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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Volourn


    Good hockey maybe? But, NHL hockey is gooder. Can't wait 'til the end of the month when real hockey starts. Oh well. At least either Jagr or Lundqvist will likely win gold just like they'll win the SC. "
  2. "you had a lot of freedom you were still always bound to collect the water chip or you would fail and the game would end." No.
  3. "I would not be surprised to see him keep power by force once his term is up." Hahah. I smile at this kind of talk. This simply won't happen. "Bush is an idiot. His cabinet pulls the strings, not him. He's just a figurehead who was chosen specifically for his idiocy." Wrong. While Bush is far from perfect, and has made tons of mistakes; he is no idiot and most definitely is no puppet.
  4. I am prefect.
  5. "I think Troika suffered from the fact that they wanted to produce Original games right out of the gate, which no one had heard of, with very little money to market it correctly." Hahaha. That's funny. So very funny when 2 out of their 3 games are licensed ones, and one of those (TOEE) is based on quite possibly the most popular pnp module ever made. Sorry; but don't blame Troika's failure on them trying to be 'original' or 'having very little money'. Afterall, one of the reasons why they were able to make Arcanum is because of them pimping themselves as the Creators of Fallout tm. Not to mention the fact that Tim Cain has/had been in the industry for years. Troika wasn't a bunch of newbies who just randomly decided to start some silly game company on a whim. The only acceptable exuse for Troika's failure is that THEY made costly mistakes. Period. And, I say that despite liking 2 of their games in spite of their weaknesses (which both had enough of). Now it's game over. P.S. 'Til someone else posts....
  6. That's me!!! (w00t)
  7. Didn't play them on console; but I don't believe those who claim them to be buggy.
  8. I have NEVER played a console game that NEEDED a patch. Not one. I have played TONS of PC games that have.
  9. NWN1 had bugs. It had a few big ones as well (I didn't get effect by it); but comapred to most games it was relatively bug free and stable. That's not saying it never crashed; 'cause it did; but not enough to worry about. I mean some games crash repeatedly no matter what.. NWN's were rare and random.. for most people. I know some people (*cough* the Codex *cough*) think that NWN is the buggiest game EVAR. lol Anyways, my fave NWN bug was an old one long ago fixed - it's an on line bug that occured with major lag that eventually just before a crash you would switch bodies... to other players, monsters, even inaimiate objects. LOL Thankfully, it was fixed. As for NWN2, I epxect there will be bugs; but as long as not any major non random ones, I'll survive. Example sof these types of bugs can be found in TOEE: - 90%+ crash rate with item creation or exiting a screen...
  10. One question: Since the release of the original GTA how many times has a hooker been run down by a thug in comaprison to before its release? Bottom line there is no connection. And, besides, can prostitutes sue like this? Afterall, isn't prostitution illegal and hence bya dmitting to be a prostittute aren't they therefore admitting to commiting a crime? R00fles! Not that ther'es anything worng with prostitition, imo.
  11. Europeans (or anyone who has that law) should be ashamed. irving might be a jerk; but he shouldn't be considered a criminal. Completely pathetic law, indeed.
  12. Volourn


    "Have you been watching the Olympic games Volourn?" Here and there. The games have been ok at best. Definitely not NHL calibre. "You were the one saying the Rangers' should sue, not me." I said they *should* sue; I didn't say they *could* sue. BIG difference. "Besides, the NHL lets players do the same **** in their own league without repercussions." Oh really? That must explain the fines, suspensions, and the health insurance as well as the round the clock medical care players in the NHL pretty much have. I wonder if the Olympics cover its athletes' medical bills from injuries suffered in Olympic play. If they don't it should espicially if its from a cheap shot from a another athlete that the Olympics allowed to play. Afterall, the Olympics goes nuts in suspensions - including life time bans - they should dot he same thing for something that's worse - attempting to injure others or severe lack of caring if you do. "And anyone that doesn't think the Olympic Hockey is "real hockey," is either just trolling, or has no real concept of the sport of hockey." Nice attempt; but no. REAL hockey = the best hockey in the world. That is the NHL. There's a reason why the best players from outside of NA pretty much all want to come to NA to play in the NHL - it's the best hockey. Not to mention the fact, when players were growing up they all had the same dream - to win the Stanley Cup; not to win Olympic Gold. And, don't give me that PC crap of how they're doing it for the 'ove of their country'.
  13. Volourn


    "Rangers can't do anything to the Olympics." Duh. "when it's clear the player can choose not to go if he does not want to." Yes; but whetehr a player plays or not doens't mean the NHl is going to be played. Plus, the players agree to play in the Olympics... not to take cheap shots that injure them there. "Much like most contracts, I feel that if the NHL agrees to allow players to compete, they should be held accountable." Why should the NHL be held accountable? It's up to the Olympic Committee to protect the athletes including the hockey players while at the Olympics; not NHL owners or the league as a whole. I don't care if Jagr misses the rest of the Olympics. The injury doens't seem *too* seriously so all that matters is he gets healthy for REAL hockey and goes on to win his well earned awards. That's all that shoiuld matter to REAL hockey fans. Not this FAKE hockey in the Olympics.
  14. "would think that developers would be a tad bit more cautious since the whole Fable fiasco" Aye. What a fiasco that was. The game sold million + copies then sold more on the PC. It will likely have a sequel, and if it does it will likely sell a million + copies as well. Oh! What a fiasco it was! R00fles!
  15. "I like Activision." Troika doesn't. "
  16. Volourn


    "Unfortunately, that injury Jagr received may also mean he has played his last game for a few weeks. Unlucky, Rangers!" Another reason to hate Olympic hockey. He better not miss any NHL time or the Rangers should sue the Olympics for not protecting the athletes better. <> "I didn't feel it was an illegal hit though. Sure, it might have been charging. Sure, it might have been "intent to injure", who knows. But he received a boarding penalty and a match penalty (from the otherwise excellent swedish referee!). He will probably be suspended for a number of games." Obviously, it was an illegal hit. I'll take the 'excellent' referree's opinion over yours.
  17. ................................ BL had endings, and they made sense... Just weren't as good as they coulda been... Now, if you had said KOTOR2....
  18. "Can we expect it before or after Duke Nukem Forever" Who knows. Technically, I could release it now; but parts of it wouldn't make sense including the ending. LOL
  19. Um.. Ok. If you say so.
  20. Didn't I pretty much say that?
  21. I'm the same. I try to avoid black and white movies if at all possible. That said, some black and white films are so good they gotta be watched no matter what.
  22. "And yet you still play them. I think you just like to play them to complain about how bad they are ..." Welcome to Hades World. This is a guy who lists the OC as 'one of the worst games ever' yet has played it 3+ times. This is a guy who makes fun of MW yet played it for over 200 hours with one characters. As for user made mods. Some are good. Some are bad. Some have better stories, characters, and role-playing than any of the OCs; but NONE of them have the professional polish of an official product. Of course, when my mod is *finally* released (LOL), that'll be broken.. well... not really.. with all the typos that will likely sneak in (though one of the things that's taking awhile is proofreading the tens of thosuands of words, and no that isn't hyperbole). As for Atari, I doubt this will effect NWN2. NWN2 is out in about 4 months. By the time Atari completely crashes (if it even does), NWN2 will likely already be out. It might effect expansions though. That said, NWN1 managed to go through a publisher change so no worries...
  23. 1. Combat is alreayd an intregal part of the game. It's a myth to state otherwise. 2. You can still tell the story of PST, and give the same amount of role-playing options and depth and count down the writing.. Though the amount of wriitng never bothered me though it's obvious that some of it was added just to pad the number of words...
  24. "Of course, some fool will cite all the abortion clinic bombings in the United States. I mean, there have been thousands since the begining of the decade, have there not? " Eh? Sarcasm? I thought blowing up abortion clinics is so passe nowadays? I haven't heard of too many of those in the last 10-15 years, anyways. Anyways, as always, Freedom of Speech is sueless if the only thing we can say is 'Let's all be friends'. The ability to say stuff that other people don't want to hear without fear of them attacking you is the whole point of freedom of speech.
  25. "there was absolutely NO place to spend any of your money (good equipment is either found or made)" Eh. I spent a lot of money buying stuff Weapons, healing items, and armour were all good buys... just like every other RPG in existence...
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