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Everything posted by Hive

  1. But they could just make you transit to whatever "safe house" you have - or disable it for periods where there are none. They did that in KotOR as well. Being wise here, eh? I wasn't talking about the shuttle transit, but the fact that you can transit from one residential module to another by using the computers. But in this case, it doesn't take many seconds more to walk...
  2. That was my point. And I find it highly unlikely that they copied his weapon, which in turn is a (poor) copy of Darth Maul's weapon...
  3. And the end sequence with the heroes being awarded medals and stuff is after all a classical SW ending, used in both Ep. IV and Ep. I.
  4. Maybe he want Sion, and not Nihilus? Would make more sense...
  5. Although not very "realistic", I really enjoyed the transit system in KotOR. When you where on the other side of the map, it was a very very handy way to travel back... Why was this cut? And how come there's still a wee bit of it left on Telos?
  6. "I got a bad feeling about this" is THE SW line, no doubt about it. :cool:
  7. Will the items return when you leave the Unknown World then?
  8. It's all a matter of preference. For me, KotOR had a more interesting PC, more interesting story, more interesting party NPCs, more fleshed out part NPCs, was more complete (far more!) and had better worlds. KotOR II had some very cool new features (like eg. the weapon switching or random loot system), new force powers, a few new weapons (nothing important, though), alternative party NPCs for the same spot (Mira/Hanrarr and Handmaiden/Disciple), more epic battles and more Sith Lords. But all this is not important enough to give it the edge over the first game. If I could play KotOR with the new features and force powers from KotOR II, I would be a happy man.
  9. Heh they do indeed look pretty alike. :D
  10. Is it the Force Pike or something? Never used that weapon myself... Oh, and I doubt KotOR II is emulating this kid. After all, what he did was emulating official Star Wars moves from The Phantom Menace. KotOR probably just use moves from the movies as well.
  11. Lucas will have released a new version of the Original Triology sooner than this patch will be released. Hell, he'll probably have released a new version of the New Trilogy sooner than this patch will be released...
  12. He should be forced to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special. It is the ultimate punishment.
  13. I hope the ultimate line will be in KotOR III: "These aren't the droids you're looking for"
  14. What did the part about the gray stuff mean?
  15. Yeah, that was actually pretty cool to watch.
  16. It's well-known that LucasArts doesn't care about their customers. I don't know Obsidian well enough yet to judge them. So they'll get the benefit of the doubt for now.
  17. Indeed, she looks much nicer in those promotional shots.
  18. Taris, hands down. Peragus was boring, repetitive and linear. Telos was too short and small. Though some of it's quests where pretty good.
  19. No no, it was the admins who told him to STFU. :D
  20. I heard, about the time when the DVD versions were released, that he is considering to do another release in 2007 or 2008 - where more special effects and links to the prequels are added (but not a complete redo). Stuff like more intensive lightsaber duels and such.
  21. Nah, that's Handmaiden.
  22. Not bad. I especially liked Obi-Wan's comment about TKing. :D
  23. Episode 7, 8 and 9? Huh? Did I miss something?
  24. After getting killed by them 3 times, I decided to just flee from them instead. :D
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