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Everything posted by Hive

  1. Why oh why haven't you played the first KotOR?
  2. The Orb of Passage?
  3. How playable is this planet in it's current form? The same as the droid factory?
  4. That's not how I understood it... As I understood it, those fallen Jedis merely re-discovered the Sith teachings. The original Sith where some odd species, thought to now be extinct - while these new Siths where merely following a bunch of ideals...
  5. Seems I am mistaken then. My bad. :">
  6. Heh. Yeah, that would be damn sweet. They should have made her look more like Kelly Hu.
  7. I think Coruscant would be a bit hard to do, but I agree on Alderaan. Mandalore? Is that a planet? I think not. The Mandalorians doesn't have a home planet, they are scattered after the War...
  8. From all of those mentioned, I only know Yavin 4 - which I would love to see included. I'd also like to see Tatooine with a comeback... and Manaan as well, though I'm afraid lots of people would disagree... :ph34r:
  9. Yes... ...and that isn't?
  10. You actually fought the Rancor on Taris? I always take the cheap way out of that one... :D The Terantateks were badasses, especially when facing two at once in that Korribaan tomb... damn I had trouble with that fight.
  11. Eh yes, I know... but *why* exactly did you feel a need to say it? You were basically saying "the patch isn't out yet, because it's not done" - well gee, thanks for enlightening us... "
  12. Well, you could check the comic on the bottom of this page. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was looking a bit at some model textures today, and was surprised to see that a fair bit of her face under her veil is actually textured. What did her eyes look like? They looked like they do in that comic, actually...
  13. I think his point is that in KotOR I, he got attached to the party members - and that in KotOR II, he didn't care about them. I kinda felt the same way. Few of the party NPCs in this game interested me, and some (notably Kreia), I outright wanted to kill... "
  14. why would you have to buy it? just download the trial version....its not too complicated. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Indeed. And if that's not good enough, there's also freeware programs that can handle the *.rar format.
  15. I think she have 2 extra noses instead of eyes.
  16. Why would anyone want to have the trouble of doing that just because you are too lazy to do it yourself?
  17. You don't *have* to read such threads, you know. Don't like them? Ignore them.
  18. Impressive. Let's just hope a mod will be made of this.
  19. OR... you could play as *either* Revan or the Exile. You'd get different NPCs and quests depending on your choice.
  20. But the problem is, if Revan and/or Exile are meant to be NPCs you can interact with - they will have to have sound files... and you can't do gender neutral sound files.
  21. Maybe we can continue this discussion once you grow up.
  22. I think most of us find it logical that the reason why it hasn't been released yet is that not all bugs have been solved yet. What exactly is your point?
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