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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Atton is clever....Di is intelligent. There's a difference.
  2. Power Attack is prettier. I pretty much used Flurry and Power Attack for myself, although occasionally I'd get Critical Strike for a change up because I get tired of casting Speed all the time. For the NPC's I usually did Power Attack and Critical Strike, since if you have them on melee AI they never seem to cast speed. When I gave them all three, they tended to use Flurry a lot less often than the other 2, which I found intriguing. Critical Strike works great tho, in my experience...except for the fact it makes Mical scream his stupid crit. hit battle cry too often.
  3. It's funny how Atton has a different body shape (a bit thinner/geekier) in his jacket outfit then when you take all his clothes off (his underwear model is a generic one while his clothing model is tailor made or something). By the same token, Mical/Di has these big beefy thighs while clothed that suddenly disappear into thin sticks in his undewear.
  4. I already posted Stubby elsewhere so some of you may have seen him before. http://crimsonkeep.com/images/photos/stubby9.jpg I also have 2 cats who are both in their early teens: Baby is neurotic, a good hind-leg stander, get excited at the sound of running water, and likes to chew on fingers if you let him. http://crimsonkeep.com/images/photos/babybeg4.jpg http://crimsonkeep.com/images/photos/babyfinger2a.jpg Misty once was a beautiful mostly-white kitten who became a fat and slovenly mostly-calico, has a foot/shoe fetish, and can't reach her own ass to clean it. I love her nonetheless. http://crimsonkeep.com/images/photos/misty-fat1a.jpg http://crimsonkeep.com/images/photos/misty-slipper1a.jpg The rest of the many cats I used to own are all deceased, with the true matriarch having died a couple months ago. I need a new kitten.
  5. Atton's hot no doubt, but I had to vote for Disciple because he's the only one with an inquisitive/curious brain. Atton would bore me intellectually in the long run. (edit - hence, I find Di's more subtle/respectful/thought-out verbal responses & interest in history more pleasing - more like me, in other words). I still haven't finished Kotor1 (and probably never will at this point) so can't judge from that side - except to say that I found Carth annoying in the early game.
  6. I'd also like to mention that many of the 800x600ish of my screenies, while not super-hi-res, make passable wallpaers on 1024...although if you're looking for art-like super-sharpness, that isn't there. For that you need the original screenshot, and even then, it's not always there. heh
  7. I use 1600x1200 resolution and crop. You cannot get the menu's out of the screenies via the 3rd person view - however, you can take the player view into '1st person' and take menu-less screenshots of static characters and views. Doesn't work w/action/combat however, because your character draws a saber to be 'battle ready' and this kicks you out of 1st person view. Occasionally you can arrange to be out of trigger range when your party members are attacked and then creep up carefully to take a 1st peson screen, assuming your NPC's don't kill everything before you arrange yourself the way you want, but the timing//patience and luck involved is not worth the bother. (edit) Even pressing the 'combat stance' mode while in control of a NPC and then switching to player-character 1st person just for a lighted saber shot is difficult timing since they don't remain in that stance very long once you switch control characters.
  8. As a game-quest type device, I don't like it. As a fun little side-game to mess around with, I do like it. It's like computer solitare. Or that card game in the Might&Magic series. Just a fun little game within a game.
  9. Well, I must have deleted the ones of Kavar in the palace, because I can't find them. Most of them were of him fighting, anyway... I do that a lot...take 100 screens and then delete 99% of them for being of no general interest. But my memory remembers that I took them, so....oh well.
  10. Occasionally, yes...in a kind of generalistic, sympathetic way, like how one can feel bad for a noble character in a movie who's getting the shaft from an evil land baron, say. But on any kind of serious level...no.
  11. Goto - mechanical inflated windbag of uselessness +4 Although I did kind of like his voice.
  12. Ahhh....my eyes. Well, I'll start with these. They aren't the greatest, just them sitting in their chairs looking goofily serious & big-headed. I didn't compress them much. http://crimsonkeep.com/images/kotor2/kavar-01.jpg http://crimsonkeep.com/images/kotor2/vash-01.jpg http://crimsonkeep.com/images/kotor2/vrook-01.jpg http://crimsonkeep.com/images/kotor2/zezkai-01.jpg
  13. Ah...I have screenies of them all, from the cutscene from the Exile's trial...never loaded them on my site tho. I'd have to dig them up...they're somewhere on one of a dozen discs or so... heh I remember taking a lot of Kavar in the Palace once, too. Edit - I'll take a gander thru my discs later.
  14. about #1 - I do believe it's impossible...maybe a bug...or intentional w/an option never removed...I don't know. Anyway, that's what I've read/heard and experienced.
  15. Carth/Jackson = time to wash my eyeballs and scrub my brain. Ewwww. I liked the blk&wht nun pic for Kreia. She's so easy to find a look-a-like for... lol
  16. I love C. Bale (haven't seen Batman yet) but I don't think he looks like Atton either...particularly in the eye/mouth dept.
  17. Oddly, even tho I don't own one and probably never will since I don't hunt and I'm not in the military forces, I do find the mechanics of guns/weapons very interesting - particularly history-wise. The big cannons of yesteryore...fascinating. How about handguns? All I see so far is the 'bigger/more power is better'... :D I've always wanted a bow, personally.
  18. I wouldn't mind another ship. I can respect the tradition of the Ebon Hawk and all...but still...new enviornments are (almost) always a good thing. I like the swoop bike idea too...it does seem a bit odd in the SW universe for you characters to go running around everywhere. No elevators, no speeders, etc.
  19. If you like re-loading over and over you can get the Cyan from the first shop on Telos. Mostly it's just random...both in stores and from the sabers NPC's give you....although people have noted that there's a few places or shops where a certain color is always offered (don't ask me, I don't remember/know). Nothing like getting 6 violet crystals.
  20. Hahahaha!!! Yes, that's a very nice Kreia look-a-like. *snickers
  21. I haven't tried, but I've seen some posts in the far past where people were doing that. Far as I know there's no game-plot stopper preventing you from doing so.
  22. Bronze on a saber in-game (not in the menu) pretty much looks like orange. There is a slight difference but to most people it's largely undetectable. In the menu it does look a lot like a yellow crystal, particularly depending on your graphic settings/card, so it's possible to overlook you have/had one if you weren't really looking at the names in-menu.. I think there is a place where a bronze crystal always appears, but as usual I don't remember where....some chest late-game somewhere maybe. I do know that I always seem to end up with at least one.
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