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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Truth hurts? truth hurts. Funny enough, SJW Nazis have BASHED this guy multiple times and he STILL sucks up them. Such a little cuck. He makes interesting stuff (most Buffy and Angel - two awesome shows. all his other stuff is meh or worse. yes, that includes the fun but overrated Firefly).
  2. "That said, I can't really imagine 14 year old me would have had any issues with banging my hot English teacher. " It's not up to the teenager to make the mature choice. It is up for the 30 year old. That's the issue to me. Everyone knows that teens are basically going into heat. Again, it is up the adult to say no. It doesn't matter if the teacher is male or female. Or if the student is male or female. The situation is the ame. And, no, none of this 'girls are fragile little snowflakes and boys are horny little toads'. That kind fos exist insulting B.S. is exactly that - especially since by most studies girls tend to mature earlier than boys to begin with - both physically and emotionally (so the experts say). If you are 30 year old adult (and teacher at that) and your teen student is hitting/flirting on/with you... just say NO.
  3. The last thing I want is 'redemption' in the eyes of a SJW Nazis. But, hey, keep ignoring the fact the people you cheer love to molest their little sisters and believe adults should eb allowed even encouraged to diddle little kiddies.
  4. He is but he is an entertaining one. An example of this was his war of words with Batfleck 9and I like Batfleck too lol). That was HILARIOUS.
  5. Bill Maher does get a free pass. He said basically the same thing as Milo and called the people who disagreed with him stupid. But, again, Maher is anti Trump so he *does* get a pass. Also, Milo did not state he was 'pro pedophilla'. Anyone who thjinsk he did is a lie. Neither did Maher. But, Maher , for sure, encouraged a grown ass adult having sex/relationship with a young kid. Nobody who is attacking Milo for his comments should be letting Maher off the hook. I don't hate Maher, btw, even if I'm not on the anti Trump bandwagon as at least he is capable most of the time thinking for himself and he is largely on freedom of speech's side. Also, while some on the Left may oppose mahere on certain issues they don't go out of their way to destroy him. Of course, in Milo's case, the extremist right scumbags are just as guilty. But, that makes it more hilarious when people on the elft accuse Milo of being some extreme right wing Nazi. True right wing Nazis LOATHE Milo as much as the Left does. "volo do you feel its necessary to defend Milo, you guys seriously need to lift your bar? I am honestly embarrassed how little you think of moral value. I can make some suggestions ?" I notice that you continue to attack Milo for his comments but ignore all the same sort of comments made by your fellow anti trumpers. Hmm... Milo, btw, was speaking from his personal experience same as that ST dude yet - AGAIN - anti Trumpers LOVE that dude. But, keep up the work with your double standards.
  6. Espicially now since there is a video showing Bill Maher being positive about an adult having sex with a kid... yet, the lefties have been rather quiet about that.. Hmm... which is suprrtising since Maher isn't exactly a SJW guy to begin with. But, I guess he is anti Trump like that ST dude or that actress who molested her sister so it is okay for them to be like that. L0L
  7. "The news is making it sound as if the father was killed on purpose," You point your gun at someone and pull the trigger, you *are* killing someone on purpose. This is doubly so for police since what I've ehard is they are often trained to go for the kill not injury. The question here is if they had the right if not the outright obligation to do so in this scenario. As much as I feel the father, part of me feels that the police had to do something. Perhaps they could have handled it better but they couldn't just stand there and do do nothing. They would not be doing their job. That said, the scumbag rapist should be getting a bunch more severe punishment.
  8. "And I'd honestly say the same about Pillars of Eternity. The games amazing as hell. There's a reason I've clocked over 500 hours." FO:NV is 100x better than PE. It's not even close. And, that says a lot considering PE has the advantage of DWARVES.
  9. I have hudnreds. I'm not going to name all of them. Some of them I haven't even seen yet but saw them and they were cheap so I grabbed them. Avatar is just one example of that. L0L
  10. "You seem really upset about Sawyer citing a general trend that, as the term implies, while being generally true also by definition does not describe the entire playerbase. There is a reason why people use qualifying statements like "probably" (the one he specifically cited) and "generally" and so forth. Large populations do have attributes that can be summarized, on average, while allowing for the fact that individual variation does exist." There's no trend? It isn't based on fact. The 'trend' is no different than one claiming all young black men are criminals because a c ertain percentage of them are when we all know the vast majority of thema rne't like that. Again, I'm a HUGE D&D fan. It is by far my favorite RPG system but I also LOVE classless system ala FO. Baiscally, he is spouting nonsense not based on actual facts but feelz. But, it is good to know fake stereotyping and bigotry and fake news is allowed to slander an entire group. LMAO *goes play BG and FO*. Two CRPGs - one with a class system one with a classless system - love them both. OMGZ! Itz a MIRACLEZ!
  11. "Trump tweets: "the media is the 'enemy of the American people'". Trump tweeting is not the same as him making a law. LMAO Besides, the media believes in slavery. They even admitted it to be so in a link I shared before. Anyone who claims they have the right to enslave the people ARE the enemies of the people.
  12. So, he claims that people who love D&D would hate classless system. Must explain why FO is one of my favorite series (not going the Betehsda garbage) even though I'm a D&D fanatic. LMAO Imagine that. People can like different things at once. Not me personally, but I know people who like both CFL and NFL at the same time. (liking CFL is dumb but to each their own).
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMWcq83GJD4 The MSM in a nutshell.
  14. Having a cat doesn't *cause* you to have mental illness. Having a cat *proves* you have mental illness. :D P.S. I don't hate cats but the distinction was Begging to be made.
  15. 'Undocumnted immigrants' ie. illegal immigrants ie. criminals. Citizens need to follow laws o should immigrants. If you are an 'undocumnted' go get your documents. Case closed. There are tons of immigrants who went through legal channels to get their citizenship/visitor documentation. Just. do. it. I mean, in Kanada, we have citizens going to prison/being fined because they caught a couple extra fishes that they were allowed... yet, somehow it is evil to enforce immigration laws? LMAO
  16. "So you think his comments about pedophilia are not uncommon, so please give me an example of someone in the public limelight who had been abused by a child molester and made an utterly reprehensible comment like " I am glad I was abused because thats why I am so experienced at sex " ...and I want actual real comments they made similar to this " Check out comments from a certain gay Star Trek star on the Howard Stern radio show... And, that guy is LOVED by the Left.
  17. AP sucked. It is Obsidian'\s worst game that I played. It's not even close. It certainly doesn't belong on an awesomesauce list with the likes of Bloodlines or even PE.
  18. "The police hasn't been told by the government to cover anything up, hence, the government hasn't done anything wrong here." The police *is* government.
  19. The police *is* the government. There is nothing to dispute here.
  20. "The police tried to hide that, shameful, but that wasn't done by the government." The police *is* the government.
  21. Someone should tell him the ball is flat.
  22. "Feargus confirmed to actually be Volourn? " Trust me, if I was Feargus and the boss, this thread would not need to exist. instead we'd get tons of threads whining 'why is every npc in the game a dwarf' or 'what the hell is a dragon-dwarfling supposed to be?'...
  23. Looks to have very good potential. It should CRUSH PE1's two cities especially the fake one.
  24. They'll probably count paypal payments towards stretch goals even after the 'official' campaign ends. They did the same IIRC for PE1.
  25. "The smart play is always to apologize. People that think that makes a person weak are just stubborn at best, and typically lack a sense of empathy." Apologizing for something you didn't do is not strength. It is weakness. The one who lacks empathy here is you since you don't empathise with someone who did nothing wrong but expect him to apologize and beg for mercy anyways. Apogizing when you did something wrong is an admirable attribute but apologizing when you did nothing rong is pathetic, asanine, lazy, weak,, and cowardly.
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