in disgust at the silliness and sadness of the needless deaths. But, all is not lost. Many good Muslims can voice their displeasure without violence like all civilized folks should. Just look at the Muslim Organizations in the US, or the West. I think this is more about the ME gov'ts encouraging such displays to bash the West as to keep their citizens from pointing their fingers at those who are really threatening and mocking Islam - and, it's not some silly comic writer who has possibly bad tatse in place of humour.
  6. Alreayd did. What ya gonn ado about it except whine about our whining? Nothing. That's what. And, yeah, Seatltle *did* get ripped off. Deal with it.
  7. Volourn


    I think no team should get a point for a loss. And, Hurlshot, these days I wouldn't count 100 points as some sort of milestone. Not like it used to be, anyways. And, I swear I feel like smashing the Hype Police. I won't as smashing people is wrong; but I feel like it. I dunno how a golaie whose numbers are basically as good as the best goalie in the league isn't worthy of Calder talk. Bah. Forget the Calder. It'll be funny if he maanges to win the Vezina. Hehehe.
  8. http://news.yahoo.com/s/cpress/20060207/ca..._iran_holocaust Hahaha! Hilaritty abounds by that honourable land known as Iran. Anyways, they have the right to make any pictures they want; but their hypocrisy is loud, and clear. R00fles!
  9. "Those of you that took offense to these Christian/Jew based cartoons" Doesn't bother me. Heck, someone can make a cartoon making Kanadians look like Nazis and it wouldn't bother me at all. But, don't worry, no cartoons from me as links ar evil, anyways.
  10. Epiphany was a troll? I just thought he was a passionate defender of his console of chocie? Hmm...
  11. Plus, it should be pointed out again, that this started with the accusation that BIO is living on past gloroy when that's exactly what Obsidian has done... and their 'past glory' is /was a whole different company's work... that being BIS. It seems like a double standard is at play, imo. At least BIO is BIO (well, for now anyways, lol). Anyways, that's enough from me on the issue. Probably bored of me by now... again..."
  12. He's alive! :D
  13. "I have to kiss their arse because the game I am following is a sequal to one of theirs?" No one said you had to 'kiss their arse'. " I didnt know that takes away my right for being critical of their PC gaming (lack of) focus/quality." It doesn't. However, there's a difference between being 'critical', and simply bashing. ie. I'm critical of the KOTOR series. I BASH the ES series. LOL :D
  14. Um.. That had as much to do with the Seattle D as it did with the Pittsburgh O.
  15. "Speaking of ignorant... what about the 'speaking as a non-console guy' did you people not grasp? To translate: NOT taking into account their console games and speaking as a PC only gamer." I pointed this out. "As a PC only gamer my comments are accurate. They have not done anything good (story wise, full game) since BG2 and for a overall PC game not produced anything since classic NWN." No, it isn't. First off, it's your opinion. Second off, as much as I'ma BIO 'fanboy. (lol, a fanboy that calls BIO's best seller overrated :D ) "And V, you made your point about my error JE a LONG time ago, you just getting your kicks beating me up over that still? gezz... grow up/move on. seriouslly" I'm just teasin'... "I know you are a bioware fan boi but come on..." I honestly don't think most people know what fanboy truly is. Last I checked, fanboys don't say what ever company they are a 'faboy of''s game s as overrated like I constantly do with KOTOR. not to much emntion, I haven't even bothered to play every BIO game. At least when someone calls someone a fanboy at least know what the word means. You Obsidian Fanboy, you.
  16. "'Robinson said he received four or five job offers immediately after leaving Sony, and even got a book deal as a result of the article.' I feel so bad for him" Haha. :D I'm with everyone. I'm into wahtever has the best games. PS2 had games I wanted like FF. X-BOX 360 is the console I'm most likely to buy now as it'll have both BIO, and Obsidian RPG (action or otherwise) on it which gives it a leg up on the PS3. Nintendo has basically been dead to me since the Super Nintendo days when I grew out of Mario.
  17. "The bad calls went against both sides, like Hasselback's fumble that wasn't ruled a fumble." That was clearly not a fumble. Remember, the refs intiially claled it a fumble; but the reply clearly shows there was contact made then he fell to the ground which led to the play being over. You cna't fumble after a play is over. Know the rules. I agree though that Roth's TD was a TD. As for the score, and what it *could* have been... wanna live in 'couldas'? Ok then. Let's play that way. Seattle coulda scored another 5-6 TDs if it wasn't for horrible calls, bad penalties (some cause of Seattle screwing up and some because of bad calls)... and, they'd hve done it in the first half.
  18. I deserve to die as I'm an unsensitive p***k that was forced to laugh when I see those comics... just as I laugh when someone makes a funny against Christianity, Jews, Amerikans, Whites, Blacks, Men, Women, and others. :D :D :D
  19. Rhomal doesn't realize that if it wans't for Bioware, Obsidian wouldn't have worked on either KOTOR2 or NWN2 - two million + guarnateed sellers. Plus, it seems that for now, Obsidian as much as I like them, are also living on past glory. Afterall, they got both games *because* of their old ties with BIO. Seems to me BIO isn't the only one working on 'past glory'. Of course, since BG, BIO has worked on NWN (wayyyyy better than BG2), KOTOR (ok game thoguh overrated), and JE (not PC; but just as good as BG2 and better than BG1 and definitely better than either KOTOR). Then again, Rhomal shouldn't be talking again. As he's proven to be ignorant - he still believes that JE has no dialogue skills. LOL That's funny 'cause it has more dialogue skills than the KOTOR series. LOLLERS R00fles! As for the topic, as I've said before, I don't really care what happens to any company. Be it BIO, Obsidian, or any other. I buy games. if BIO continues to make games I feel I'll enjoy; I'll continue buying. If they don't make games I feel I'd like; I won't buy said games. Period.
  20. Yes. Bad calls indeed.
  21. Volourn


    "Not that I can see how or why they're doing it, considering the talent they have on their team.." To be fair to the Flyers; they've been pretty much playing with half a team all season. They have yet to have all the star players play in the same game.
  22. "As was stated, fantasy arcutypes (and therefore, gods) are based pretty much entirely on alignment. Hearing 'Lawful good' can be all you need to know. But the Greek gods (as portraied in litriture) were 'more human than the humans'." Read the Avatar and Maztica trilogies.
  23. Volourn


    The Rangers are back in first! Just a month ago I thought any inspirations of overtaking Philly was over! WOWSERS! 2 more points, and Jagr is guaranteed a PPG this year!!!
  24. "So, you are advocating violence as an adequate response ?" How about self defense? These animals (the ones threatening violence; not Muslims in general) are now thretaening countries like Denmark with their own '9/11'. Denmark, and other threatened countries have the right to defend themselves against such threats of violence.
  25. I'm less flawed then Drizzt as unlike him I am Perfection Redefined.
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