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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Seriously though. A guy from the country that has Guantanamo concentration camp and secret prisons all over the world is going to educate a free European on the legal system? LOL. A guy from a country that conducts warrantless surveillance against their own citizens? DOUBLE LOL." Eh? You want to pull the 'Europeans are awesomer'? Sorry, but any continent that has Hitler as their most famous risident should not pretend to be the moral police or superior to anyone. Talking about secret and concentration camps. LMAO Yeah, I went straight to Hitler. I WIN.
  2. WL2 looks pretty fantastic and that is coming from someone who had huge doubts about it. I didn't even throw money at its KS despite liking Fargo/FO.
  3. Yeah, but that was back in the late 90s. JE came out in 2005 so the concept likely evolved. The one talked about between the docs and Feargus was gonna use the IE too. Dunno if that exact game would be great but I do know JE was though definitely underappreciated. One thing to say though that no doubts the BIO docs and Feargus had/have a great professional relationship.
  4. I had a tear in my eye because of that one video. MANLY tear that is.
  5. "Correct. Theft is theft and it doesn't cover neither identity theft nor digital theft. That's why the phrases "identity theft" and "digital theft" were made." The word theft is right in the name. Omg identity THEFT digital THEFT Thanks for proving my point.
  6. If the system was fine it wouldn't need tuning...
  7. JE is simply superior to KOTOR in every meaningful way. KOTOR is dumbed down NW. JE is its own thing. It has the bestter writing, characters, story, combat, graphics, music, game, play, on, and on.
  8. "the obsidian pov on quest xp is not unclear or hidden. we got numerous links to obsidian clarifications on the matter." And, they told the 'complainers' not to judge things until they tried the game out either. Well, we tried the game (beta) and now they are getting comments aka feedback. "this thread should actual be looked at positive by the obsidians. if this nonsense is the genuine biggest and most populous issue folks have with PoE, the obsidians should be overwhelmed with relief. " Kiddin' right? There's plenty of other issues. Wayyyyyy bigger issues than xp. The only reasons why xp threads get so alrge is that BOTH side spam each other. Of course, you still haven't explained in your Obsidian apologist way why PE's xp system is garbage but SRR's xp system is pretty darn good. Weird that.
  9. I'm talking about the guy who stole the pictures not anyone else. Why are you spamming gibberish?
  10. "The only one who can do that is the court of law" Nope. I just need. the eprson who did it is a thief and a hacker. "ntil then the person who leaked the pictures is presumed innocent, and is therefore innocent in my eyes." According to the law. I'm not the law. I cna deem someone guilty or innocent whenever I damn well please. I bet you have to so don't lie.
  11. It did happen. It's called Jade Empire. And, it's underrated. It also sold the least of all BIO's RPGs - despite selling 1.5-2mil copies within the first year which was considered not good enough to qualify for a sequel. Too bad since its years better than KOTOR or BG1.
  12. Nah. because, I doubt the owner would care if you took. On top of that, they likely left it there on purpose because they no longer wanted. Not the case with these stolen pictures which were privately taken and privately owned. Did the hacker/thief have permission to take the photos? NO. Theft. In essence, I'd argue the left over dog crap is owned by nobody as the 'owner' gave up their rights to it. On top of that, said 'owner' - depending where you live - could be fined for a misdemeanor crime. In essence, you FAIL at logics et sense commonal.
  13. "n order for something to be theft you must deprive the original owner of it;" No. Theft is taking something that doesn't belong to you without permission. PERIOD. Theft is theft is theft.
  14. "It also doesn't help that Obsidian doesn't make any statements about this controversy. They have chosen to simply ignore us, which adds additonal heat to these discussions." But, they have spoken. Those whoa re pro combat xp are stupid. they got your money and so now they don't care what you think. The decision has been made.
  15. "No its correct what I stated, read the small print in the kickstarter rules. This is a investment, not buying a final product. You invest into a company, into their vision." HAHAHA! That's now this works. You promise x and return for money you better deliver x. if you don't intentionally that's fraud. Kickstarter rules do not trump the law. Small print, btw, has been thrown out of court so many times it's ridiciculous that in 2014 that ignorants still think that it trumps the law. It doesn't. "Really? Funny in reading all these threads I never saw it. PS: I put emphasis on the part both of you didn't quote. That being "Until someone has some GOOD answers for..."" HAHAHAHAHA! I haven't heard one GOOD answer for why quest xp is better when it isn't - espicially how it's done in PE. Ogre is worth xp but the spider queen isn't even thoguh she is more of a challenge. LMAO
  16. First off, the scenarios aren't even since the publisher tends to take a huge chunk of the % from the developer. Those who gave money to Obsidian on KS get none of the profits. Secondly, yeah, if you can't even cover the cost of the game then the game was not successful and a sequel is not worth it unless you like it so much youa re willing to take the hit (ie. a bilionaire can afford to do vanity projects where they'll lose money but they don't care. This happens with certain sports team). If there isn't enough of an audience for PE there sin't gonna be enough of an audience for PE2. Of course, I expect PE to be financially successful so there should be no worries.
  17. "I think thats the real reason why people want combat xp, its not about combat xp itself. Combat was the easiest and effortless way to progress in BG because combat in general in those games was rather easy." Compared to what, exactly? How many times did you die playing BG series? I bet it was more than once.
  18. In a single player game like this there shouldn't be two separate windows for combat and dialogue. When you are fighting you won't be talking anyways. L0L
  19. Load times are way slower now, and the stat screen seems buggy not showing the proper stats espicially health and the like. <>
  20. I'm just that awesome, I guess. I play on normal, btw. I always play on normal first time through since that is the base balanced level as per usual game design. Still, don't know why poison/petrify is so dangerous for you guys.
  21. "Volourn, I was mocking the game design, how the bonus percentages don't mean a thing due to balance and the Pro-Quest forum posters of loot and/or crafting materials are reward enough. I agree with you." Your sarcasm needs some work and my sarcasm detector obviously failed. "That is what is being asked, they want xp for every beetle, rat, or bunny they kill." Who asked for normal bunnies and rats to give xp? I'll mock them like I mock you. I can understand beetles in the game giving xp because they actually pose threats and a challenge to overcome. But,a bunny?
  22. I get hit by the beetles all the time. None of characetr usually die quickly. I lost to them once b/c I was being sloppy and trying to rush and spread my guys too far apart. Otherwise, they are challenge but easily doable. A little harder than the spider (though that crystal spider does good damage). And, the ogre is a joke. What a loser.
  23. "Spider queen has spider silk iirc. You might get a 10% bonus on something like Boots made with silk padding when you craft in the final game. So your stealth might get a 10% boost. So if your stealth is 10, it's now 11. That's your reward. kthxbye." The farmer gives you gold and a special weapon. There's your reward. No need for xp given out for compelting the quest. kthxbye ... You see how asanine and unhelpful your post was now? Nah, probably not. Extremists are usually delusional. Again, why is the ogre worthy of xp but not the spider queen and her lackies outside of some piece of crap punk npcs telling you to do it? L0LZ
  24. Maybe. But, as it stands the system is poor. The fact I'd rather let my character fall down than heal them is insane.
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