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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I didn't know you had anything to flex.... (sorry, sorry!) :D ...and...good old rotten.com. I haven't been there in a long time....twisted.
  2. I've been studiously avoiding commenting on the Hoff.... :D It's not SW related, but it is legos...no I didn't make them. http://crimsonkeep.com/images/temp/lego1.jpg http://crimsonkeep.com/images/temp/lego2.jpg
  3. *peers around* Is there a funny/silly-links thread already? :D 10 reasons to not post your photo on the internet.
  4. But the other hamster dance is interactive! The original one's on the site..but not full-size.
  5. Yes I actually think it's still cute/funny. "
  6. Considering that no one today knows whether or not there were other playwrights during his time (that are unknown to posterity) that he might have ripped some of his ideas from, I'd say, at least in terms of debatable discussion, it's possible to claim he's not original, yes. Posterity remembers those whose works are not lost, not neccesarily the origins of the material. EDIT - of course, if you can find me the first early-man to ever put pen to paper to write a play/book/draw a painting on a cavewall, I would concede that that could be considered truly original.
  7. Oh please. In terms of comedic persona, many 'angry ranting' comics that are post-70's could be said to be ripping off Carlin or Pryor. And I'm sure someone somewhere thought that Carlin/Pryor were ripping off earlier comics. Almost every fantasy book alive has ripped off LoTR. There is no such thing as true originality and unconcious 'rip offs' happen all the time - it's human nature to be unconciously influenced by things we've seen/heard/been around while creating. I know there was the actual joke line by line rip off controversy, but stuff happens, it's never been proven that it was maliciously intentional, and Rescue Me is quite seperate from all of that, anyway, IMO. It's a good show...I don't know exactly how involved Leary is w/the script writing/producing (despite the credits...) but talentless? I don't think so.
  8. *scratches head* I guess I don't get that one. I found an option in my compression program that re-syncs stuff, so I guess I found an initially unbeknownst solution. Tho it sometimes causes tiny pauses. After unsuccessfully trying to make a cool clip of the 1st meeting with Visas, I'm entertaining myself making avi's of all my fave cut-scenes & dialogues etc. Here's the last Atton/Di cutscene in the series of 4 that occurs if you have more influence with Disciple over Atton - the one in the cargo bay. It's zipped this time. I have no plans to upload the rest....maybe on my site someday. heh http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/movies/cs-diat4.zip (7.8MB) Back to trying to get that Visas scene....gar.
  9. Just thought I'd scare the Mical-haters...or something....but I think this shows what I mean about the structure of Mical's face vs. Greg Ellis. And actually, while doing this, I see it even more now, once you take away Ellis not-blue eyes and his tan skintones.
  10. It wouldn't surprise me if Katt were actually in my living room for a dinner party, that he might remind me more of Atton then - simply for the voice being attached to a live moving person, and that he probably was used at least a little for the face model. (like that nose, as I've said...hehe) But straight pictures and video...I just don't see it. He'd have to be standing in front of me in 3D. Kind of like Mical's voice actor - I can see a tiny bit of resemblance in a weird kind of way (lips, cheekbones, brow) but overall visually, nothing like. But that voice. Yummy.
  11. Galactica - but it started last night so I'm not sure that really qualifies, exactly, anymore. Did you see the season opener of SG-1? Man that stunk... I'm looking forward to Rescue Me's 2nd season coming out on DVD (assuming it does)...since we don't get the channel it's on. Denis Leary's the man.
  12. Evil Genius - yes, I've played it. It was pretty fun for a while, until I discovered a room-bug that allowed one to magically make endless piles of gold. I also got tired of micro-managing the bad guy spies flooding your island, all the time. If you just killed them all, that led to too many other complications...wasn't the same. Too bad it didn't have an editor or free-mode.
  13. I'm currently playing.....nothing. Too busy house-hunting and non-game hobbying to allow myself to become obsessive-compulsive for hours a day over a game right now. And I'm looking forward to DungeonKeeper3...oh wait, that isn't happening. Never mind.
  14. Maybe this thread? http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=32431&hl= Did the Red Eclipse ever show up on the EbonHawk for you? Or are they a no-show too? Anyway, just search the tech forum for 'exchange' and try glancing through all those.
  15. No help for the main question, but that locked kath hound room always has a lightsaber part or a random lightsaber (if you've already built your 1st saber). Re: main question...I'm pretty sure I've seen threads back in April/May or so, with people unable to trigger the Exchange before. Maybe one of those has some info.
  16. *nods* I must agree...that was going to be my answer but you beat me to it. :D I tend to rate 'best game' by how much I enjoyed it and how much I played it. Doesn't matter if it wasn't the greatest game...or the most intelligent...or whatever...if I played it to death and obsessed over it for whatever reason, and still occasionally pull it out years later, it's the best game to me. So along those lines..in order: DungeonKeeper1 Caesar3 Diablo1 Strange how I like RPG's quite a bit (with or without lots of dialogue), and I've played quite a few and loved most of 'em, but despite that, none of them are on my all-time favorite/best lists. I find they don't have re-playabilty for me - I play them like mad for 2-3 months than never touch em again.
  17. No no...he's wiping his nose. It's a tough thing, to have a nose-cold while having to wield a double-bladed saber in battle...
  18. It was another one with his manchu facial hair...I figured it'd be redundant... There was a pic someone posted of him once where the hair was more like Attons, couldn't find it tho...maybe it's in this thread & I missed it from trying to skim thru fast...anyway, that pic wasn't too bad, but still didn't make me think he was a look-alike.
  19. I live for those kind of fiddly little problems! :D
  20. Atton?....I think not... http://crimsonkeep.com/images/temp/nkatt-003.jpg Atton?...God I hope not.... http://crimsonkeep.com/images/temp/nkatt-001.jpg Atton?...*gag* http://crimsonkeep.com/images/temp/nkatt-004.jpg
  21. *innocent eyes* You must be happy today, to be whistling...
  22. Any pictures of Katt with longer hair? I think part of why I think he looks nothing like Atton is his haircut. And his eyes, which are set further apart. And his chin, which isn't as narrowed as Atton's. And the forehead, which is too tall (even taking into account the shorter hair). And the mouth, which is a fair deal wider than Atton's. The nose is about right tho.
  23. Yeah...they can draw as many FPS as they like I guess, but it doesn't mean they're all unique artist-rendered cells - ie, they duplicate to increase the number. Depends on the game I'm sure tho. Maybe it's more a question of how well the soundtrack can adapt to the speed of FPS vs. the capturing process or something. I mean, things like Atton's voice yelling "More where that came from!" while he's still running to the baddie or vice versa etc (it's in-sync in-game, just not the resultant captured movie). :D
  24. I've gotten kind of obsessed with .avi making...not just of Kotor2 either. I'm like that...kinda flakily obsessive. :D
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