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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That about sums it up for me too. One day I'm too busy to even turn on the PC and another day I'm rolling in free time and use it to pester everyone on every forum ever made.... Right now we're bidding on a foreclosed house and time is short.... My post count/PPD would be higher if posts in this forum counted.
  2. I'm beginning to think this should be called the 'random picture' thread. :D There's one like that on this other large forum I've been going to and it's a hoot.
  3. There's reasonable part-of-life risk and there's risk that could've been lessened/prevented if money & politics wasn't such an issue all the time. That's what annoys me...not the general, abstract risk of life's dangers itself.
  4. I think you misunderstood the thrust of my postings. Someone mentioned the dangers of hormones in our meat. I merely said I was more concerned over the seeming lack of industry concern vs. profit in the US over mad cow than I am over something like hormones. I've said I eat beef before. I like beef. I don't go wildly out of my way to avoid it. I'm not a disease-paranoid lifestyle person. But neither do I discount the information at hand and ignore potential turns for the 'worse' in terms of current reasonable risk just because 'all life is risk'.
  5. It is less the fact it exists and more the fact that the US is horribly lax about testing for it/rooting it out if discovered. Cuts into profits and company marketability y'know... <_< From Consumer Reports:
  6. Things like mad cow disease+the US's horrible non-responsible minded industries worries me more than hormone additives.
  7. Did they address the issue that made it so difficult (almost impossible) to be a dual-class? That always kind of pissed me off. Not the fact that it was harder to play a dual-class in terms of power (it should be) just the way it was done. I remember having to use a nature spell for one monster, than a fire spell for another monster, to try to keep the exp gained in both areas fairly equal at all times.
  8. *gets cautiously excited* Oooo...thanks Lancer. That Explorations one looks promising.
  9. I see...it's hard to find that info on a lot of sites...buried deep (to the casual walk-in) that fact is. <_<
  10. Anyone use this program to make their own little RPG game? It's supposed to be easy to use, I may try it - although even if it's easy to create a game, I'm not sure I have the creativity to make up a story and all that. <_<
  11. I think that commercial ad is horrible, btw...for just a second, the leaf guy reminds me of an Ewok while he's playing the drums, too...
  12. No claims about the accuracy of this information...
  13. Hadn't noticed... Michael Rosenbaum is HOT!! The only reason I used to watch Smallville... (white tank-top alert! (w00t) )
  14. The stupid old Fluff marshmellow spread commercial song that I can't get out of my head this morning.
  15. This is in no way meant as serious proof that Bast is akin to a monkey (nor as great photoediting)....I was just surfing for monkey pics to try and figure out why she makes me think of one (I think it's the shadows around her eyes/eyebrow raise/scrunch) and then couldn't help myself.
  16. Birthday's are a great excuse to eat cake! Happy B-Day, Baley.
  17. Most pictures of Bast makes me think of some of those cute small forest monkeys. Which isn't meant as an insult, btw...just how I interpret the lines of her face/shape. :D
  18. I finally have a clip maybe worth sharing. I think it's not too bad for my first major, non-expert effort at editing/splicing together all these little bits. Argh that was time-consuming! Click here to get to the page that links to them. If you're not on DSL/broadband I'd skip it...
  19. Oh, I do...I also like Disciple. But I have a twisted sense of humor...
  20. Martini with that cigar? Edit - heh yeah, I was wildly obsessed with Michael after Terminator. I must have watched that film 100 times just because of it. Even saw K-2...and yup, Navy Seals, lol.
  21. Too much female flesh.... Oh Captain, my Captain... Come with me if you want to live.
  22. I'll ask the obvious first... Do you still get the little sound/animation indicating DS point time, and just aren't getting credited/no text message etc? Are you fully Darkside already? Is your influence w/those NPC's maxed out?
  23. I haven't seen very many of them either. Mostly, they're played on PBS television around here, and not many. But anything w/John Cleese in it gets my vote.
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