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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Illithids are awesome!
  2. Volourn


    For now. Avery > Broduer
  3. Volourn


    "If he does make the team, he'll teach Sean Avery a thing or two about being an agitator." I think that Martin Brodeur (Lemiuex's old running buddy) would say that Avery doesn't need to be tought on how to be agitator.
  4. "Ninety five percent of those who make that decision do so with a brain that is not functioning properly. Most of them do not consider the feelings of others at all becase they cannot" I've heard the same thing said about serial killers... I still say they are 100% responsible for their actions. Everything we do is based on our individual brains. *shrug*
  5. "Would you be able to take your own life? Otherwise you're a coward!" Hey, sometimes life sucks. Suck it up, and deal with it. Afterall, my life ain't perfect. Afterall, if it were, I wouldn't be wasting it here. L0L
  6. Slavery is wrong. It's immoral to support it any fashion. Di does NOT own Aram. So, you should apologize for suggesting she does.
  7. "Not to mention calling them cowards, that's pretty dastardly if you ask me." But, they are. Suicide is an admittance that 'life is too hard' for you. Or the world 'isn't worthy of your presence'. It's the very definition of cowardly. There's no way around it. You certainly aren't brave. btw, This doens't mean I'd *ever* encourage someone to commit suicide. In fact, i'd do quite the opposite (nor would I call them a coward while trying to help them since that be counter productive of course). Still, bottom line, the one who chooses to commit suicide is 100% responsible for their actions.
  8. YAY! Got to finally 'experience' the new xbox 'experience'. 'Bout time!
  9. He's 100% responsible for his actions. His own perceived weaknesses led to his suicide. Instead of blaming others, he should be the one blamed. He took the coward's way out. Sorry, i feel sorry/pity for him; but if we are gonna play the blame game, it's 100% his.
  10. Sure new Xbox Experience for sure - I cna't even playonline even though it says I'm online... LAME!
  11. "Besides which, the Forgotten Realms is a hodgepodge creation, medieval period, ancient Egyptian, and barbarian hordes for example." Yup, and like I keep telling people. This is a good thing. It's because the Realms are a fantasy world. Just like our real world has deserts, oceans, forests, jungles, plains, etc. all in one setting so does the Realms. Just because dinos are instinct in 2008 Earth doesn't mean they should be extinct in the Reams/Abeir Toril. The Mainland (ie. the area that people are most familair with) are LOOSELY based on the medieval period. Like you mentioned, hwoever, the Realms have other stuff like Egyptian based dieties, and stuff. Even some of their gods like Tyr were 'stolen' / 'borowed' from random places. *shrug*
  12. "This is a setting that takes place in what would be considered a Medieval Period. What the hell are dinosaurs doing in it? What idiot thought of that?" Your ignorance of the Realms is sad. One part of the world is LOOSELY based on the medieval period. Chult, the setting here, has dinos for a reason since it's not based on the medieval period. btw, The 'real' medieval period didn't have magic either. Or a billion gods. Tsk, tsk.
  13. Dinos are the one of the best parts of the game. Totally sweet! Don't diss the dino!
  14. Dinos are cute, and Volo can be funny!
  15. "I will trust my research, common sense, and history with previous Bethesda products." 'Nough said in response.
  16. Bah. I just downloaded this tonight, and now I cna't play oneline even thoguh I'm 'online' according to the stupid machine. Bah.
  17. Awesome music!
  18. I actually liked Alone in the Dark. Severely underrated. I can't even remember House of the Dead; but IIRC, it's the one on the isalnd right with the kiddies 9well.. all horros are with kiddies heh)? Like I said above, I haven't seen Bloodraye. Or Dungeon Seige.
  19. No comment on certain things as people don't like negative stuff about Obsidian games here so I'll focus on positive stuff. Music is awesome. Characetr creation NWN series style is as super as ever and now you can do it FOUR TIMES! The mercantile stuff storyline has some potential. That is all.
  20. Says the one who watched it...
  21. Never watched Bloodrayne. *shrug*
  22. His movies, in general, are nowhere near as crappy as many claim. Most of 'em are definitely watchable.
  23. "How is SoZ? .. and try not to mention Mass Effect." Next time, when you want serious answers do not troll. Thank you.
  24. NHL 09, and SOZ.
  25. Then how can you be an Obsidian fanboy when their games are largely based around those? L0L
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