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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. I don't care why. If your 'fall back' is esxtremism. If your fall back is hatred. If your fallback is murdering people who have the same religion as you but practice differently than you, I'm not gonna give you a break. And, whining 'big bad west' doesn't impress. ISIS is a Muslim organization that murders, rapes, and enslaves other Muslims. That is a problem with Islam. Not the West. Again, the West isn't perfect (too many inteverence in other countries no matter the reason). Again, I ask, if the West is so horrible and if Muslims hate the West so much... why do they want to migrate her so badly? Why not stay in the beautiful Islmaic states... you know where they have freedom to practice religion, freedom to live their lives, freedom to do whatever. Also, if the West is so awful.. whya re Westerners trying to get out en masse? Hmm..
  2. " Islam in itself is not a problem, " L0L Tell that to the many Muslims being murderered by Islamists. Tell that to the Muslim women who cna't do anything in Muslim countries. tell that to the gays who are executed for being gay. If it was akll about being 'anti Amerikan' then they'd be attacking Amerika only. "Oh my oh my, I wonder where all that hate towards the west comes from. I have no idea." See above. Your logic is dumb. Saudi Arabia murders gays and treats women poorly because they hate Amerika? ISIS mass murders, mass rapes, mass enslaves fellow Muslims because they hate Amerika? COME ON. "The Middle East terrorism is an enemy we created. We should admit that, we should pay reparations, and we should gladly accept the refugees. It is our moral obligation." No. Plain 'ol fashion no. Also, immigration does NOT help the countries people immigrate from. It never does. Ever. In fact, it often hurts those countries cause it usually the better off who immigrant or the ones who want to leave. Not the people stuck. And, if you want to talk about 'reparations' then every single country in the world owes a lot of money to different places. Muslims and others owe Isreal everything since they stole Isreal from the Jews well before the whole Isreal-Palestiian nonsense. Your logic is beyond foolish and is completely and utterly immoral. "It would be wrong to say that Islamic societies are inherently less moral than ours, that is a ridiculous sentiment." \ Evidence suggests that is the correct statement. Not the west is perfect but comapritively speaking the West is morally superior. The proof is the issue of immigration is Muslims WANTING to immigrant to the West.. and, not the other around. When Iran decided to ban Amerikans from going there... the response was laughter and derision. When the US bans immigrants from certain countries, people cry and pout. Why is it that? Simple. US > IRAN. PERIOD.
  3. https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/825553821992509440?
  4. True. But, you don't join a group that enjoys killing Muslims in response...
  5. "This aside I personally have a huge disdain for nationalism and patriotism because I've experienced first-hand the effect it can have on the masses, and the way it can be used as an incredibly cheap and false rally cry." I'm not huge on nationalism or wave flaggling (and my fellow Kanadians often hate on me for it). L0L IN fact, when it comes to Kanada in world hockey comps I'm usually hoping they lose because of how over the top arrogant my fellow Kanadians can be when it comes to the hockey. LMAO "That's not quite how it works. If you have a family living and working in the US, in some of these examples for nearly a decade, and suddenly the father is deported back to some war torn country (which the US shares responsibility for it being war-torn to begin with.) That family may have just lost their breadwinner, the kids have lost their dad, their entire lives are flipped upside down. They probably aren't going to pack it up and go to a war-torn country, but you've now created a situation where those kids are incredibly vulnerable to extremist ideologies. The US is no longer the place they came for opportunity, it is the country that forced their father to leave and is filled with people who hate their way of life." All I'm reading are excuses and cop outs for enabling people to juine a vile group. Would you defend the piece of crap who shot up the black church with the same kind of garbage? I'm sure he had all kinds of excuses and reasoning for his actions. That doesn't make what he did acceptable or proper. He is still a piece of crap. Again, no matter what Trump does, if you choose to join ISIS you are apiece of crap. PERIOD. Your logic is stupid. Let's follow the line of reasoning. Trump bans Muslims. You get mad at him for it... So.. your response is to join ISIS... a group that mass murders, mass rapes, mass enslaves Muslims. LOGIC. DOES. NOT. COMPUTE.
  6. If people turn to ISIS because Trump banned people froma few countries (again, I disagree how he did this so uncool) that is on them. And, it shows they are weak, pathetic, and evil. ISIS commits mass murder, rape, etc., so if you join them or even think of joining them 'out of spite of Trump (or anyone's policies) then you are a scumbag piece of crap with no moral fibre. Period. Don't be blaming Trump's (or whoever's) failing for yours. That is a cop out.
  7. I do find funny that people find a president/a leader of a certain country proclaiming love/support for the country he is leading as evil. I mean people hear,"Make Amerika Great (Again)!)" and their first thoughts are 'that guy is worse than Hitler'. LMAO I guess presidents/prime ministers should just come out and say"I hate the country I was voted to lead". They would probably be lifted up as paragons of patriotism.
  8. " No one really cared that you started over at level 1 in Mass Effect 2, but yeah it had a good "explanation" for it." Kiddin' right? People did complain. And, it still gets mocked for it. However, ME2 has other good qualities that still make it a fun game. presumably, PE2 will be the same way. I'll criticize this BUT I expect there will be parts of the game that will be fun and make the game enjoyable. ie. ME2's beginning was annoying for the 'restart' but its ending is one of the best if not the best ending sequence ever (barring the questionable sue of a human terminator lol). If PE2 can do the same sort of thing this will be small potatoes though that doesn't mean it was the right thing to do.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4CEA46hg6g P.S. trump is being a poo poo head. There is no reason (Outside of silly selfish cowardly ones) why Saudi Arabia isn't on the ban list. But, $ rule. But, hey, it's better he ban travelers than starting a war with Russia. So, still better than Hillary but that is a FAIL in my book on his part.
  10. Don't you mean did he play it 7 times? You can't be sure until you play it 7 times. Everyone knows that!
  11. "it was not particularly balanced well." It was/is one of the most perfectly balanced games ever made. Anyways, I'm not bugged really by the 1st level thing. I'm bugged by how we got there. Mr. sawyer's point is true but that's why the decision to stick with original PC seems silly and unneeded and forces them to do a duex ex machine to delevel the character. Why not have a new character come in and have to deal with the god? That be a lot easier and much more interesting (imo) way to do things than shoehorning the old one in this faggled way. Or, even better, since they knew most likely PE2 was likely they could have done better planning with the character system and the max levels in the first game + expansion then it would have more manageable to keep the same character. Eh. Oh well.
  12. " Unless you think California will suddenly become an enemy state or something. " Suddenly? It already is.
  13. Right. 'Treaties'. Trust me, if Texas leaves they'll be attacked just like the last time.
  14. "BG2 'ported you in from a lower level - everybody but mages, rogues and bards were level 8, (9 for the wizards and 10 for the latter if you'd played Sword Coast and had a higher XP cap). That's significantly lower than the cap for vanilla PoE - and AD&D was a very simple system, where there were essentially no real significant new class features for most classes between low and high level; spellcasters getting spells being the most obvious. (And cleric spells were never as good as wizard spells, and wizard spells could be limited by the devs as to where the scrolls could be obtained). (And BG1's level cap was absurdly low compared to play time, and why no game thereafter has followed its lead.) All in all, it was MUCH easier to deal with that than with PoE, which is much more like 3.x than AD&D. (Mercifully - as a mechanical system, AD&D was actually pretty crap. BG2 and PS:T succeeded in spite of, rather than because of, that underlying ruleset) So I can see their rational in not wanting to start a game where you could have a potential level range of 11th to 16th and have to scale the entire game to those levels AND make a very steep curve for anyone who has not played the first one. (Because there is a massive different between an AD&D Fighter and a PoE Fighter at 16th level.) Like I said, I would have preferred them to have split the difference a bit, but that's their decision." Boring lying spam is boring lysing spam. Even if what you said was 100% true (it isn't) it doesn't change the fact this is just plain poor planning by Obsidian. Like I said, this is just another ME2 all over again (Iand I loved ME2). that doesn't mean the game will suck but this just illustrates that Obsidian failed in understanding another thing that made the BG series so special. It wasn't just playing the same character in the sequel. It was continuing to level the same character. BIO even got flack for BG2 for taking away most of the BG1 equipment and companions yet this somehow is better. As for the soul sucking, it is just a story excuse to delevel you because of lack of imagination. Though, I do hope we can eventually fight said god. P.S. AD&D is awesome. The BG series/IE games were fun but they didn't even come close to doing it justice. AD&D 2E is not vanilla or simple. But, hey, when the games skip out on secondary skills and non weapon proficiencies, I could see why the ignorant might think that. If you don't know what those terms are you shouldn't be debating or bashing 2E. Just stick to the dumbed down (but still enjoyable) IE versions.
  15. Kalifornia is a symbol of crying ineffective Liberal policy. Sure, it has some good qualities but the non stop bellyachching and arrogance and self righteousness ruins everything. I mean, they get all judgemental but, again, this is a state (the only state/NA place) that is literally always lacking water. LMAO Also, it has too many surfer dudes and wannabe actors. And, the actors they do get actually think people care about them outside of them being entertainers. HINT: I can like your movies and tv shows and still think your opinion means crap. Though, they aren't alone in having arrogant celebrities. Just ask the poor state who has Stephen King. My favorite writer but can be an absolute bonehead with his silly pandering idiotic delusional political beliefs. Also, I have the same message for Kalifornia as I do for Texas or Quebec in my own country when they threaten to leave; JUST DO IT. Get the hell out if you don't want to be here. I don't believe in slavery so I ain't gonna force ya to stay. But, I won't beg you to stay if you don't want. You ain't that important or needed.
  16. 1. 6 characters. 2. More subraces. 3. A romanceable dwarf female companion. 4. 6 characters. 5. More of 'everything' (spells, skills, talents, etc.). 6. An actual BG/Athkatla type city. 7. 6 characters.
  17. This is the same heavy handedness that BIO did with ME2. Same type of silliness. The game turned out fine in spite of it but otherwise this shows poor panning - espciially for a game hyped on it being nu BG series. Could they not do it the way the BG series did. Or is something done nearly 2 decades ago too hard to do now with modern gaming machines? If you are gonna start us at level 1, better off having a new character. Now, it is simply relevling the same character. Not as cool when it comes to character building. Don't get me wrong, this likely won't be a major detraction from how 'fun' the game might be but it shows poor planning alal, again, BIO and ME. Tsk, tsk.
  18. "That role now belongs to Bobby Null, who is often described as Obsidian's biggest grognard. So all you folks who want instant death spells, hard counters, mage duels and IMBALANCE - maybe it's worth asking again! (Of course, Josh is still the project director and has final say on everything.)" So.. you made this thread to tell us he's not the boss... and in the very same posts tell us he's still the boss.... okay.,..
  19. "I expect it will be comparable to Wasteland 3, and may surpass it." This. It makes logical sense. As for me, I dunno. I backed PE1 to the tune of 250 smackeroos. It was fun but definitely not as good as I hoped. I couldn't even play the expansion more than an hour. Nor did I get deep into their most recent release. There's part of me that wants to skip all together but there is the idiot 'hardcore gamer' in me that likes to give games like this a shot. I might pay the $100 or so to get the hardcopy option. Significantly lower than the first but still more than I pro0bably should if I was being smart with my money. Damn dwarves... always suckering me in. :D
  20. Riverdale - Darker take on the Archie comics. Much better than I thought it be though they obvious changed more than a few characters. Still in an especially good job on the three main characters even though they aren't super recognizable to the basic comics. I liked it well enough...
  21. Caliexit. I think its funny considering the war that was faught to keep states from leaving before. L0L This is why both sides are silly. Because, opinions would be switched if a red leaning state like Texas were to try to leave. Yet, people like Obama actually believes that the entire world should bow to one single 'world wide gov't'. Even in Kanada we have multiple threats of provinces leaving. Mostly Quebec repeatedly but Western provinces at times too. P.S. Read the California article. L0L Even more hilarious, it is being pushed by a Russian group supported by the Russian gov't. HAHAHAH Also, people whine when Trump wants to leave or redo things like NAFTA, TTP, or even the UN.... but since thinsg don't go their way they want to take their ball and leave the US. Don't people pay attention to this type of hypocrisy.
  22. Mexico goods (or goods coming from Mexico made by Amerikan companies) are cheaper because they're made cheaper largely because they don't have the same reasonably 'fair' labour costs (as well as other costs) that Amerikan companies in Amerika have. It is also a big reason why the China-US trade balance is way off. Hard for a company in the US to compete when they pay x amount of dollars to an employee + benefits and China company pays less. Maybe if Mexico treated their people better this would solve two major issues the US has with them . a) more fair trade and b) there'd be less Mexicans who absolutely hate their country that they'd rather risk death to sneak into the US. All these people whining about hwo evil and destructive Trump is.. I don't see them trying to sneak into Mexico. L0L
  23. "Location:Gilroy, CA" L0L
  24. "Obama actually spoke against hacking claims." He spoke out of both sides of his mouth. At times he claimed no hacking on the other he repeatedly threaten Russia with 'punishment' for 'hacking and intervering' in the election. Russia no more inetrvered in the election than all the Western countries who pimped on behalf of Clinton. But, he liked that so he has no issues with that. " Elections results itself weren't hacked, at least there is no proof that such thing happened," Ther eis no proof because it didn't happen but the way you and your fellows spin it it does not surprise me that many on the Left think there was because theyw ere told there was. " but hacking DNC and illegally obtain and leaking information from their server did provably effect elections, as media, people, people even here referenced that information in order to manipulate people's minds who they should vote." No. The truth in the emails did. The hacking of ther DNC didn't change a single vote. The inforkmkation which to our knowledge is true did. "In other hand president, at least not Obama, didn't encourage illegals to vote, because he encouraged people to register to vote and one can't do that if they aren't citizen of US. " Obama DID encourage illegals to vote. That is FACT. Don't try to spin it.
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