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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "He was the best part of True Blood. Way too young." Nah. he was alright but he was nowhere the best part of TB. That said, RIP.
  2. A travelling alien that just *happens* to choose a white (british) male each and every main incarnation but then randomly in 2017 chooses to be a white female? Yeha, SJW Nazism has NOTHING to do with it. L0L Has the actual form of said 'alien' been shown? Again, seems weird that said alien constantly chooses white (british) male but in 2017 it decides it is 'time' for a white woman body? K.
  3. I'm no Doctor Who fan. I think I watched a few episodes a long time ago. It should be my cup of tea but it isn't. As for female doctor. *shrug* I enjoy female starring vehciles like Wonder Woman is fine. I just don't get the need for SJW Nazis to push this sort of thing. In stead of a female DSoctor Who why not created an unique character that happens to be fermale instead of turning a man into a woman much like the push for Bond to be black or female (though Elba is a good actor but why not make a new spy thriller starring Elba?). L0L A female doctor who doesn't change my plans to not watch the show so no worries there. I'll stick to th ebest female characters/shows like Wonder Woman, Buffy, and Xena. Look at that. Strong, entertaining, and popular female characters that were created to be females. Can you imagine if they just had Xena be Hercules and not Xena? LMAO Or have WW be arebooted Superman? R00fles! Reboots and remakes are bad enough when it comes to lack of imaginatuon. But changing a race or gender of a character is not imaginative at all. Espicially sicne we all know a lot of decisions at ebased on SJW Nazism and not just for different take on a character.
  4. And, the funny thing is, I haven't seen any of these new ones because I'm still butthurt over it despite the fact the films look decent. L0L Not. My. Apes.
  5. I agree with you. the Whalberg one was really underrated. However, people really got butthurt over its ending while I thought its ending was fine. But the reaction tot hat killed any hopes of a sequel or good reviews even though it made decent coin.
  6. Baywatch was fun to watch. It was exactly as advertised.
  7. "Russian propaganda machine favoring Trump thing" Ok. there's a lot of nonsen in this diatribe but this particular one stands out. So Russia preferred Trump winning? And, Europe/Kanada didn't do all they could to spam how Clitnon wasn't the better choice. Wasn't it Obama who basically THREATENED British people if they DARED voted Brexit? WAAAA.. people in other coutnries have opinions on elections in other coutnries and share them. HOLY MOLY. If that is all it took,. then Kanada 'hacked' the US election too. Also, Amerikan hypocrisy is hilarious because it has already been PROVEN that Amerikan interested already 'hacked'/interfered' in our most recent Kanadian election. LMAO
  8. "its the purpose of any forum" No, it isn't. It is one use/purpose of forums but it isn't the *only* I'm sure most people here came here for the purpose of discussing Obsidian games and learning about new Obsidian games from the source. I certainly didn't come here to discuss politics or 'prove my point of view correct' to a bunch of yahoos on the internetz. That is just a bonus. ;D
  9. L0L But no. Trump has won the Amerikan presidential election. That means he is the most qualified to sit in the President's chair at events such as these. Just more FAKE NEWS by lying liberals. :D Also, can I just: L0L @ 'PhD in International relations'. LMAO
  10. "its not Cuckrope starting wars all over the globe" They sure arte trying to star waRs with Russia and the US. I mean the German leader basically stated clearly that the US is Europe's enemy. LMAO
  11. What are these 'weapon charges' he is being charged with. It is vague. LMAO
  12. "volo please tell me you don't think what he said was valid because he is making the same assumptions he claims the " left " was making." Dude, that guy IS the left. LMAO
  13. TRIGGER WARNING: Contains harsh language. https://www.facebook.com/viralthread/videos/598130190359668/
  14. It is the Grizzlies. With their history.. their standards of 'jersey retirement' isn't as high as the Lakers, Celtics, or even the Bulls. L0L For example, at this point, a star player who led the Nets back to playoffs would likely get their jersey retired. L0LZ
  15. "volourn, im a sucker for memes and ty. those were a good laugh :)" Heh. CNN makes it easy b/c of how butthurt they got over a silly meme. So.. I'll be waiting for CNN to try to threaten and bully me with a 'doxing'. It won't work CNN. I've 'doxxed' myself in the past nor am I ashamed of my online history. SO. BRING. IT. ON.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/mikevscorner/videos/1100313356736236/
  17. https://www.facebook.com/SteveMilneNews/videos/1379295402185619/
  18. https://www.facebook.com/MikeCernovich/videos/1237460153049701/
  19. I know, seriously. Unless he is some cold blooded murder or has some major public job 9thoguh why would someone like that have time to do this) why would he be scared? I mean, seriously. All he did was edit some silly video. That happens ALL THE TIME. I'm sure I'm seen that same vid edited to mock Trump before tooo. Or like when he got stunnered by Steve Austin I saw vid changing Austin to others - Ithink even Hillary Clinton pre election. LMAO
  20. Do you buy that nonsense? This is c lear case of bullying, intimidation, and doxing threat. But, that is evil Nazi CNN for ya. I can't believe I once took them seriously. LMFAO.
  21. " A small but significant number of men have dropped out of the workforce entirely to play video games " I blame modern feminism and SJW Nazis.
  22. BOS has all that. CLE has Lebron James. Game over. CLE wins. Only two teams can beat the Lebrons. That is GS and SA. Why? Because at least in GS's case their shooting is and offense is NASTY. And, iN SA's case.... well.. their history shows why. BOS needs to prove themselves. Until they do, theya re pretenders. P.S. And, we saw how useless Isiah was versus CLE as well. BOS was better off when he was injured.
  23. All this does is make a mockery oif the salary cap. The salary cap is meant and designed to stop 'super teams' by insuring t4eams can['t hoard a bunch of super palyers. Imagine a team where Du7rant, Curry, Lebron, Kyrie,, Harden, and another 5 'superstars' all agreed to take less money to play together? That would be HILARIOUS.
  24. Wrong.
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