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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "But hey, I'm not here to piss in your corn flakes. You want to hate on a game you haven't even played? Have at it." My bad. I should know better. I need to play a game 7x before being allowed to cast judgement on it.
  2. "So the game isn't even out yet but you can already assure us that it's a "bad, poorly made game" and "a new low point for Bioware"?" It is up to EA/nu BIO to convince us that the game is worth playing and buying. They have failed to do that. It looks awful. PERIOD.
  3. "They made it a part of the culture war already. It's like the Ghostbusters reboot. Half the world is pointing the finger going 'look, a woman who is bad at something' she must have gotten her job because of her superior social skills, I feel threatened." Lie. People aren't attacking her because she is a 'woman'. Where was the outrage when these same complainers and BIO bashers were attacking male BIO developers? Oh yeah, there was none. But too many SJW Nazis still view women as fragile little babies. Talk about sexism. Saying a woman sucks at her job is not sexism any more than saying a man sucks at his job is sexism. Nobody shed a tear for that BIO producer who got attacked like a month ago. Nobody whined about the hammering that Gaider got. Nobody goes 'poor little Sawyer getting a mean comment again'. But, criticize a woman. OUTRAGE! LMAO As for actual topic: L0L nu BIO. This is the first 'major' BIO game I haven't preordered since BG series (and only because preordering was not common and I certainly wasn't into it). I might not even get it in its first week of release. So so sad how BIO has crumbled. ME:A simply does not look that good. At best, it'll be 'playable' and 'funish'. At worst, it could be garbage at the level of the worst crap ever.
  4. "You know, Russ is going to win the MVP, and deservedly so, since the guy is averaging a motherf*****g triple double, something that hasn't been done in over 55 years! That said, my boy Isaiah started going ballistic partway into the season. At first, it seemed like a flash in the pan, a passing trend, then, a couple months later, my man is still dropping 30 regularly, and at a good percentage. You can't even compare it to Jeremy Lin's ridiculous hot streak, which lasted about 10 games, or Iverson's insane season, which had lower efficiency. What Isaiah has been doing for the last 3 months or so is ridiculous. Dude is flat out unstoppable on offense." Harden should and will likely win the MVP.
  5. The Walmart thing? isn't that just the silly nonsense that Walmart pays employees 'little' so their employees go on welfare? That isn't 'corporate welfare'. Also, Welfare actually tends to pay its employees better than most businsses at that 'skill level'. Certainly better than most 'mom and pop' shops that charge outrageous prices, and don't pay their employees a great wage or even give benefits that match. ie. It is better to work at Walmart than some corner store (money and benefits wise though you have to deal with a more corporate culture of course). FACT. Unless the gvo't is actually giving money to Walmart directly which is uncool if it is true. P.S. I notice that posts supports programs for women but not for men. Just another sexist piece of ****. P.S.S. Earth is an evil 'mother' unless you think a mother that mass murders here children is a good mother. HAHAHAHAHA.
  6. Also, read the link. The Party of the "Europegroup" lost BIGLY. Still, I find it hilarious that the same people who are anti religion supposedly LOVE Islam even as Islam enjoys throwing gays off buildings and has a ahrd time allowing women to even drive let alone be free. But, hey, love those Islamic countries, and let's bring their values of anti women hood, anti minorities, anti freedom philosophies to the west. BRILLIANT.
  7. "Volo I know you joking in some ways but why do you think the possible collapse of the EU is fantastic? The EU represents an important foundation of Western ideology which you are part of. I find it odd you think this election is about people feeling "butthurt " I dont think Netherlands will vote for Wilders but it is something that should concern us" The EU are Nazis. When Nazis fail, I smile.
  8. Huh? What is special about 1996?
  9. "Name one constructive thing that will come from this political outcome ?" All the butthurt it causes would be very constructive. It's the #1 reason why Trump winning was fantastic!
  10. The Kanada one 'mocking' the US is hilarious considering we just recently had a church shot up by a Kanadian. Look in the mirror my fellow Kanadians.
  11. If someone honestly things he statistics and reasoning is wrong shouldn't you want to debate him? I mean it should be easy to demonstrate how wrong he is right?
  12. NWN is best game ever. End of thread.
  13. Another fun tip for Beauty and the Beast since that seems to be in the news a lot (and will be a major blockbuster).. Emma Watson has admitted to being a little bit of a furry. L0LZ https://moviepilot.com/p/emma-watson-finds-fictional-animals-hot-real-life/4222161
  14. "Laura is also white" Half white. Did you not listen to the heroic nurse (who is the true hero of the film). Like I said, this is the fault of SJW Nazis and the Identity Politics. I can't just enjoy movie I have to SJW the crap out if it. L0L Still, fun film, great acting, good action. That's all that matters in the end. p.s. Also, Wolverine happens to be Kanadian.. which to many are the 'nice white people'. L0L... Despite us just recently having a mass murderer of Muslim awhile back... guess the filmmaker should have taken that into account when making Kanada the 'Safe HAVEN'.
  15. Evil White Amerika swoops into Mexico, rapes the women with mutant seed to grow 'controllable halfbreed mutants'.. and, when it is clear they can't control them they attempt to exterminate them. The heroic nurse with X spells this out for you.. And, the whites at either old white men (the two original mutants) heroes willing to sacrifice their lives for the younger new improved generation so their evil white ways die. Professor X so old and so white that he mass m urders people with his brain cause he can't help it. Logan is so old, so grumpy, so uncaring... then he cares but dies. The other whities in the picture is the funny white store clerk who gets manhandled by a little girl (that was funny! lol) and the Big Bad Evil White Dudes. The survivors are led by non whities and the few whities at baasiclly mute patsy who have learned to shut up and know their place in This New Brave World Without racism Because Whitey Is Dead. See. Identity Politics backfire. I still enjoyed the movie.
  16. Logan - 8/10 Entertaining movie with a lot of good stuff, but seriously, thanks to Identity Politics SJW Nazis brainwashing me, this movie got hurt by it. But, still a fun watch. King: Skull Island - 8/10 A great action thriller and that's what count. Some of the deaths were wasted and Samuel Jackson's character is *this* close to be a real classic but a ccertain piece of the puzzle ruins it. Still, the movie is what it is. A top notch action flick.
  17. Agreed. Underrated film. Too bad there won't be any sequels. Now, that thye have the universe crated and the special ffects ready to go lots could have been done to enhance it but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... we get more stupid Avengers. BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  18. I love how Bush has become beloved by everybody - even those who called him every nasty name they are currently calling Trump. I shudder at the thought who will be elected to office in 16 hours that will have everyone start sucking Trump's hands. It is HILARIOUS.
  19. "Let's say there are 49% women and 51% men in a country. What would stop the men from declaring all women slaves?" Because you are Assuming that all men think the same and all would want women to be slaves. It should be noted that most of history women have outnumbered men... yet women haven't joined together in any democracy to make men slaves because not all women think the same. Duh.
  20. "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess we should all just sit here smiling and never say anything but "Everything is awesome!" until our eyes bleed. Didn't realize complaining about an online website would upset you! If I had, I'd've been much more careful regarding any isuess complains I've made, I assure you! How could we have ever thought we could express less-than-gloriously-happy opinions. My bad. *rolls eyes*" Do you even know who are replying to? LMAO
  21. People whining about other sites being negative... don't understand the hilarity of the negativity vibes they give off.
  22. Gothic games were fun but much like majority (if not all) of 'open world games' eventually it simply got boring and the lack of motivation was highlighted. Also, lol, at p[raising Gothic series' story. That was never a strong suit.
  23. The 'movement' won the moment Trump got the presidency. That was a HUGE FU to the 'establishment' even though Trump has BIGLY ties to the establishment but the establishment didn't want him. L0L Politics L0L
  24. All presidents jerk themselves off in speeches. Heck, Obama has bragged about how he would 'no doiubt;' win a 3rd term. then again, he claimed Hillary would win. L0L Of course, Obama would have won because all those racists blacks who refused to vote for Hillary would have voted for Obama. And, no doubt, Trump has a BIGLY ego.
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