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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. https://twitter.com/...090239428825088 L0L Just saw a mother verbally attacking her young son for voting for trump and a mocke lection and throwing him out. LMAO evil.
  2. "By the time all the ballots are counted, she seems likely to be ahead by more than 2 million votes and more than 1.5 percentage points, according to my Times colleague Nate Cohn. She will have won by a wider percentage margin than not only Al Gore in 2000 but also Richard Nixon in 1968 and John F. Kennedy in 1960." The last thing the US needs is for California itself to determine the entire country's leader. It is bad enough it has the mostpoint. Do you really want surfer dudes and actors telling you how to live? We get enough of their holier than thou announcements like Dicpario and is is climate change fearmongering while flying all over the world in a private jet. LMAO *shudder*
  3. "GD and others my advice is try to see these protests and violence in a different context, this is simply how many people who feel frustrated vent and address institutionalized and societal " unfairness " I bet you'd be saying dsifferent if Clinton won and Trump supporters were actinmg like this. People are assaulting humans, dogs, AND tv sets. "Clinton did not promote violence, peaceful protestors did not promote violence." Yeah, they did. What did you think was gonna happen when they label the opponent as 'worse than Hitler'? People were gonna just let Hitler take power without fighting? COME ON. This is happening because of fearmongering.
  4. Should tell that to the 28-35% of Latinos who voted for him. L0L You know the group he was probably the harshest with (with the possible except of Muslims). They had a good half hour talking about Trump's (releatively speaking) 'success' with (white) women and minorities. One thing about the Latinos who support him. They all seem to be ones who have had long LEGAL journies of upwards of 10-15 years on a path to citizenship and you can see the annoyance they have with those who skip the process. It also seems that the minorities that are most angry with Trump's election - blacks and gays - are the minority groups that Trump never actually went after for the most poart during his run. One thing I missed, though, is what are the Muslim numbers like. They either skimmed that or missed it. I do find it funny that people also say that trumpo's 'racism' and'sexism' is why he lost the black/latino/POC women vote. nah, it is because he was Republican and not Democratian. They weren't likely to vote for him anyways. This is why the Demos lost the elction based on their choice of candidate. Blacks were always gonna vote demo in lkarge %. However, the Dems did not do a good job of motivating them to the polls. They had some on CNN and they talked about how some of the black voters felt bad that they couldn't push their families to get out and vote. Bernie might have done it. Good job, DEMs.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wB_GFuI-MM
  6. Jagr needs to step it up. He's making my claim just a few posts ago look like one of you others made it. ie. wrong.
  7. It's weird. That the racist got more minorities to vote for him % wise than the last republican nominee. HAHA. But, that's according to the outtake polls and as we all know now the polls are crap. I bet 99% of blacks and latinos voted voted for Trump and majority of whities didn't vote for him because of self hatred. Blacks and latinos are heavily leaning to the right on most social issues. Of course, trump is not even a true Conservative.
  8. "Why would you want that, are you supporting Trump" I'm following Hillary and Obama's advice. Have you turned your back on Hillary already and ignoring her? You must be pro Trump because like him you don't support losers. L0L "volo I will be extremely disappointed in you if you now become a Trump supporter....that kind of hypocrisy makes me nauseous :x" L0L Not Trump supporter. But, if anyone kills themselves over their choice not winning I don't have sympathy for them. The same goes for any Republicans who killed themselves when Obama won. NO MERCY.
  9. I do. The more suicides over Trump winning the better.
  10. Hey, bruce, this is who supports your precious Hillary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFO8LKtjak8
  11. Except Jull Stein isn't reasonable.
  12. "Silver lining is that 2020 is basically a free win for the Democrat." Don't do that. That kind of arrogance is what put the Dems in this position. "Get stuffed volo, yes Im in a very bad mood.." Good stuff. "..you are so out of touch with reality you think this is something that wont hurt you ....you will see " I GUARANTEE you that whoever wins this election will have no effect me at all. None at all. R00fles!
  13. "Oh for the love of everything ....pls shut the **** up about the media being biased Are you that stupid you dont realize that was one of the great lies and manipulations that people like you propagated. So no one actually trusted the media when they warned and warned you how problematic and inconsistent Trump, you guys just ignored it. Well done you now have Trump presidency ...whoopie for you You have been one of the great pawns that Trump pulled along like a bull with a ring in its nose :biggrin:" You are cracking Bruce. You usually play ther 'i'm nice and polite game' but here you went for the throat. I like it. You should get butthurt more often. :D
  14. "So when Clinton speaks, we need to make sure to remember she is a fraud and a liar, but when Trump speaks, we need to remember he is just trolling. edit: Liar, not lair." Nah. He's a liar too. The thing is, she has 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE of lying in politics and has told people point blank (after being caught on tape/email) that what she says her policies are in public at enoty her polices in private. Donald trump has only been lying in politics for a year. That is the key. We know what she does with power. Let's note too if it was up to her, Prez Obama would have been involved in other wars too. She pushed over and over again for him to shoot down Russian planes afterall. P.S. Bernie 2020 If Clinton loses that is his opening.
  15. "Oh wait, let me guess now you are Trump supporter.....say it volo, you know you want to say " I want Trump to be US president " ...try to be honest for once?" How did you get that from that? My opinion is this: I hate both candidates, I prefer Trump wins over Hillary, I believe Clinton will win (still do). Don't lie. That's what got Hillary in this mess. With her 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE she should have CRUSHED the rookie. Even if she wins EPIC FAIL.
  16. "Yes, it is Trump actually could win.....can you imagine having to deal with Trump for the next 4 years Our forum friends in the USA, Im sorry but Trump could be your next president." But... but... Bruce.. Trump had no chance, RIGHT!?! That said, I won't count your candidate out yet. I still give her the edge.. Trump has LOTS of states he has take.
  17. LMAO I forget what state it was but there was one where Clinton was holding a 5% lead (just 7% in) and the media was calling it already... in favour of TRUMP. W.T.H.
  18. I would personally require a referendum by popular vote (hilarious it the referendum by popular vote votes against voting on the basis of popular vote HAHA!).
  19. "Well, can't fault the guy for that excuse :lol:" I dunno if that makes it better or worst. 'testing'. LMAO throw the book at him.
  20. Because people in smaller states would feel their votes are worth even less than they currently are.
  21. LMAO Some of these states being called are like at 3%. COME ON MEDIA. Don't be douchebags. Let the votes be counted. LMAO p.s. Clinton GOTS FL. Illinois called for Clinton with NO votes counted. HAHAHAHA,
  22. "Another like Volourn... We're going surprisingly good It seems trump has his upsides: he united us against a common enemy" What common enemy is this? I'm for neither candidate, I'd rather Trump wins, but I expect Clinton to. "It's the conservative retirees against the Puerto Rican immigrants in Florida. Get you your walkers out and vote!" Brexit all over again! BLAME THE OLD PEOPLE. Make hating old people fun again. Set a maximum age for voting AND lower the minimum (this was REALLY a movement post brexit in Britain. L0L).
  23. "I thought so but Democrats the dnc didn't agree" Those are the democrats. They are the party. The other members/voters are just lapdogs. That said, people saying it is 'over' are being premature. It is FAR from over. I still woulod be SHOCKED if Clinton doesn't win. I mean she has 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE against a rookie. It should be SLAM DUNK win for her. Anything under 400 is a EPIC FAIL.
  24. "That is not Hillarys fault," I dunno. I agree, personal responsibility comes first so if you decided to commit violence it is 100% on you no matter the reason. But, when you label your opponent 'worse than Hitler'... your supporters are likely to take that and run with it. I mean... if someone told me another Hitler was gonna control my country I would want to do something about it, wouldn't you? So, in away these violent scumbags at eonly doing what their leader wants them to do.
  25. Hillary's have proven to be more violent.
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