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Everything posted by FaramirK

  1. Not the best pole I've seen...out of the options? A faceless man. Most probably? Just a guy twisted by the dark side.
  2. damn noob shootin the gun sayin thanx n shootin them in the back <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not so veteran yourself, SW fan...100+ posts is nothing. Yes, that includes me. He appears to be genuine.
  3. Davik and Juhani had slavic accents. Maybe Davik was reminding you of one of the Russian Mafia Characters you've seen on TV?
  4. no biggie, i see what you're saying, i think. but in sion's case i think the pain came as a result of his evil, for what it's worth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would totally agree with you. It was more of a general point.
  5. Great work! Fan art really brings out characters in ways that a computer-generated model can't. I love the two pictures you did of Young Revan and Exile. AS a male I'm also egarly awaiting your Male Exile and Visas work, but the one of Visas commenting on Antton and your blondie Exile is funny enough to tide me over! A "Thanks Obsidian!" sketch like Bioware's would be cool too. Keep it up!
  6. Just your friendly neighborhood Knight-in-rusty-armor...
  7. Wow I'm coming across as the definition of a fanboy, however regarding this one point I will defend Obsidian in that they used to post quite a lot (and quite indepth about info as well) during the time the game was still in development. They've just stopped posting much since the release. Just thought I'd throw that out there in regards to comparing the pre-release Jade Empire discussions that the devs post in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Valid point. I wasn't aware of that fact. Also, I bet Bioware has a bigger staff too huh? Or maybe just more single staff "
  8. No. No content patch has been planned. THe official word on the street is "Tech patch only". Sorry.
  9. Now that is an excellent reason for concern. As a Bioware fan, I am shocked how much more their devs post than here at Obsidian. CHeck out the Jade Empire forum to see what I mean.
  10. Please explain how you have arrived to that conclusion without experiencing it yourself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You really are "Too elite for me", by the time my post registered, you had posted and made my comment look like the redundant mewings of a copy-cat. :">
  11. I think The Ghost-man's point was that you can't comment on how much of a poor, rushed state it was released in, because you haven't seen it for yourself. I don't think that its going to be a poor game when I play it, I just think it probably could have been better than it is (speaking tenatively), especially if the theory about them dropping the "Kreia is Handmaiden's mom story" is true.
  12. Oh, ok. Yeah, the only reservations I have stated so far (to my knowledge) are if I've read that a vast majority of owners have reported, like the cut stuff, which I thin ksounds bettter than the ending the others have described. Still, I'm definately going to buy it. I guessed the patch would come April 7 on the guess the release date thread, maybe if I'm right they'll give me a free copy
  13. I haven't played it yet either...don't see why that means I can't take part in the communtiy forums out of interest. I'm just waiting.
  14. Thats Faramir"K" to you (j/k) I agree with everything you said, with the exception that i will happily buy LA products again if they are of high quality. I haven't bought KOTOR 2 yet, but I will once the custom mod and patch are released, and will not feel like I have wasted any money, since the game will probably only be $20-30 by then.
  15. Maybe one of the voice actors just did a different accent for him? Or maybe one of the Obsidian staff did it for a laugh.
  16. It's all down to preference. THere are alot of people who love the PS2 to death (I am NOT one of them). I have never liked the PS1, PS2 or even the PSP. I'd rather have an XBox. In my opinion there are more crappy games flooding the market for the PS consoles than any console in history. Thats not to say PS doesn't have some awesome games, I'm sure they do, I've just never seen one that made me want to buy a PS1/PS2 that didn't come out for XBox or PC eventually.
  17. No specific reference to Cyanida or Majin intended, but I've always thought that the drive to heal yourself or a loved one of pain is one of the easiest ways a character can become evil, even with the best intentions. Examples that spring to mind are Resident Evil and House of the Dead.
  18. The developers have already posted on the "Thanks for the patch" thread that they have cleared the patch multiple times and LA has been stalling for at least 2 weeks now (I'm being conservative). I admire your loyalty, I too am a fan of the KOTOR series and am not going to give up on it just because LA made some mistakes, but I have noticed that on these forums, Obsidian posts much less frequently than other companies (Like Bioware, for example), so don't take it personally if they don't respond. It could be worse. How? Well, go to Lucas Arts Forums... ...and as my NWN character voice of preference always says, "Pray, to whatever gods you worship"...that you make it out of there alive and sane.
  19. It must really be hard to have turned out your first game in an unrealistic amount of time, only to have your patch consistently delayed by LA.
  20. It's highly unlikely that they'd do a content patch, as the said they're happy with the way KotOR II turned-out after the content cutting. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In that case... um... it's not likely going to appear in any patch. (...thought I said that. ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, hats of to you, Forna K. Shan. I just finished reading your thread and you have convinced me that at one time, Obsidian had decided that Kriea and Kae were one. It also makes sense that Disciple and Handmaiden would have to be in some way connected with Kae/kreia, because you can only have one or the other in your party, and if it was one or the other one gender would totally miss out on this essential Kriea info. Well done. You have totally resurrected my faith in Obsidian's story-writting ability.
  21. If I rember correctly, Sasha was speaking a very corrupted form of Mandalorian, because Revan understood Mandalorian. Also, there was a Mandalorian imprisioned at the Sith Academy, who refused to speak anything but Mandalorian to your PC. So yes, they have their own Language.
  22. My favourite Revans were the Caucasian bald guy with the goatee and the Caucasian guy with the longer brown hair.
  23. Yes it is worth it. THere are items you can only use as Dark or light, not both. THere are different NPC's. There are different missions. THere are different dialogue options. THe whole outcome of several of the worlds you can visit change. Its well worth it.
  24. Despite the angst, you make an excellent point. The only reason this arguement is even still going on because they are to afraid to face the arguement the PC fanboi and the XBox fanboi cannot defeat....the best option is a PC and an Xbox, even if it means your PC isn't top of the line. Xbox = Exclusive games + easy multiplayer parties PC = Pretty much a must-have these days, and without doubt the powerhouse of gaming graphically and for modding.
  25. And lets not forget the ever-present ease at which modding can take place on a PC.
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