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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. That is because both sides don't care about free speech. they care about protecting themselves and their side 'winning'. 99% loathe free speech - both SJWs or so called 'alt right'. I'm TRUE free speech. It's why (well one of the many reasons lol) I'd never win an election. because I am **** who don't care if people get offended by bad words. It is like the right who defend 'freedom of speech' but someone says something negative about the military they want to censor and punish them. L0L Or the left supposed being anti violence and anti guns but if perpetrated against he right they are a-okay. EVIL.
  2. More like overacting. m i rite or am i rite?
  3. "Ya know V. When you manage to post without using/misusing the word 'Nazi', you actually hit the nail on the head more often than not.... Unfortunately you've made yourself the 'boy who cried Nazi'. You would do well to shed that. This post, was spot on.": Look at that. A nazi. Trying to tell me how I should post. I say tough luck. I don't take orders from you on how to post. R00fles!
  4. You claiming that all white people (or all people whom have the same skin colour) are the same? That's racist not to mention ignorant. The French and the English need to talk to you as well as all the other whitie mcwhities. The Arab countries need a chat too. Let's talk SA countires. How bout Kanada and the US? Hell, how 'bout Texas and California. LMAO Love it. people bash racism and prejudice don't blink twice to spout racism and prejudice.
  5. Probably true. Some teams (like CLE) probably thought it is better to pay a crappy QB 1mil to get 2 wins then pay Cutler $10mil for 5-6 wins. L0L That's what happened with the Jets I think who seemed to be the loudest etam thats eemed to be inetrested in - they simply went for a cheaper option.
  6. If he is gonna be even in Lebron's league, he needs to go to a crappy team (ie. not the Spurs) and make them a bonafide threat. No other single player does that currently. The closest out of Lebron is Harden though it took a lot extra work, and mistakes to get to this point. With lebron, the forumla is simple. Put Lebron on a team and they ar einsta contender. take him off a team insta pretender. All these other wannabes may have flashy stats but the factsa re the facts - james makes the teamn he plays for better and the team he does't worse. Even Harden didn't do that. OKC was still a contender after he left outside of the injury filled seasONS. LONG LIVE THE KING LEBRON. KING LEBRON 4 LIFE!
  7. NFL is dumb. Cutler is way better than a huge number of QBs starting let alone the garabge back ups. Cutler was never the main reason why CHI never got to the Promised Land.
  8. No, he isn't. That is Lebron. PERIOD.
  9. BLM is a murderous nazi organziation that jerks off at the murder of innocent cops and the shooting of innocent black mothers (who end up needing to eb saved by those evil racist white cops lol). They also have no problem claling blakc people nasty nasty words when they don't agree with them. (see Ben Carson a sprove. See the sttitude towards that one sherrif who is extremely nati BLM).
  10. WW has been hyped alot and constantly sicne it was first announced she was going to be in BvS and was getting her own movie. LMAO
  11. " I hold you personally responsible for EVERY death that occurs as result of this." And, exactly, how are you going to hold them repsonsible? By wgaging your pathetic little finge rat them? You can't do no such thing. All talk no action. Unless youa re trhetaneing them? If so, I'm sure Obsidian would not approve of you ujsing their forums to trheaten other posters. LMAO You, sir, are a tool. A good old fahsion tool. PATHETIC.
  12. The election. White old man beat white old woman because of RACISM even though many of the ssme people who voted white old man had previously voted for middle age black dude. But, yeah, racism. LMAO
  13. L0L And, we have idiots defending this? Prosecuting someone for laughing is asanine. PERIOD. Only nazis defend htis sue of the court's time. RIDICULOUS.
  14. Starbucks lost that fight. They lost so much money they literally begged for the people they trashed to come back. LMAO But, typical. The mainstream media won't cover that too much because it doesn't fit their chosen plotline.
  15. I'm always triggered. It is why I post. I'm triggered when someone says hi to me as I walk down the street. They say hi and I'm triggered to say hi in response. It is not hard to trigger me. It is low hanging fruit much like triggering a SJW. I blame SJWs.
  16. "He never said any of that. Are you triggered by someone advocating that everyone should have the freedom to wear whatever they like? Are you an enemy of FREEDOM? There's a difference between being facetious and "asking" and "forcing", I mean, like, are you projecting here?" Nope. That's exactly what he said. He said he has plans to force women to wear headscarves and if they don't he will murder them in cold blood. And, he will do this because he is pro Islam because he is a moran who believes women should be forced to wear certain types of things. EVIL.
  17. L0L So.. to prove that islam is cool... he wants to force all women to wear headscarves.. proving the point of all people who ar eanti muslim/anti headscarves. hahaha! wHAT A NAZI!
  18. Dude, it is not just about 'outgunning' the gov't. You do realzie that eveyr anti gov't revolution in history were 'outgunned' right? You seem to forget the people in the army are people and are connected to the public... they can only be pushed so far before THEY rebel. Afterall, if the gov't tells you as a soldier to shoot your family youa re gonna hesitate.
  19. "When you stop watching a video or listening to a song or reading an article, is it because you are invariably triggered by it? If not, then accept other people don't get triggered by what you want them to get triggered by." Stop TRIGGERING me or else I'll have to reply again.
  20. "I also only lasted to the second video, I started to feel uncomfortable with his characterizations and assumptions" That's the problem with SJWs. The desperate need to feel 'comfortable' and 'unchallenged'. Any opinion/view that doesn't cnform to what you beleive needs to be shot down and ignored because it is scary and makes you think things about yourself that you don't want to. "I can listen to other people's points of view, but a bad point is a bad point no matter how much you dress it and that is why I stopped watching. I wasn't 'triggered', I was simply not interested nor found it insightful." You were absolutely triggered. Just own it.
  21. "Stopped watching halfway through the second video. He makes some interesting points but runs away with them in what are ultimately very broad, far-fetched and frankly quite sexist conjectures." Not conjecture. It is using a lifetime of observing human behaviour of both males and females. It sin't like he paints men as a perfect gender. In fact, quite the opposite. Don't be so butthurt because he speaks the truth not just sawy the SJW nonsense that sounds PC.
  22. "one's personal safety is not considered good cause." L0L That's insane.
  23. Also, I should point out, i don't feel sorry for gambolholics anymore than i do alocoholics. Grow up, and tgake eprsonal responsibility. But, elt's also not pretend that the casinos are running a 'fair' operation because they aren't. They are there to make money and if that means they get to 'cheat' and stack the rules to hevaily favor themsleves and use bully tatics to get what they want they absolutely well. And, the law allows them to do so.
  24. I've never been to a casino. L0L But, they absolutely do cheat/stack th deck. It's a known fact. There's a reason why they make tons of money. If things were 'fair' and 'up and up' there wouldn't be a 99% chance of losing. LMAO The 'rules' (such as they are) are strictly designed for them to make tons of profit. I wouldn't doubt they have their employees 'count cards' even as they throw people who 'count cards'. They also have thugs in their emplopyee to beat up people who cross them. EVIL.
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