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Everything posted by Volourn
"I thought you had "researched". Shouldn't you be able to come up with something more solid than that? I mean, a healthy dose of skepticism is ok, but this is ridiculous." Huh? I've read enough about FO3 to know that it's basically a Bethesda game that just happens to be called FO3. i could list a billion of things that I've read, or whatch in videos that make me feel that the game wouldn't be worth $80. From the fact that VATS sounds like a dumb combat system, the fact you can kill people will teddy bears, the fact that the writing looks to be 'not so good' (that's being polite), and more all reasons to avoid this game. "Yeah. So, if you can learn from past mistakes... why are you so convinced that the people at Bethesda cannot?" L0L This is easy to counter, and I cna't believe you wasted time posting this softball question. It's simply. Bethesda doens't think they made a mistake with their earlier games. And, why should they? Whether I liked them or not is irrelevant. They're both critical, and financial success so why in the bejeebers would Beth change that formula just to please an internet geek like me? So, the fact is, in order to learn from past mistakes you have to actually believe you made a mistake to learn from. Obviously, Beth doesn't. And, the fact that FO3 has been selling super fast (it might end up selling more than Oblivion did, and already has outsold all previous FO games combined if the news is true); they don't need my money so Beth can throw me in the trash can. "I've hated every game Bethesda has released. I love Fallout 3. Just think of it as a first person spinoff instead of a sequel if it helps. If you don't want to pay full price, your call and understandable, but take it from a fellow Bethesda hater that its not worth missing out on the game just because its Bethesda, they actually managed to pull off a decent game here." It's a sequel. There's no pretending otehrwise. But,k i should point out, I'm not one of those who hate FO3 because it's not gonna be exxactly like FO1, and FO2. I could live with that. It's why I would have bought a FO3 from BIO, Obsidian, or any other company even if they made it RT. I'm not big on FO3 because of what i've heard of it, and because I simply do not like Bethesda games. Blame Bethesda not me.
"I was willing to understand Volourn's hesitation at getting Fallout 3, until he mentioned he thought FOBOS was 'an okayish action game' " Because, that's exactly what FOBOS is. It doesn't pretend to be soemthing it isn't. "yet unwilling to touch F3." FOBOS' developer hasn't made games I dislike that I wasted money on. I'm not gonna be suckered into buying another horrible Bethesda game at full price. It was Bethesda's job to convince me to waste my money on FO3. They even had a head start consideirng how much I love the FO series. Yet, they still failed. And, the posts, even by the people who like the game, illustrates that this game is just another Bethesda game with the FO name attached to it. If I don't like Bethesda games.. why would FO3 be any different. The old saying goes: "Those who don't learn from past experience are doomed to repeat it." Well.. some may think I'm retarded; but even this retardo is smart enough to not repeat the mistake of paying full price of a Bethesda game. Tons of good games I cna enjoy to spend my money on including SOZ... why should I give Bethesda a chance? I shouldn't. I win.
"Except they're not really." They are. new Reno itself is the height of role-playing. None stop choices witha bsolutely meaningful consequences to them. Totally sweet, and awesome. There's nothing like that in any other game including FO1.
It's also superior ebcause the role-playing, and characters are also better.
"Heh, he hasn't even played Oblivion. He's basing his opinion of Bethesda on games they released in the 90's, apparently." And, research.
"I'm not dissing your take on Bethesda, mostly since I pretty much share it, at least as far as the last couple ES games go, but aren't you at all curious to see if FO3 might not in fact be a decent game?" No. " I mean the reaction has been pretty good, and not just from reviewers but a lot of people right here, many of whom are a rather tough lot to please." Others' opinions don't matter to me when determining what games *I* spend my money on. I've doen the actual research, and from what I've seen FO3 is basically a Bethesda game in FO clothing. I avoided Oblivion for a reason - I don't care for Bethesda games. The only reason I'm even thinking of possibly buying FO3 when the price goes down is because I'm a brainwashed FO series fanboy. It's why I got hoodwinked into buying FOT (didn't like it), and FOBOS (which was okayish for an action game); but those weren't from developers I absolutely loathe like Bethesda so they were worth the risk despite being not true FO sequels. As for this bashing of FO2 in this thread. That game is aweosme. It's a superior RPG than FO1, and I would take the President over the Master any day as a villain. Vault City, and New Reno are two of the absolutely best city settings in any game ever. Nothing in FO could touch them.
If you voted based on race you are scumbag. It's really is that black and white.
"Yep. Almost all blacks are Democrats anyway, and Kerry and Gore shared that 90% level of support with Obama, so while I don't doubt Obama being half-black was a bonus, it's very hard to try and paint his black supporters as racist." Nah. Not really. The claim that rcaism is a White disease and other rcaes like blacks cna't be inflcited is beyond silly. There is no doubt that there were black people who voted for Obama simply because he was black just like there's no doubt there were people who voted for McCain 'cause he was white. Your Kerry and Gore comparisons are hurt because those two were up against a white man. I doubt they would have capyured 90% of the black vote if the Republicans had ran a Black candidate. "And, yes, Gallup showed that 6% of whites were voting for Obama mainly because he was black - a similar number showed 6% were voting against him because he was black. It evens out" So, 12% of whites admitted to vote based on race hence are admitted racists. Scumbags.
FO2. No contest. FO1 is aweosme; but FO2 is 'more of the same' but bigger so gets the vote. FO3 is a Bethesda game so it automatically sucks, and is auto nominated for 'worst game ever'.
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
"Do you even know what you're talking about, or do you just make random statements out of your ass? As far as Cthulhu development, I think the game was supposed to be much bigger initially, with several detectives available as playable characters, so it was just a case of an inexperienced developer biting off too much. Still a work of art though, too bad it sold so poorly." I heard about the game from multiple sources including game focused tvs shows, magazinenes, various boqards - including non gaming focused one - etc., etc. It was advertised, and was hyped. Wa sit hyped like, say, GOW2 or FO3? no. But, to say it wasn't hyped AT ALL, is flat out false. -
"Obama was a protest vote. With Bush's low rating and the economic crisis, McCain didn't have any business getting even as close as he did. Is the fact that the race wasn't a complete blowout a function of racism? I don't know." L0L I like how this nimplies that racism is some sort of white person's disease. I mean, this suggests that 100% of those who voted for Obama didn't do so simply ebcause he was black. I bleieve Obama got 96% of the black vote. I ahve no doubt a decent percentage of those did so simply ebcause he was black. Racism/bigotry is a disease shared by all races. Not just whites. Anyways, Obama is cool as Prez. Thankfully, it wasn't Hilary Clinton as the first female Prez should be someone worthy of being Prez. GL Obama, you gonna need it!
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
"So.. how's Jade Empire 2 coming along?" Has a higher chance of being made than KOTOR2 at this point. L0PL But, yeah, all quiet on that front so apprantly it wans't successful enough. At least yet. -
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
"And I thought KotOR 3 was ultimately nixed because of the refocusing of the entire LA video game lines (and the decision to ultimately back The Force Unleashed)." So.. why chosoe a whole new SW game instead of a proven commidty like KOTORs eries? Hmm.. Simple.. LA didn't think it be worth it finanically comapred to their other options (Force Unelashed and KOTOR MMO). -
Fallout and the decade that lasted 125 years
Volourn replied to Arkan's topic in Computer and Console
"At least it is better than that ad which Heidi Klum playing Guitar Hero in her undies." No. -
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
"as in no marketing at all." False. -
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
"You kinda answer your own question. Obs isn't making K3 because La doesn't want them to." Yeah, but the question remains why. Poeple in this thread say I'm full of crap; but they haven't given a reason why LA would say no to a KOTOR3 developed by Obsidian other than 'MMOs make more money' which isn't neccessarily true espciailly consideirng LA's own failed SW MMO that collapsed (despite the fact it had lots of surbscribers). -
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
LA has no problems publishing single player games. So, it's not just the MMO craze - espicially since their last MMO didn't have a nice ending so the fact that they're willing to try a second time instead of making a second seqeuel to a 'successful' series says a lot about how KOTOR2 not meeting their expecations (even though it did sell reasonably well). As for cost, don't forget that it probably costs LA more to hire BIO/EA to develop KOTOR MMORPG than it would have to hire Obsidian to develop KOTOR3 hence even less a share of a pie. -
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
If I'm full of crap as you say then explian to me why Obsidian isn't making KOTOR3 when it's obvious they wanted to badly. Heck, they admitted to beg... err... asking LA fror them to make KOTOR3. Fact of the matter is if KOTOR2 was as successful as LA wanted it to be, Obsidian would be working on KOTOR3 right now... or it might even be released. *shrug* -
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
Common sense. And, 'rumour's, 'myths', and 'innuendo'. Though LA hasn't flat out said this. First off, this isn't to say KOTOR2 didn't sell. It did. However, we know this: 1. Obsidian wants to make KOTOR3. Mr. U, and company have stated in interviews they want to make KOTOR3. 2. LA flat out turned them down (at least for now). 3. LA actually was in the process of developing KOTOR3 in house before they scrapped it. 4. they now have BIO making the MMO version of 'KOTOR3'. 5. There were rumblings that LA wans't all that pleased with the criticism that KOTOR3 (bothd eserved and undeserved), and that while KOTOR2 did sell; it wans't nearly enough to make they excited for an Obsidian developed sequel. And, yeah, LA hasn't come out and publically smacked down Obsidian (not really professional to do so); but really reading between the lines there has to be a reason or reasons why LA won't allow Obsidian to make KOTOR3. And, since we know LA is about money there is only one logicla reason. Afterall, Atari doens't seem to have a problem with obsidian making NWN2 expansions so obviously they were/are happy with NWN2's financial performance. -
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
"Volourn does magic tricks! Did you see that one? Instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, he pulled an opinon out of his backside." Wrong. Again, called research. reading interviews, prss releases, previews, reviews, watching vieos, reading FO3 threads from actual gamers, and the like are all about research. I do this for all games I might be interested in. With this research, I've successfully determined that FO3 isn't worth full p0irce; but I *mighT* get it when the price lowers. "Alright Volo has now lost his rights to post in any Fallout 3 thread." The cool thing is I haven't relaly posted much in FO3 threads, and this isn't a FO3 thread, btw. It's a 'Obsidian doing a FO game' thread. "Why does Obsidian have a spotty track record? They've released three successful titles. They might not have been huge blockbusters, but I doubt they failed to meet expected sales numbers." Well.. According to LA, KOTOR2 didn't make their sale expecations hence why they won't allow (currently) Obsidian to make a KOTOR3 instead deciding on a MMORPG so while KOTOR2 did sell reasonably well, it surely didn't meet LA's expecations and that's what matters. -
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
"I didn't realize you had Fallout 3? I'd love to hear your opinions of it." I don't. But, I use common sense to choose what agmes I find worthy of my money. From solid long term research, I've determined that FO3 sucks like other Bethesda games and isn't worth full price. -
Could Bethesda outsource Fallout to Obsidian?
Volourn replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
The chances that Bestehda would let Obsidian (or any company)P use their IP is near nil. Obviously, the thing with Interplay is a special case 'cause of the circumstances of the sale. And, FO3 sucks like the rest of Bethesda games most likely so Obsidian should stick with the good stuff like NWN. And, I don't really see Obsidian pursing a turn based game. they've mad eit clear that tb isn't their thing. Unelss that changes don't count on it. -
It does. I've been twinking it to no success yet.
Awesome except for the fact the computer hits nearly everything. Hard to get pumped when they computer hits 70% of shots when youa r ein their face. And, your teammates satnd around like statues when it comes to rebounding. L0L Otherwise, an okay game.