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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p53vmPaJ4Hg Some real life Hillary supporters. They should be charged with voter intimidation, imo.
  2. She eye raped some famous celebrity by salivating over his 'hot' body. Last I heard, eye rape is a real thing so it counts.
  3. That whole mess was a disaster. Too many of the questions at just plain idiotic, make no logical sense, and have nothing to do with nothing. It mnakes it seem to be pro sex you have to be Liberal even though many Liberals are anti sex because sex is always rape. LMAO Anyways, I got the following rating: Your Political Compass Economic Left/Right: -2.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.44
  4. They wouldn't need guns to kill if not for their religion. On top of that, religious people were doing fine killing people well before the first gun was invented.
  5. Reason to note vote Trump: He may a rapist and a sexist against women but he hates men too. Reason to note vote Clinton. She may be a rapiust AND certainly is a rape apologist and a racist against blacks but is sexist against both women and men. In conclusion, they both are scumbag evildoers but, in reality, the world won't change all that much with either as President because their crazist ideas just won't work with the way the US political world works. So, sorry Trump lovers, no wall. So, sorry Clinton lovers, no WW3 vs Russia.
  6. " But guns are amongst the most dangerous, wouldn't you agree " Nazis did solidw ork with ovens. The US did good work with nukes. All coutnries have a great use of all sorts of bombs. Religion (this includes cultural and race wars) has killed abunch. So... yeah, guns are MAYBE #5 on the list.
  7. The sad thing is most of us posting on this forum don't even get the 'honour' of choosing how the world ends. L0L P.S. The world/US will survive no matter who wins. "Malc is correct, he didnt technically call the entire Latino community criminals but he made several disparaging comments about them and the general perception is that he insulted the entire Latino community" You DO realize that is EXACTLY what I said. I just pointed out your usual lies. There was no 'technically' about it;. he did not call the entire Latino community that. Stop perpetrating that lie. Spamming it doesn't make it so.
  8. He didn't call the entire Latino community criminals and rapists. L0L Not that what he said was good as it wasn't. It was dumb and foolish and ignorant but you lying is also dumb and foolish and ignorant.
  9. "This post is a false dichotomy, it doesn't even make sense but because I have taken on the responsibility of mentoring you i will answer I use to believe in gun control as far as the USA was concerned but I have subsequently changed my mind as the issue is far too divisive. Having access to a variety of guns matters to many Americans for a variety of reasons and it seems counterproductive to try to force a more liberal view on this matter So this is an issue I dont agree with the Democrats on as it will alienate many Americans when it is enforced " Nice dodge. Typical Clinton apologist.
  10. So.. bruce, you have a choice to make;. Are you pro gun and therefore pro woman or are you anti gun and therefore anti woman? Let's watch your mind explode sicne we know your precious Clinton is anti gun AND anti woman as evidenced by her laughing at female rape victims and blaming them for being raped. If only that girl had a gun.
  11. He's now the Dems' best friend again. And, Trump's enemy. FLIP FLOPPY.
  12. "what are you going to do about this ?" I'll do what I always do - spam the internet. L0L Also, I noticed as per usual, you ignored the link that shows how the Clinton side works. Also, you don't have to prove m to me that the Trump side are scum. I already think that. Youa r ejust mad that I think the same of the Clinton side.
  13. "Immediately rejected, its Wikileaks Again I will repeat this point because some of you guys keep using Wikileaks as a credible and or authoritative source of information Wikileaks is like a group of people gossiping, similar to Reddit..its hearsay. It should not be used a foundation of valid information. If there is no way to verify or proof check something from Wikileaks why would you concern yourself ? Anything released from Wikileaks that cant be corroborated from another source I cannot in good conscience read and or consider :geek:" Immediately rejected, its BruceVC.
  14. Yet all these years later the planet is still here. And, it will be here when all of us spamming this thread are dead.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-Gudm2OUF4 Freedom of speech.
  16. Famous last words.
  17. The planet is fine. Barringa SW style weapon or an asteroid, the planet will be fine. Stop with the fake sympathy for the planet. The planet isn't in any danger from overpopulation unless you think there will be so many humans piled up on top of one another the planet will fall. LMAO
  18. Not according to the pro illegal immigration. 'We need to let them in because we're dying out.' L0L
  19. "A man only needs a gun to defend himself if an other man has a gun as well." Nonsense. If another man comes at me with a knife and I have a gun I'm gonna blow him away. If he is trying to run me over with a car I'm gonna blow him away. If he tries to pull down my pants to rape me and I have a gun I'm gonna blow him away. All3 situations is self defense are is evidence that a gun cvan be useful even if your opponent does not have one. Just ask any 5'0" 110lb woman if they would want a gun if a 6'2" 225lb man came at them with a knife. If you are anti gun you are sexist.
  20. "oo bad it's used as the intellectual equivalent of a cudgel to bludgeon the people he disagrees with, but hey, baby steps!" NO MERCY. "By prohibiting abortion" Nowhere in my post did I state that abortion should be disallowed legally all the time. In fact, I said the opposite. "The instant that you can carry that child as the father, I will agree with you" I say the man should be allowed to 'abort' up to the point the mother is allowed to abort by signing away all rights and responsibilities of the child. That is fair for everybody 9well except the child but we've already established that a good chunk of the pro abortion crowd don't give a crap about the child (or 'fetus') anyways so they shouldn't have an issue with the father 'aborting' the child in that way. RIGHT? But, hey, we all know the pro abortion crowd also happen to include (not all but many) people who don't mind screwing men and enslving men and love using children to do so.
  21. "Abortion is a womens choice, no one should have a right to tell any women what they can or cant do with there bodies :)" How about the babies' rights? "Abortion is also a very traumatic and emotional experience to go through so its important to be supportive if you know anyone who had an abortion. It can be hard for many men but trust me the majority of women suffer emotionally much worse than most men" The logic here doesn't make sense. Pro abortioners claim it is okay to abort because the embryo isn't a human... so why would it be traumatic. Also, I have known women who have chosen to have an abortion. The choice was tough because when you choose to have an abortion ( which I can understand the choice in certain circumtsances) you at echoosing to end the lfie of your child. This scientific mumbo jumbo bullcrap magic where it isn't a child is just intellectually dishonesty to make it less morally 'wrong' to sokme people. But, if you have ever seen a woman suffer a miscarriage, if you have ever seena couple struggle with fertility treatments (especially the wannabe mother), if you have seen a woman struggle with the choice to have an abortion or not, you would not that's all bullocks. When a woman gets pregnant they are carrying a human baby inside. That is factual science. The choice to abort the pregnancy is exactly that. OWN the tough chocies that people have to make don't baby it up or whitewash it. One can support the 'right to choose' but be intellectually honest about what the actual choice entails because when you don't insult the women making said choice. Do you hate women, Bruce? Will don't baby them. "It can be hard for many men but trust me the majority of women suffer emotionally much worse than men." Sexism. Thy name is Bruce. Only psychotic religious wackjobs believe the fake science of 'it's not a child'. People who believe in science knows when the female (or male in some speciies) get pregnant they are carrying their offspring. FACT. That's how humans carry on to the next generation.
  22. Don't matter. Hillary gonna win.
  23. "Arcanum had a lot of problems, but a lot of that was due to financial reasons for the company and not having the time to fix them." As an Arcanum fan, youa re making stuff up. Time isn't the reason why they gave xp for damaging enemies. Also, if time was such an issue then why did they use what precious time they did have to have TWO different styles of combat? That's illogical. Don't give them credit for the good choices made for the game and try to make excuses for the poor decisions.
  24. Says the guy who wants people locked up for having 'unpopular' opinions or not going along with the SJW Nazi group. Real freedom is supporting the freedom of even people you disagree with vehemently. For example, if I had power, SJW Nazis would still be free to spout their nonsense. If you had power, I'd lose by job, locked up, and murdered.
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