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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8MXKdXl6Wk
  2. "Isn't that usually the case when Volly shows up?" Funny. But both the sports and the political threads manage to survive. Perhaps the issue that this thread ran its course the moment it was posted. I'm just here to post FACT BOMBS and watch people get TRIGGED by the TRUTH.
  3. CITATION? Are you a stupid whiny Codexer SJW Nazi now? Dave Gaider is just one example. he bashed BIO fanboys ALL THE TIME. Tim Cain and the rest of Troika are others. They had no problem dissing BIS/Interplay after they left yet they have had no problem finding work in the industry. Seriously, DUDE, stop being so ignorant on how the world works.
  4. "Victim blaming" was an expression used to talk about rape victims who were blamed for the abuse they went through, because people didn't want to place the blame on the actual abusers for various reasons (cultural, knowing the abuser personally, etc.) I dunno if Avellone is a victim, I wasn't in the Obsidian offices when they had this split, but it's certainly not an expression appropriate for this situation." TRIGGERED. Nope, attacking Avellone is victim blaming. PERIOD. "Pretty sure (90%?) that that happens to all employees who leave though." he wasn't an employee. He wa sone of the owners/bosses and it is clear that the other co owners didn't respect him and listen to him. That's why he left. Though I hate saying anti Obsidian stuff on their boards (that have nothing to do wit actual quality of games) but that seems to be where Avellone is coming from. Only he and Avellone know what is true. Still, Avellone has made some awesome games. That's all that matters. "Companies hate disruptive influences." L0L Talent wins out. There are PLENTY of examples in game development where a developer flat out trashed their ex employer or customers and still have full time employment. L0LZ
  5. So.. this neo nazio goes out and kills a white gal. I don't think he understands what race I=he is supposed to be hatin'. Tragic for the woman and he is right where he belongs.
  6. Well.. people are living longer and healthier (Hilary concerns aside I guess lol) so age shouldn't be a main concern. Health should be. Pelosi could live to 100. 8shrug* Of course,k she would make a horrible Pres for nearly identical reasons why Hillary can't. No, not because she is a women. There are PLENTY of female politicians who would make worthwhile presidents.
  7. "terrifying" L0L One of those words that have been dumbed down, abused, and is starting to lose all real meaning.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDNw_vbm_7U Seriously? SERIOUSLY? S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y.? You are an idiot Ms. May. A stupid dumdum idiot. A toolish stupid dumdum idiot.
  9. Trump has become even more popular since winning! l0l Protests are failing. L0L
  10. "Ninth straight win for the NFL leading Cowboys. The Ravens did a good job of limiting Zeke on the ground (he still rushed for 97 yards), but Dak was spectacular and shredded the Baltimore D en route to a 3 TD 300+ yard day. At 9-1, we're 99.9% in the playoffs with 6 games left to play. As always, here's your weekly Uncle Jerry (with bonus Jason Garrett!):" Gants are shangin' in there and we got an easy win next week (or we better lol since we LOVE playing with fire. ). I know your team will come with fire against us in 33 weeks though since they'll be looking for payback on our field.
  11. "I've lost some respect for him over the cause of this thread to be honest - throwing around accusation and insunations without backing them up seems like an unprofessional move." I've gained some respect for him over the cause of this thread to be honest - throwing out opinions and viewpoints and backing them up with his observations and experiences seems like a professional move. And, if it makes Obsidian fnaboys butthurt the better. I'm sure Obsidian will survive. So will Chris. Win-win.
  12. "pretty good season. The are 5-5" l0l 5-5 IS literally middle of the road, average, .500, bland, not bad not good, just there, existing, meh. 'Pretty good'. L0L Grats though on your Panthers beating my Rangers so you got that at least... barely.. and Rangers still have a much better record.
  13. Trump should not have to give up his holdings which he built up over the course of his 70 years. Letting his children run it for the next 4 or 8 years and him staying out of major decisions should be enough to stasify reasonable, normal, sane people. As long as he doesn't use his power as President to make money personally he ain't doin' nuthin' wrong. If we could trust the media/authorities to do their jobs properly and fairly they should be able to learn quickly if he is abusing his position as president to financially game personally. Some political yahoos staying at a hotel in Washington doesn't cross the line. Anyone who thinks it does are idiots. Unless they can find evidence that he told them if they stayed in his hotel that he would giver them a better deal politically in negoiations which would defeat the entire purpsoefull of his 'best deal' shtick. L0L
  14. "Violent psychopath? Come on now, Volo. " Did you not see him violently yank the one guy and then 'accidentally' elbow that one woman? EVIL. "volo Im glad you will never really have to live under a truly corrupt and brutal PM or president. In Africa there are countries where the citizens of those countries have known nothing for generations but grinding poverty, they dont expect anything from there governments because they have never really seen a quality of life or delivery of services for decades " Our PM doesn't have the power of your precious Afrikan dictators. Theya re beholden to the rest of the gov't and the people. It is the reason why the people crying about Trump being nu Hitler has no merit. "You should be very grateful for Trudeau, he is a very good PM " No. he has done SQUAT for the Kanadian people. His biggest 'achievement' is giving more money to support non Kanadians. Nothing wrong with helping people but he is supposed to be helping Kanadians. He is also a liar. He promised a **** load of stuff to the 'Natives' and he has done absolutely nothing but spam words. My life has not improved one iota since he got elected. Mind you, it hasn't gotten worse either. Therefore, he is not a 'very good' PM. he is a very bland, middle of the road PM at best. The guy is an absolute fake with no genuine emotion to be had.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxLoEH_jYEM P.S. The quote may be fake but it fits Trudeau to a tee to the point that if oen didn't know any better it could be easily cosndered something he would say. He's also a liar and a violent posychopath like most SJW Nazis. Not to mention the fact eh got elected for 3 reasons nothing to do with his ability. 1) People were tired of Harper after 8ish years in power, 2) He is the son of a former PM and 3) He is 'HOT'. I wonder how many women voted for him thinking he would bang them for thinking that. L0L
  16. http://slatestarcodex.com/2016/11/16/you-are-still-crying-wolf/ For the people who are still on the silly 'only racists support Trump' bandwagon. Also, note, it is written by a dumbass anti Trumper but numbers don't lie. (stats do though lol).
  17. 'Pop' should stick to basketball coaching. He's actually well informed and intelligent with. Understanding politics or people is not his thing. He clearly doesn't understand women, for example, who. Just another SJW Nazi fearmongering.
  18. "Give me some real evidence that the western world is in decline as a whole, not a handful of tragic examples." Well... Nu Hitler will be the most powerful person in the world in a couple of months... at least according to the whiners in Kalfornia.
  19. "I am well aware that anywhere in the world where white people are dominant there will always be small groups within those white communities that are racist or display bigotry" You actually believe that racism/.bigotry is just a white only disease? ARE YOU INSANE? Bigotry/hatred against something(one) different than you was a thing well before the first white person appeared. COME ON. Hell, I know people have a habit of dehumanizing Indians by whitewashing their history but they have a LONG history of hatred of those of different tribes. Multiuple tribes were wiped out by other tribes for giggles. And, let's not pretend the ME doesn't exist. Not to mention the whole Japanese vs Chinese fun. LMAO And, blacks and Asians also have a nice history in the US of racial disharmony. L0L Racxism/.bigotry is a white only disease. L0L HAHAHAHA
  20. "volo can I ask you something, and I hope you dont think Im insulting you because some people will assume I am but I am not like that Do you take medication for any kind of mild mental ailment like bipolar or something similar? I know you use to people just ignoring these types of posts but maybe this is what you really think about Obama?" You are an idiot. "Why would you think Obama would ignore an assassination attempt of any American?" Consdiering he has made it legal for him to assassinate an Amerikan without trial this isn't that far of a stretch.
  21. I think the media wants to know where he is at all times so they can spam his location so some crazy can assassinate him. More than a few wackos have lost their job for threatening Trump already post election. They're lucky that that Obama is still president and won't have them investigated. He'd likjely pardon any assassin if they do while he is still in office.
  22. His legacy of assassinating Amerikans with no trial? Or his legacy of mass murdering Syrians? Or his legacy of extremist muslims mass murdering gays in a bar? Or his legacy of fearmongering to the point that crybabies are making up horrible stories or attacking black and latinos who 'dared' to vote Trump? EPIC LEGACY IS EPIC.
  23. 'Our source'? Does the media expect us to believe them with their 'sources'? Their sources, their oipinions, their 'facts' have been to be WRONG repeatedly. Their words are meaningless outside of us getting a few chuckles out of it. Keep up the good work fellas we needs the entertainment. " were allegedly devastated:" It's nonsense like this that makes it impossible to take the writer seriously. This must be a joke article.
  24. The easy cop out is blame white people for being racists even though many of the same states that voted for Trump also voted for Obama. Yet they are racist because they chose one whitey over another. L0L A more plausible reason is racist (and sexist) black men (and women) did not want to vote for a white woman (or man) so didn't even bother to vote.
  25. So... Trump is now a scumbag because he plans to take as little salary as possible ($1 by law) for being president. HAHAH. Between this, the sneaking out for dinner, and the whole steak fiasco.. how can anyone take the media seriously when they whine about Trump? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfeOXaTp3cw
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