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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "homicide." I though homicide was murder/unlawful killing. Of course, i've never looked up the technical defintion of it. Anyways, this is dfeinitely horrible. Why was he such a bonehead to sit so near a fire that his baby died? Tsk, tsk. Still, it might be easy for us all to condemn him; but awsomeness points out that any punishment the alw feels the need to dish out is salt to the wounds. Afterall, unless he's completely immoral, the guy is likely going to suffer the rest of his life (in jail or out) with the knowledge that he's responsible for his child's death because of extreme negilence. The fact he decided to get drunk while babysitting is enough for me to smack him one. As for creative punishment, mayne he should be sented to probation, and community service in a chidlren's sick ward to see the kind of pain children go through. Still, there is most definitely no easy answer here.
  2. "Quests - Kotor's were great, ME's were crap Characters - Kotor's were great, ME's were crap Dialog - Kotor's was great, ME's was crap Art design - Kotor's was great, ME's was crap Story - Kotor's was great, ME's was crap" L0L but, no. Maybe reverse that, and you ar ein the right direction; but KOTOR isn't complete crap. But, ME is awesome.
  3. Except KOTOR is BIO's weakest game, and NWN isn't popular on these forums... And, ME is a better version of KOTOR. I think James Ohlen is just one of a team that does a good job at BIO. It's the good doctors who know what they're doing.
  4. But, they have to be the team leaders which Dury is. Shanahan ain't no more. He's D U N Drury, Gomez, Rozsival, Redden, or even Naslund are worthy captains for the Rangers. Yes, i say that even though the last two are fleshly new to the team, and I'm not the biggest supporter of the Naslund signing.
  5. "an average shooter" Hard for it to be that since it's not a shooter. It's an Action RPG. "a crummy RPG" better RPG than most RP0Gs including BIO and Obsidian's so called ones. cough* BG *cough* *cough* IWD *cough* "I don't think I'll ever understand how any fan of KotOR can play ME and dislike it." Espciially since ME is 100x better than KOTOR. "lessen the impact of the bad writing and design" Check the role-playing section for my comment on this. ME = THA awesome ME > KOTOR + BG + PST
  6. Joke thread? yeah, yeah it is
  7. Nope. Don't buy it. Many people gtow up in the 'slums' for exmaple, and ar epolls. Many of them do NOt turn to theft or other crimes. Go figure. Society plays some role, but ultimately the individual's personality, ethics, morals, and outlook are their own. If this wasn't the case, the North Amerika power base would have still been pro slavery yet enough 'whities' back in the day were anti slavery depsite the fact that it was 'legal'. R00fles!
  8. Lists are cool! Mine... NWN:TP BG2 ME JE BG1 KOTOR "You forget that BG was first of its kind." No, it wasn't. "but what I always thought and still think is that Bioware hasn't really improved anything since BGII, even though you get more options quest wise (in NWN and KOTOR), or more detail to characters (Jade), or a more cinematic experience (ME) the games as a whole fall flat. For everything that was done well in them something else collapsed." Sure, they have, and you even admit it in this quote of yours. "since every planet except the main quest ones was more or less identical..." The worlds were, yes, but the quests themselves no. It sure beats the non variety of BG1 quests which were mostly kill x. It's one of things that make BG2 1 million times superior than BG1 and makes it worthy of RPG discussion. "when BG1 does RP well, it does it better than NWN1 OC by far" Nowhere even close. The deepest role-playing BG1 has is which npcs to keep your in party. That's it.
  9. Shanahan would be a horrible choice. While Drury isn't my first pick; he's acceptable. Shanahan is a punk whose past his prime. Thankfully, the Rangers treated him like dirt just like did Jagr (BOO!). We Rangers should be thankful we have one of the best goalies in the league along with a really good D or else we'd suck big time this season. Too bad we don't have a true gamebreaker any more.
  10. "The "guy from Africa" is a Kenyan bishop, a Christian, and Christians would call it a blessing, and any Christian would find it pretty insulting to have their ceremonies dismissed as witchcraft, although non-evangelicals find this stuff rather odd." It's witchcraft. I'm insulted to think that they expect people to believe these 'rituals' actually work. L0L "Wow, that's messed up. Just because a guy is from Africa doesn't mean he practices Voodoo." Stereotypes are only fun when it's about white people, Amerikans, and rednecks I guess. And, oh, I never claimed he used voodoo. I claimed - quite sarcastically btw - that he used 'witchcraft' to counter 'witchcraft'. The fact that he happens to be Christian is absolute irrelevant to me. He uses 'rituals' *cough* withcraft *cough* to 'protect' people from witchcraft. L0L
  11. "But you're Frenchy Kanadian!" Don't remind me! Why not give the player a choice?
  12. I don't read French Kanuck. That's a foreign language! I don't want (more)cooties!!!
  13. "Um, Volourn, that is to protect her from as in against witchcraft, meaning she is against it and she sought protection from it. The fact she thinks that witchcraft has any sort of "supernatural" power that she needs protection from tells me that she is a Class-A nutjob. I think you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills, Volourn." Um.. The guy from Afrika used a 'ritual'. Sounds like witchcraft to me. Just like a mage in D&D uses magic to protect themselves from magic, she used witchcraft to protect herself from witchcraft. Makes sense. Afterall, a modern bullet proof fest won't protect one from withcraft, right? Come on, everyone knows this!
  14. "For godsakes she had some guy from Africa do some "ritual" to protect her from "witchcraft" just prior her governorship." Weird.. Aren't 'hardcore' Christians anti witchcraft? Hmmm.. Maybe she's more open minded than people think. Thumbs up to her.
  15. "Meh, I don't know, I was expecting something bigger. I mean, really... the idea that our reality isn't what we think it is and we're really just part of a big organics farm for machines... hrmm... where have I heard that plot before? Someone should call Neo. He'd fix everything." Matrix is far from the first example of this kind of plot. And, at least i didn't fall asleep withjin the first 30 minutes of ME. L0L "The fact that Sovreign turned out to be a reaper himself was a nice suprise" I'm surprised that you are surprised because BIo gave away ME's main sotory in previews and stuff. As soon as Sorveign was introduced, and it was obvious it was a 'special' ship; I know it was one of those Big bad Evil Ships tm...
  16. Bully? Asking for evidence when someone gives a blank statement is being a bully now? WOW. My apoligizes. Anyways, joke or not, the bigotry - even from actual Amerikans- that deem it okay to insult my nieghbours to the south is annoying. And, if you wer ejust joking why did you follow up with this anecdotal gem: "My evidence is seven years as a teacher." L0L Anyways, in the end, no biggy. More on topic: Games should feature subtitles so peopel can choose to either read or listen. *shrug* P.S. I'm Kanadian, I don't need to read and write Amerikan.
  17. "Anyways, you can't read or write American either, Volo." Is that the best you got? A weak flame that I've heard so many times it's beyond laughable. l0l
  18. So, to you, role-playing is about length. Weird. BIO's newer games have more meaningful role-playing. I agre that BG2 has a better story than NWN OC; but that doesn't make it better RPG. It's even worse in BG1. BG2 has solid role-playing for the most part (better than most agmes); but BG1's role-playing is nowhere near that good. Role-playing in BG1 mostly comes down the chocie between doing a quest or not doing it. There ane't really multiple ways to do things. Exceptions only prove the rule.
  19. "(something which old PnP crowd would never have bothered with)." This is simply not true. Don't think your own experience = every 'old PnP crowd'. (and, the same with my experience not being the same everybody). Not all old pnp crowd campaigns were about campaigning, and leveling up. The best experiences I've had injected actual drama - including romances/relationships - into it along with the usual action, mystery, and huge epic plots THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD. The bestest of the best make it 'THIS TIME IT IS PERSONAL' tm as a common mantra.
  20. "It was their behavior and their choice." Game over. P.S. NEWSFLASH: Exceptions prove the rule.
  21. "If you want a better RPG, play just about anything." Not BG that's for darn sure.
  22. You asked a question, and I was wondering what the point of the question actually is.Whether a KOTOR MMORPG can beat out WOW is irrleevant except those who need bragging rights about stilly stuff like that.
  23. "Not the best combat in the shooting genre" That's because it is an Action RPG; not a shooter or in the 'shooting genre'.
  24. Beats KOTOR combat which is the closest game in terms of style. ME's combat is 3rd place place behind NWN, and BG2.
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