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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. (Didn't want to de-rerail that other thread so....) Can't imagine why.... :D Speaking of sigs, maybe it's time to change mine a little.... eidt - On topic, it's been a long time since I've counted the # of screenshots I have stored on file. I suppose that's because I'm afraid of what that would reveal about the nature of obsession.
  2. I think he is trying to say that LadyCrimson has a fairly large signature... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Heh...I realize 'over-sized' is subjective, but I hardly think my sig pic is anywhere near the league of the one Di was referring to. Mine's smaller than most, even. I actually had a 1-line text-only sig for a long time but eventually made the pic. Anyway....I'll shut up now. "
  3. Over-sized signatures are one of my personal beefs - and I'm not on dial-up. Just think they're too eye-sore-ish. :D that sig could be cut down to 125 pix high 20-30kb and it would still be clearly readable/viewable. You can turn the view signatures off I think, in the profile section - if you're on dial-up sometimes it's the best defense.
  4. I'm not sure even the lure of Greg Ellis' voice could entice me to watch the Crash & Byrnes film. I did record his singing samples from his site and I play those now and then, tho. *embarrassed* :D
  5. I figure the fact that I bought a movie I don't like just so I can see Greg Ellis say "That has to be the best pirate I've ever seen" over and over again might qualify. And the fact I've put a lot of the Kotor dialogues onto CD so I can listen to the voices in the car. And the fact I made the screenshot gallery. Other than that, no, no effect at all. :D
  6. Perhaps, perhaps not. Personality and right/wrong differences do not always equal a bannable offense. Also, forum bans are notoriously ineffective for actually keeping trouble-makers 'out' - there's many ways around & under them. A lot of people seem to think a ban is some kind of magic fence, but it's not. The ignore feature this forum has is probably the best solution for users who do not wish to have to see certain other users input. As someone else said....being a fair and impartial Admin/Mod is tough.
  7. I'm guessing it's because that's not considered a PG-13 kind of reference in the US. (at least in terms of it's current typical slang useage)
  8. I'd agree that what's really allowed in 'off topic' isn't well defined. I think sometimes they are closed because it's decided a thread that consists largely of short replies has run it's course...or it's thought that the thread might be treading the"is this really useful/not potential-trouble" kind of thread, even if it still is on topic. Sometimes as a mod you want to nip things before they occur.
  9. Self-restraint is often the best solution for many situations. As some people have said in other places - a forum isn't IRC. A lot of 'spam' would seem fine in a chatroom or in face to face convo...but seems like useless clutter on a forum. Just IMO of course. On 'general' forums I've run/been part of, we designate a 'spam' forum for the more purely 'social' has-no-point-of-debate etc. threads. But I suppose that's not likely to happen here.
  10. I would be happy to be the host of the continuation of threads that are closed, on my site...not like my installed forums are being used for anything else right now. But I'm kind of convinced, from past experience, that no one would use that option very much. People love their hang-outs. hehe I like the modding here...sometimes I post something I know is going to get closed for being too off-topic or whatever...but that's ok. An official board has to be more careful about some things. I think they're actually quite tolerant, considering how wild the parties get sometimes. :D
  11. Some of those pics of Joe do actually remind me of Atton, in the hair and expression. Certainly more so than Katt. Oddly, I haven't formed an attaction while watching the show - but those pictures make him look pretty hot. Love the hair. He must have the 'permanent mussed up' mousse.
  12. I liked the ST:TNG episode he was in - where they re-built the original ST bridge as best they could and stuff.
  13. Yeah, same here, that was why I said 'Q'...
  14. Hehe...looks more like a man with raised arms to me. Dunno. I've driven by that field hundreds of times - I wonder if they do that every year and ya just can't notice on the ground. Trippy.
  15. Using Googleearth, I was curiously tracing the road that we used to drive to the coast on all the time...and I found a farmer's crop field that apparently has been tampered with by creative aliens. :D
  16. Battlewookie/Silver, I nearly bust a gut... :D And yeah, RC, 1st time I got to that part, it was hella fun. - love battling the Sith in this game.
  17. Heh..yeah...hubby kept buying them for himself, so I'd play them. #7 looks like it might have more promise (new company attached or something) - if they ever get it out the door.
  18. Oh...never mind...I'm being dense. I see what he was saying. I didn't say Tombraider6 was a great game - it's not (game-play wise - clunky controls and the like)...I just said I liked the ending and their character arc surprises blah blah.
  19. I'm unclear how I dissed anything, since I said I liked the story/character plot and well-scripted movies.
  20. Well, in Kotor2, there were a few moments that got an emotional reaction out of me, but it wasn't romance. More like...sad empathy. I mean, like when Atton's jealously watching Di/Exile meditate, or when Di is pleading with the Exile not to go alone. But actual romance...nope...not there. I do remember tho, in Tombraider6, how freaked out/sad I was about Kurtis Trent's story arc/ending...Very freaked out. So there was a game that made me feel like the characters themselves had a connection or something. But they use a lot of well-scripted movies to get such things across - since the gameplay isn't RPG. Worked for me that time tho.
  21. I have yet to encounter any in-game romance arcs that really felt like romance to me. Course, I'm not a terribly romantic person to begin with.... Mostly, I just get 'attached' to a (male) character or two and the romance is all in my fevered mind. In BG1, I was quite enamoured with Xan. He cracked me up. :D Anyway, I'd agree, when they're there, script-wise, they're usually rushed/lacking, scripted like bad romance novels...but if you end up liking the character, you don't mind too much I guess. Games are kind of a limited format for romance, IMO.
  22. DungeonKeeper2 full theme at top volume. Whooohooo
  23. Wha? Huh? ....oh....that's just Mical again... "
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