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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. No, no it isn't. A good designer can do it. If they actually want to. It's lazy, or poor effort on deisgners who make thinsg unkillable. And, yes, I know BIo is guilty of it. Doesn't make it right.
  2. So.. never then? Good to know.
  3. "Yes, but Mass Effect doesn't feel like KotOR at all. It's so action RPGish." Um... JE is also an Action RPG. And, ME fells like an Action RPG because it is an Action RPG. It's also 1 million times ebtter than KOTOR. As for what other KOTOR like games the OP should try, most of 'em are covered.
  4. "and so on. And I think I would be deported to guntanamo for unamerican behavior if i was to say this in the US," Thais isn't a sane comment. You would not be deported for saying this in Amerika. People say much more 'controverisal' things then what you just did. Talk about usings care tatics. Republicans are far from the only ones to use scare tatics. And, oh btw guys, when is Bush gonna declare himself Dicator/President For Life like most of the Anti Bush crowd claimed he was? I'm waiting for it.
  5. Topic: FO3 is the very successful sequel to FO1, and FO2. It is developed by Bethesda, and brings players into the wasteland in a whole new adventure. Can YOU survive the wastalnd?
  6. "Have you even taken the time to think that maybe we're all generally interested in a genuine experienced opinion from you instead of the half hearted responses you've been giving." Before you trolled me, I had only posted once in this threads and that was to post a link to a review... so, what half hearted comments? "In a way, if you had played it, and then decided it sucked then it'd be easier to comprehend, but now you're just being stubborn, and frankly I'm not throwing the word ignorant around because I want to insult you, it's a genuine observation that you're indeed showing ignorance towards FO3." Ignorance implies lack of knowledge. I have seen enough videos, read enough reviews, previews, articles, posts, etc. to have solid enough information to make a decision on whether or not the game is worth my $80.... just as you did. "At the end of the day FO3 is a big release," Do you buy every AAA/big release? I doubt it very much. " and part of what I personally like about these forums are characters like yourself, a big RPG release without an honest to god Vologic thrashing or praising makes the world an odd place," Oh, please. Get over me. " naturally that's not a reason alone to buy anything, but it just goes to show that you don't value ANY of our opinions at all," Don't lie. You don't value my opinion at all. Your insults, and flames shows that you don't. Also, why should I spend $80 just to make you happy? " so why contribute at all?" FUN FACT: I wans't 'contributing' at all. Again, I didn't post in this thread AT ALL (except the codex review link) until you trolled me. And, oh, I'm on this forum because I like Obsidian games, and I don't mind exchanging opinions. And, I value others' opinions... just not $80 worth. "Very well said. It is odd that someone who seems to have little regard for most forum goers here spends so much time here. I hang out here because there are quite a few people with similar interests and I enjoy conversing with them." Right. Because people here have so 'much regard' for my opinions? Doubtful. Besides, again, I'm here because I enjoy Obsidian games. That's why i came. And, I don't mind reading others' opinions whether I agree with them or not. But, I most certainly not gonna spend $80 just because YOU tell me I should. Sadly, you guys miss the point. I wasn't even posting in this thread until Nightshape's trolling of me. I was happily just reading others' opinions on the game MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS without posting snark about the game in this thread so don't go on about me bashing FO3 in a FO3 thread as I wasn't doing that AT ALL. Go back to discussing FO3, and stop trolling me. That shows you don't value, or respect me, my opinion, or even this thread at all (which is most important). Thank you.
  7. " spending hundreds of thousands of campaign donations on clothes" Republican campaign decision not hers. "her interviews" *shrug* ", not answering questions during the debate" She evades them like most politicians. " and flirting with the audience," Big deal. They all do to a certain point. It's one of the ways you connect with the audience. " etc." No.
  8. Maria wins. Only pnp role-playing is true role-playing. You can only branch/diveger so much in the CRPG. There are no limits in pnp outside of the players/dm's imaginations.
  9. "The numbers just show that all three games are very good." How does that prove any of the sort? There's three games. It asks which of the three is your favorite. Heck, someone could love all 3 games or hate all 3 and they would still likely have a 'favorite'. "I'd be interested in seeing what would happen if we removed the votes of people who haven't played all three titles." Not much. Since, outside of me, I'm sure 99% of the people who voted have played FO3, and I'm sure most everyone on the Obsidian boards have played FO1, and FO2. Them being old Interplay/BIS games.
  10. Nice for the truth to come out after the election is over when it no longer matters. Also, if *this* is to be believed (I don't wholly endorse it); it was actually a Republican campaigner who spread the rumour. Disgusting!
  11. YAY! FO2 takes the lead barely over FO1 and CRUSHES FO3!
  12. "No one is flaming you because you're uninterested in the game." K. " People are flaming you because you're saying the game is bad even though you've never played it." I've read enough reviews, previews, articlles, opions, and wtached my share of vids for it to make an informed decision. The same way everybody decided to play the game. We *all* decide to buy or not buy games through these methods and pretty much everybody judges games before they buy them if they do it all. This is the reason why I chose not to buy Guitar Hero. And, why many don't buy EA Sports games. " And you're doing so in a thread where the majority of people thought it would be bad before they played it, but find the game good to great." O RLY? Did you read this thread? I hardly, if ever posted in this theead. IIRC, this is my 3rd post. (I might have missed otehrs not sure). Post #1 - A link to the Codex Review. Not even a smart aleck remark eitehr by me. i just figured others would wnat to read a (mostly) positive review from the Codex. Post #2 - Response to Nightshapes' unprovoked trolling, and attack. Post #3 - This one here. Seriosuly, I have read this threa dbut I haven't posted in it really. Did you mean the 'Which FO is the Best FO?" I won't apologize for my comments in that one since, by definition, it's a comparison thread (and, obtw, FO3 is losing there. I purposefully avoided posting in this thread, because this trhead shouldn't come down to me vs FO3 fanatics. I was trying to be respectful but don't troll my name. I will respond to trolling. "Whoa, don't drag me into this! First, the only companion I've even found is Dogmeat, and unfortunately that's just what he becomes all too often out in the wastes. I got tired of reloading, so I left him safe and sound back home. This game requires a lot of exploring in crumbling ruins and narrow tunnels where I figured that a companion might be more of a burden than a help, and as I said, from a roleplaying point of view, the vault dweller's journey seems intensely personal so traveling alone seemed a reasonable choice" Woah. I wasn't dragging you into anything nor was I making fun of you. I only used your latest post on an example of how I don't just use someone liking or disliking a game tod ecide whether or not to buy it. But, the 8whys* ar ejust important. No offense intended. Anyways,.... *back to reading the thread in peace unless someone trolls me again*
  13. "Well Volourn is just being ignorant and stubborn... And I wouldn't say you're an ignorant person..." The fact that you have to resort to flaming, and trolling proves whose the ignorant one. Sorry, if I'm not about to jump off the cliff with my $80 like everybody else. Even the poeple who like the game mention quite a few weaknesses to it., Besdies, I don't trust Obsidian fanboys who think KOTOR2 is the bestg game ever, and blame publishers for all weaknesses in Obsidian games 9even thoguh I like Obsidian games myself). Bethesda games suck, and I have heard nothing to disprove that FO3 is any aidfferent. At best, it's a 'little better'. The fact that Di (who likes FO3) doesn't even bother with FO3's companions when she LOVES joinable npcs says A LOT to me. Not to mention the complaints about combat, dififuclty, exploration, the ending, the writing,e tc., and these are complaints from people who like the game. So keep crying because I won't join you in your Fo3 lovefest. I'll wait to SOZ comes out which will actually be a a fun game worth my money. I don't buy games based on other people liking it. I often use *why* others like certain games to determine why I buy games. I've bought games that i wans't initially interested in because people made a *convincing* argument on why i should gave it a chance. So, enjoy flaming me, if it makes you feel cool because you bought FO3 and I didn't. *shrug* P.S. i've read/watched a lot a stuff about FO3. There are things I think i'll like about it - just not enough to pay full price for the game.
  14. I'm one of the iggest supports of fan voting for the ASG but this hurts my case to be sure. Silly MTL fans. *shrug*
  15. "Our continued presence in Iraq serves only as a recruitment tool for Taliban forces." Yeah. So much so, that the Taliban have a power base in iraq now. LMAO
  16. Band/Artist: Pink Floyd/Elvis Presley Movie: The Stand/Titanic TV Series: General Hospital/Buffy/Angel/Hercules/Xena Cartoon: No favorites; but Disney rules the nest for the most part. Book: Any Stephen King book Comic Book Hero: Superman (formerly Spiderman) PC Video Game: Neverwinter Nights Console Video Game: NHL 09 Games Console: XBOX 360 Forum: RPG Codex/Bioware/Television Without Pity
  17. "Yeah, portrayed as a buffoon who should have listened to his father." Not buffoonish. Idealish. Like most young people. " Seriously, this was about as Patriotic as Starship Troopers - seems patriotic on the surface, but it's really not at all." It is. But, it's also not supposed to be 'true to live'. It's Action Movie with a lot of drama. "It seriously confused me that a movie called the Patriot could make so much fun of patriots. Then it hit me, Roland Emmerich is German." I don't think it makes fun of patriots to the extreme you do. Sure, there's a lot of funnies 'ie. sister in law/love interest's comment of 'it's a free country... well, it will be in the future' that can come off as corny. "(I guess there are people who still think Starship Troopers was meant to be taken seriously too, so I can't blame you too much.)" Yeha, yeah. It's not historically accurate. Big deal. It's an Action Movie. But, Mel Gibson's character is a patriot. You porbably just didn't understand the character or his history. There's a reason why he was so against fighting at the start of the movie. And, it wans't that he was against the idea of a 'free US colonies'. He wa ssimp0ly sick of all the bloodshed he took part in most noteably his troup0e's masaccre of the French. WHAT? Did you think it was a documentary? Sad, if you did. Great movie with some great acting. Period. And, it gets pretty dark too. NO MERCY!
  18. Most unsuccessful people are douchebags.
  19. That's ebcause people don't care if others are suffering. They'd rather have others suffering then themselves and their 'country'. Caring for other human beings shouldn't stop at one's borders, imo. This is why I hate the argument of 'we shouldn't be help;ing x country when my country has problems'. Espicially a problem in NA and Europe where our problems comapritvely speaking aren't nearly as bad as other places. Why is freedom the right of the West but not on other continents with a country like Iraq? *shrug*
  20. With a SC ring, a successful career in hockey, millions of dollars, and very likely a wonderful personal life. I don't think he's the douche.
  21. Maybe. But, his words at the Codex ruin that assessment of yours. Anyways, back to the topic: FO2 is the best FO.
  22. Wouldn't loyalty mean I'd go out and buy a DS to buy Sonic. Wouldn't said loyalty get me to buy all the DLC they release? Your definition of fanboy is weird.
  23. You musta watched the different movie. The movie had other character outside of Mel Gibson. His eldest son for example.
  24. "Fallout 2 was a lot like Fallout 2" I agree.
  25. That should be out this week! YAY!
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