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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That article doesn't exactly engender much sympathy for the man.
  2. The most horrible part for me was the very first time I arrived on Malchor and realized I would have to play...........alone. Most exciting part....I don't think I have one. The first play-through, there were a lot of moments that jumped out at me and made me go 'alll riiiight!"...not sure I could list any one as the 'most'.
  3. That Hoff shirt will give me nightmares for a week. Chow again, holding my favorite type of weapon - a sword (blades in general). Going back to bald...Patrick Stewart is another man who is much better looking without hair. Rowr.
  4. The game has certainly made me look at certain things differently....or rather, it makes me associate some stuff with the game, rather than whatever the original intention is/was.... (and no, I didn't alter the subtitle...)
  5. Nah...you just like having lots of...options. Yeah, that's it. "
  6. Hellgate:London, by Flagship Studios I don't know if I'm actually 'looking forward' to this game or not, but I will be watching it closely as they develop it. All the brains from Blizzard North are there....1st person 'highly randomized' action-RPG....yes, I'll be interested.
  7. Oded Fehr looks really good with long hair. Not bad with short hair either. But he made The Mummy watchable.
  8. I barely know what shoes are, I buy/wear them so infrequently. Never have more than a couple pairs of shoes at one time, and they usually last me for years. Maybe three if you count flat sandals. But my current (very old) tennis shoes are a pair of Asics that have gel glued into the soles, and they're the most comfy I've ever worn. They need replacing but I keep putting it off. I have flat feet AND somewhat 'wide' feet so it can be hard to find shoes that don't either give me cramps in the arch or pinch my toes. I wear size ladies 5 to 6 (US) depending on brand - or boys size 4ish.. @Kaftan - Size 10 mens in the US isn't that small. Depends a lot on how tall you are and body build. My brother's 6 foot 5 inches but very thin and narrow-boned w/size 10's - his feet look kind of dainty but not absurdly small for his ankles. My husband is 4 inches shorter with larger bone structure (still pretty thin tho) and he wears a size 11.5-12 and looks like he wears boats.
  9. Oranges. Certain kinds of dirt after a brief and light rain. Meat charring (not fish).
  10. Bill Pullman. I could go on forever with all the guys I drool over but...I have to pick over some office furniture from hubby's old office. I expect to come back and find lots of Katt etc pictures.... *wink
  11. Atlantis is ok...still getting it's feet IMO. And that guy is kinda cute, but to me his character on the show is too bland. :D
  12. np, DL...I was too busy surfing pics anyway. lol Guess I should put names hehe I think Chow Yun Fat is really drool-worthy too, love his intense gaze. Except I like him only when he's bald/almost bald. Bald can be very sexy.
  13. In terms of just staring at a color...that sky color about 15-30 minutes before complete darkness (when it's not cloudy etc). Just past twilight, perhaps. I wish it was like that all the time. In other nature: the look of ferns in a dark redwood forest. The 'color' of a clear mountain stream on a cloudy day. Flickering flames of a roaring fire and the color of wood-coals when all the flames have died down.
  14. Big Country....I remember them! "In a big country dreams stay with you Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside Stay aliiiiive Music from the game Nox. It always reminded me of Danny Elfman's stuff.
  15. I like black because it goes with every other color. I like strong contrast, so black is my favorite because it offers high contrast with most other colors - whether that's purses, jewelry, socks, furniture, paint-themes, cars, etc. Dark gray (that isn't blueish tinted) works fairly well for that as well. White is similar, but I don't like it because: 1-it's too bright and hurts my eyes 2-it's too easily stained/dingy-ed up & thus ruined 3-in terms of clothes, you have to wear a bra with most whites unless it's a REALLY thick shirt or you have no nipples. I hate bras, so I avoid white. Again, just for clothes....many 'bright vibrant' colors give me early 70's flashbacks where mummy dressed me in strange vivid color combo's and scarred me for life.... "
  16. Black, gray, dark blue, real-sky blue. In that order. Orange is cool too, but not for clothes. Bright daisy-like yellow irritates me...even in nature. I go quite insane in a field full of yellow flowers.
  17. I would never have recognized Ed's voice if I hadn't seen the credits. I liked Kreia's voice sound-wise - most of the time - thought it was good voice-acting job. Just didn't like to have her in my party....heheh I don't think I need to say who's Kotor2 voice I appreciate the most again, do I? "
  18. Nice sounding idea, but I'd prefer not. I like having at least one 'item' that's purely a choice of aesthetics instead of function. Like picking the color of paint for your car. It's a personality thing, or something.
  19. Don't know what kind of Mac means Mac (heh) but I Googled mac+character map and this is what I came up with: Apple Key Caps If you are using a Mac, you can find different characters by using the Key Caps application found under the Apple menu. By pressing various keys, like the Option and Apple keys, Key Caps will show you all the characters contained in a particular font.
  20. My complaint about many of the forum softwares I've investigated is that while you can set limitations to sizes and the like, often there is no option to really prevent people from linking to larger sized images, or to seperate certain definitions to only-sigs and not all images posted. Often the image re-sizers do not work on hyperlinked images vs. direct uploads, or only resizes the physical dimmensions and not the KB size etc. Some come pretty close to the kind of control I want tho...I'm about to purchase some licenses for a couple. :cool:
  21. Yes yes...I understand that. Nothing wrong with making suggestions, and as I said, I personally like some of them. I'm sure the mods here do too. I think you missed my general point tho. Until you install and Admin a large forum yourself to find out what the program limitations and attempted policy enforcement is like, it's often hard to make realistic suggestions vs. emotional ones. That's all. *shrug
  22. Not to be an old party pooper but every single forum I've ever been on, from large to small, ends up with a thread like this one. Or multiple threads. There's no real solution to a lot of these things. Sometimes it's because of limitations to the forum software. Sometimes it's because forum-modding is not a public democracy. There's a lot of well made points and debates here, and indeed, one or two that I'd not be sorry if they would/could be implemented - but the bottom line is that if one has really specific ideas about how they want a forum to be run/handled, one can create their own forum.
  23. In the case of your fanfic, I say... PROUD, damnit. Definitely proud.
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