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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Like you don't know that here is massive difference in elected president claiming things in official setting compared to private citizens whining about something." Obama was an elected individual. All those Democratic and Republican senators are all elected. They all said the US election was hacked and that the results weren't legit. And, because of that, it eggs on the protests from people who now truly believe that US elections aren't legimimate and the person who is there is there wrongly and they believe that because the elected officials and your preciosu media told them so. "Also there was provable case of hacking and leaking information during elections, as we all were able to see those leaked emails, even if people that did hack and leak can't be identified for sure, where any proof that even singular people are voting illegally is nearly non-existent and there isn't anything that even remotely suggest thousands let alone millions of people are voting illegally in US. But world where everything that you claim is just alternative fact there seems to be no need for any proof and if such behavior is accepted for president and his advisory then it is accepted to everybody else." The election was never hacked. The DNC was hacked. Alkso, there is no question a lot of illegals voted. California alone does everything in tis powers to get illegals to vote. The now ex President ENCOURAGED illegals to vote. Nobody knows the exact numbers largely because the states where this kind of thing likely happens are all demo bases. I know as a Kanadian that if a bunch of Amerikan yahoos snuck into my countrry illegally and then voted illegally in my election I'd be not so happy. And, rightly so. Last thing I want is a bunch of surfer dudes and Hollywood types determining my elections.
  2. "dinner at the White House, he repeated his claim that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton -- allegedly depriving him of the popular vote. "I wasn't there, but if the President of the United States is claiming that 3.5 million people voted illegally, that shakes confidence in our democracy —" L0L Is that for real? Meanwhile the anti Trumpers are whining about how a foreign country hacked the election.. doesn't THAT shake confidence in your democracy? COME ON.
  3. I agree with fences. It looks terrific. I haven't seen yet (because it takes A LOT to egt me to go tot the theatre to watch drama since I'd rather watch that at home and pay attention) but like I said above Washington and Davis are absolkutely looking terrific in it so personally I'm gload they're nominated. I'm just pointing out how when people whine about 'lack of colour' they largely mean 'lack of blacks' even though blacks are only around 13% of the US population so they are way over represented espciailly compared to other minorities like latinos. It is pretty clear though some people were gonna vote for black stars no matters. Thankfully, at least, Washington and co deserve it. Just like the whitey mcwhite stars who got nominated last eyar deserved it as well (though I was hoping that Will Smith woulda got nominated last year for his work). The bottom line is this just proves that racism does exist racism against latinos and racism in favor of blacks. P.S. I think Will Smith did a great job in SS as well.
  4. Wow. Lots of racism with those noms yet I doubt there'll be much compaints. balcks at eoevr presented and where are all the Latrinos, Asians, Arabs, Indians, etc.? But, hey, black people ( most iof them well deserved), so it's all good this year right. P.S. Denzel Washington and Viola Davis are 100% legit noms, imo. Damn good jobs but the process is clearly tainted by racism. All those minorities that got screwed over.
  5. "What, just because she's a woman she can't be incompetent? Coddle women much? Better don your white knight armour. She's not going to sleep with you, you know. Such an SJW sentiment yadda yadda blah blah sorry, my heart's not into it today. Either way, if someone's not doing their job right their gender doesn't matter." L0L You do realize who I replying to, right? You do realize who you are responding to, right? I have to assume you are trolling here for giggles. That's the only explanation.
  6. "The sooner Kellyanne Conway gets fired the better for the future of the Trump presidency" Wow. Sexism rears its ugly head again.
  7. FACT: The media lied and tried to downplay how many people showed up for Trump's iaugaration. FACT: Trump's teamr eturned the favor and went overboard. FACT: Media apologists and fake news lovers will support the lying media NO MATTER WHAT. FACT: Trump supporters will support Trump over the media NO MATTER WHAT. FACT: I enjoy the BUTTHURT. Even in my tiny dumbass city 80 fn people had a stupid march. IDIOTS. IDIOTS EVERYWHERE.
  8. Now, I have to hope the Falcons don't turn out to be this year's panthers and finish the deal at SB no matter who they face.
  9. You do realize that works for both 'sides'. L0L
  10. Nah. That just seemed to be a twist just to have a twist. Still, it was a good watch and hopefully they do something interesting with it.
  11. Conference Championships. Any team can win. I'm 6-2 in predictions. This week's wrong ones are: NE AT
  12. "Any actually academic sources? Say Harvard maybe? or Oxford?" This is why I never go out of my way to give sources online because often times you are just told that is the 'wrong source' or it's 'fake news' or whatever so the person opposing you can keep their own views. When ssomeone demands a source they already lost cause and not worth the time no matter which side they're on.
  13. "(and some of them I thought were even valid) of Obama throughout his two terms and I hardly think he let that get to him." Kidding right? The guy attacked Fox News non stop and repeatedly. Trashed them BIGLY because they were the ONLY network who dared to criticize him in any meaningful way. He has a lot in common with Trump in that way. ," just removed punishment for not having insurance" Which is good.
  14. So united... they lost the election. A handful, yes a handful because I don't believe the liars and fake news, whining about ti isn't 'the world'. I've heard numbers like 200k, 500k, millions. They can't even get the lie right. They just spam random numbers.
  15. Those Kanadians agree with the Left.. Russia doesn't.
  16. You are if you are a crybaby SJW Nazi. But, hey, it was Trump who was anti Amerikan and anti democratic because he wouldn't accept the results before there were actually any results. LMAO
  17. He is trash. The guy is the only President that I know of that allowed a foreign power to hack a US election. Any 'good' he may have done is washed way by that. I'll say one good thing for him. He didn't cheat on his wife. Good on him for that.
  18. Until they rape... and then the police cover it up as not to be accused of being racist or 'insensitive'.
  19. Good stuff. 'Bout time we got a solid playoff game for a whole 60 minutes (not 40 minutes like with my NYG).
  20. Giants were down by 8 at the half.. then quickly made it 14-13... then we saw what happened. The same Giants who beat the Cowboys TWICE mind you. (of course, DAL has beaten GB already). I think it'll be close though. The 2nd half last week was ridiculous.
  21. You used 'we'. L0L But, I guess you meant 'we as in viewers' not 'we as in ATL fans'. L0L
  22. Live By Night - Fantastic film running on the strength of the actors. Almost brought down by the otherwise excellent Ben Affleck's modern SJW 'sensibilities'. Still, a great watch with some H0TTIES. 8/10
  23. "I think big companies are more than their owners property, they are an social and economic institution." No. Only Nazis think that.
  24. More like SEA gave you the safety. L0L
  25. No. The person who owns the company owns the company. If it is a huge company with a board and shareholders than they decide. Employees and worker unions , in this case, can suck a ****. And, I say that as an employees. The best companies/bosses, however, listen to the advice of the people they pay to work for them.
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