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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Yeah, the defense (outside fo 3rd period yesterday) is helpful. The offense are a bunch of punks. No dominating force, no scary guy that otehr teams need to really focus on. A bunch of wannabes crying for Mommy Jagr to come back and show them how you own a game.
  2. Comeback wouldn't have happened if the Rangers were smart enough to keep Jagr. Dumb idiots. They should be thankful they have a King in net or the Rangers would be last overall. Stupid GM.
  3. More dwarven subraces. That's all I need. Wild, Jungle, Desert, and Urdurrin are all awesome.
  4. Jack Thompson's only point here is to make sure we haven't forgotten that he's a punk who is obviously insane. Even his fellow lawyers agree, and considering the silly lawsuits some lawyers file; that's saying a lot. He has nothing worthwhile to say.
  5. "who are oppressed after awhile will eventually rise and remove that oppressive system. Given time the Iraqis would have done the same." Living in Happy Fantasy Land, again? "And on the policing matter, how come the US don't make the same demands on countries like Germany, after all some the 9/11 terrorists started out from that country?" Oh, come on. That's a lame comparison. And, random n00b has squashed you like a bug on this issue so I'll quyote him so you don't miss his superb answer: Noob wrote: "Because, you know, the Germans do everything in their power to police their territory and hunt down terrorists? Jeez." Game over.
  6. NHL 09- Still awesome playing in my league, and club games. NBA 2K9 - Pretty good basetball game. I just wish the Assoociation wasn't so retardedly set up.
  7. No. The only time I mention selfishness is in terms of business ie. the customer's relationship with businesses is all about selfishness on both sides. I'm into actually caring about what happens to other people even if it doesn't help me.
  8. "If the people feel the need to change the current government, they will, eventually." Stated by somebody whose never had a dictator rule their country in their lifespan.
  9. Bought this game. It's the only sports series that 2K ssems to be better than EA at.
  10. More needless crying over someone maybe having a differnt opinion than yourself. Big deal. And, if they get 'bribed' to give higher scores. Big deal. We're talking about video game reviews. And, this talk about how in the past reviewers were more 'honourable' is also hogwash. Besides, if anyone buys a game simply based on another's opinion is dumb. Plain, and simple. We have a brain, use it, and make your own decision. As for inflated scores. Yeah, they've inflated; but they basically mean the same thing. Instead of 9 meaning 'best game'; '10' is the new 9. *shrug* Not a big deal.
  11. "Valid reason to go to war for me and my country is only a defensive war." Really? You don't believe in defending friends, and allies then? Afterall, Germany was no real threat to my country yet we still went to war against them to help our European allies. *shrug* I'm glad we did, too. "I think you are confusing Iraq and Iran. Prior to the invasion there was very little support for terrorism in Iraq." Not true. Iraq supported terroism. In fact, they paid terrorists (after the fact 'of course') aka suicide bombers in Isreal as just one proven example. Iraq also did have some dealings with AQ (and, yes, I know Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11). So, to say that iraq didn't support terrorism simply isn't teue. Terrorism does not AQ. "I wonder what made Saddam unacceptable to the US. I remember a time when he was counted among friendly to the US Arab leaders. I also seem to remember that he got weapons of chemical warfare from the US and the EU and he used it all on dissident Kurdish people. That's why they never found any weapons of mass destruction by the way, despite the propaganda lies that the then Secretary of State told the UN, to get the approval to invade Iraq. As far as allies are concerned: sure, as long as they give the US what they want, namely military bases and oil, there ok, but as soon as they dissent, they are bound to become a target." Really? I don't know of any Amerikan bases in my country (ther ekmiught be I don't worry about such things), and last I checked we aren't on the US target list. *shrug* And, my country disgarees with the US a lot including on the Iraq War. As for why Hussein went from being an 'ally' to the US to an enemy. First off, he was never an ally. They used him in their war with Iran. That's it. And, I like how you try to blame eveyrone but Saddam for his use of chemical weapons. "especially a imperialistic war fought to secure more oil." I love how the defintion of imperialism has changed just so that label cna be pinned on the US. And, contrary to the conspiracy theory, not all Amerikan Wars are base don oil. In fact, if they were, the Iraq War would be a failure since the pirce of oil/gas has gone up since it occured.
  12. "Volourn, first of all, learn to quote. Second, get a spell checker. That said, they way I remember the declaration of war on Iraq is: "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and it supports Al Quaida." Both of the reasons, were simply fabrications. The real reason was to get some revenge on the "bloody arabs" and most importantly to secure the oil fields of Iraq for the US. On the bombing of Bagdad: it's undeniable that they bombed a lot of targets in the city that had no military value, with high civilian casualties, and with the only intent to break the morale of the opponent and make him surrender. And yes, war is ugly. It's even uglier when it is fought for no reason." L0LZ How cna anyone believe what you write when you contradict yourself in your own post. First you say: 'The real reason was to get some revenge on the "bloody arabs" and most importantly to secure the oil fields of Iraq for the US.' Then you write: 'when it is fought for no reason.' So, the question remains, did the war have a reason, or was there no reason? NEWSFLASH;' Just because you disagree with a reason doesn't mean it isn't a reason. And, oh, once again there were many reasons given for the Iraq War. You named two. Others include Iraq's general support of terrorism (FACT!), and Saddam's Hussein being in power was unacceptable to the US espicially given the events of 9/11. The fact you think the US attacked Iraq simply because they were 'bloody Arabs' is just fooliosh considering the US has ARAB/Muslim/ ME allies including inside Iraq. War is ugly. That's why it's best to avoid it if at all possible. That's why someone needs a chat with Saddam Hussein has he brought the invasion to his country due to HIS poor choices. It's also nice that you accuse the US of being biogted against 'bloody Arabs' when you show your bigotry towards Amerika (and, who knows, maybe you are one). But, plenty of people are full of self hatred.
  13. "Actually, we did. But we are doomed to not learn from our mistakes, it would seem" That was no real negotiation. Germany got the heck bombed out of them until they surrendered. L0L It's called 'negotiation after the fact'. "The War on Iraq is another example: not only was this war fought under false pretense" Nope. Stop being fixated on just ONE reason for the war. Multip0le reasons wer egiven, and most of the them were legit. "but Bagdad was bombed into submission with no real regard or consideration for civilian casualties." Simp0ly not true. If there wa sno consideration for civilization casulaties, they would have just flat out carpet bombed the city. They didn't hence why most of the ciity still stood afterwards. *shrug* "It's those issuing those orders that are responsible and should be on trial. To illustrate my point more: after WWII German leaders were tried for crimes against humanity, while the victors went unpunished, although they had committed equally hideous acts, eg. bombing of Dresden (at that time Dresden was full of refugees with very little defending forces), the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were really more intended to show the world: Watch out, we got the ultimate bomb!" Boo hoo hoo! War is ugly.
  14. You cna only p0lay poloyics if the other side is willing to play politics. This is why you won't be seeing the US strike at 'terrorist cells' in Kanada without permission any time soon. Or most European countries as well. *shrug* But, yeah, we all know WW2 would have been avoided if the rest of Europe had just negotiated with Hitler. Bad, Europe, Bad!
  15. God is a punk so I hope no Coruscant just out of spite for God. I hope they included what they want to include and ignore those who think they actually give good advice. I'm sure BIO, EA, and LA know what theya re doing in order to make a successful game. And, if they fail they should get blame for it. Afterall, now if they add Coruscant and the game flops, I'm blaming you Will 100%.
  16. "Has there been any word on what planets this awesome game will let you visit?" Why do you care? You surely aren't interested in this crappy game, right? Oh yeah. Wrong. You most assuredly are hence why you have probably posted the most of anyone in this thread. As for the question, since it's a MMO, chances read you'll be able to visit practically all of the 'known SW universe', eventually.
  17. "Many things are not an MMO's strong point besides that. Story, interaction with npcs, development of characters, etc." MMORPGs > KOTOR series
  18. "TONS eh? Where?" Everywhere. "P.S. NWN is still overrated." Even if one were to rate NWN 200%; it would still be underrated.
  19. "your uberly awesomeness favorite NWN, is a loser. Loser." Most successful BIO game ever. What does that say about KOTOR? L0LZ "hat do we have? WoW and Guild Wars? Two games. WoWsers! That is a high percentage of sucessful MMO's out of how many that has been made?" L0L There are TONS of successful MMORPGs out there. Tons. P.S. KOTOR series is still overrated.
  20. Obsidian did ask. They were told no. Move on. Obsidian has. That's why NWN2 expansion 2, AP, and A exist.
  21. "BIO/LA/EA are not selfish they're stupid. Lets have another failure MMO instead of a winning RPG like K3." Their stupidity must explain why these three compnaies have been so successful in their respective exsistences. L0LZ And, oh, btw, MMORFPGS succeed quite a bit. It probably won't surpass WOW so it's a fialure in that regard; but it will likely be monetarily successful. Winning? You mean like the evar awesome NWN1? Yup. And, L0L, K3 is winning? When did this occur? HAHAHAH! You thunk adding the number after KOTOR will make it a winner? HA. facve it. KOTOR2 lost. It lost LA's support, and cost Obsidian a chance (at least for now) a chance to make KOTOR3 'cause it wasn't successful enough (even though it sold a million +) to convince LA a KOTOR3 was worthwhile - espicially an Obsidian developed one - despite Obsidian begging for them. Anyways, Obsidian is best focused on NWN series 'cause that series will always be awesome unlike the overrated bland KOTOR series which will likely include the KOTOR MMORPG.
  22. "And while Bioware does indeed "do it for the money" it is a much more optimistic to think that they make games for the "greater good" and entertainment of all star wars and rpg gaming fans world wide.....the MMO effectively "wipes this pathetic illusion from the face of the galaxy..." The greater good? L0L HAHA! That's a toolish comment. BIO makes games for THEMSELVES. They don't care about you, or I. Nor do we care about them. They only care about getting our money, and we only care about them making games we want to p0lay.. even if those games are not in their best interests. Period. So, this talk of BIO/LA/EA being selfish like it's a great sin when the reason the peons here ar eso upset over the MMORPG announcement is out of sheer selfishness as well. Look in the mirror, I say.
  23. "I have no idea why bioware did this and for that matter I don't care. I do not like MMOs because they are all just a simple excuse for the fat *******s to make more money." NEWSFLASH: That's why BIO did KOTOR. For the money. Duh. "p.s even though it does get old after a while.....I admit that that there is just something really attractive about the "galaxy in your hands" bit. And this MMO where the galaxy is in you and your friend's hands.......that kind of takes away from the........well....I can't think of the right word for now." I'm glad you just admitted to being full of yourself, and arrogant. Not to emntion selfish. You want ALL the gory, and don't want to share it - not even with your 'friends'. You'd make a poor Jedi. Jedi shouldn't fall prey to such pride and arrogance - that was Anakin's downfall.
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