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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. There's ways around that (the registry info being easily public viewable), but it usually means paying more for a 'middle-man' whois service. "
  2. Oh my...how could I have forgotten that one. That one had the tears rolling down my cheeks in rivers. Not huge sobs, but the waterworks just wouldn't shut off. About half of that movie wasn't very good, IMO, tho....but the half that was good, was really good....and it helps that I'm a US Civil War buff I suppose. "
  3. Actually, you don't need light side points to turn people to Jedi...I think someone pointed it out already, but if you descrease their influence enough, it achieves the same thing.
  4. To me, that line implies only that disciple is flabergasted by Atton's jealous and groundless insults and his comment is meant more as an insult towards Atton illogical accusations. No different than Atton muttering "Schutta' as he walks away from Handmaiden....just a parting insult disguised as social politeness.
  5. There's a difference between running over monsters in a driving game (or whatever) and twisting a person's soul around by treating them shabbily and breaking their will. One is impersonal...(like rubber-necking an accident), the other is personal (like purposely causing the accident) . Some people have a hard time with that, even in a video game. I'm not sure it's that hard to understand, really. Social training can be hard to get past, so to speak. *shrug
  6. Silvershadow's correct. He calls the Exile a hero...actually, he mumbles "I thought she was the hero..." Loved Atton first, but now I love Disciple more than Atton. And yes, he's cute. There. I said it. Have at me now. "
  7. (This went reaaalllly long, sorry) I've honestly never really understood this debate about PC games. I can understand there's a major difference between sitting around a table w/friends and roleplaying vs. an attempt by a programmer to emulate that process via pixels and giving 'story choices' but to me, the only major difference between 'serious' CRPG's and 'hack n slash' RPG's is that the former fills up time between the combat sequences with dialogue storyboards. Many feel that the former method is more 'immersive' for CRPG's, but I don't really see that aspect myself. In terms of combat alone, in BG1, you'd move your party forward though a drawn dungeon/outside, encounter monsters, pause the game, give all your guys orders (cast this spell, use this potion, this person stand here, this person melee), unpause, and watch it play out in a chaotic mess. Pick up any items of interest to keep or sell - and the items, just like in hack n slash, would increase in usefullness/strength as you progressed. Repeat till a map was all explored. In a 'hack n slash/FPS', you skip the pausing part and have to think on the fly, react to that monster coming in the room at the 9th hour without being able to pause to think about what trick you might have that you can pull out of your backpack. In that sense, they are more 'adrenline' pumping. And yet, even in many hack n slash games, if you rush into big mobs of monsters that out-class you without any thought or familiarity or the 'good equipment' or 'good or well developed skills', you're likely going to die or at least have a very difficult time. You have to do all your 'pause thinking' before you enter comabt - ie, 'town' - what spell to equip, what weapon to use, etc. And then you go marching around, hoping what you've chosen will suffice. It's funny because in GuildWars, you see it all the time, where stupidity and lack of tactics means the entire party is wiped out, when with good tactics the same battle is a lot easier or almost cake and pie. Hack n slash doesn't always mean 'no tactics required'. Yes, sometimes it's like that, particularly older games, but I don't think it's the real norm. All of the RPG's have the element of 'item tinkering' - monsters drop items, you decide whether to use them or not - and all of them have multiple character-specific skills where the choice is left up to the player which ones to try and use/specialize in. All of the RPG's have some element of tip-toeing around corners to try and trigger only a few baddies at a time instead of a hoarde. Some people require emotional attachment to characters (hence they want more in-game story) to feel involved and adrenline rushed or as if there's a 'point' to playing - whereas me, since there is really rationally no 'point' to playing any game except to kill time in a way that is enjoyable, even if there is a great story, the game still boils down to the same old combat-grind of 'move forward, kill, move forward, item tinker, repeat'... So I flip back and forth, and I'm a fan of both games like BG1, Kotor, and Diablo2. And games like CaesarIII. I love that game.
  8. OMG - Roger...your avatar...it brings back gaming memories. :D Topic: kim chee and spaghetti-o's. er....kim chee and a lot of things, really. I've put it on tuna before. And in Top Ramen. Tho usually I just eat it w/rice. And before you ask...it's an asian cabbage pickled in vinegar/red pepper/garlic etc. The one they made fun of in MASH a lot because of it's pungent odor...heh I'm sure there's been weirder things I've slapped together but I'm too tired to think of 'em.
  9. I want a lightsaber that's dark blue shot through with silver streaks. And I'd be neither completely Light or Dark. I'd have to invent a whole new 'side'.
  10. Last time I was in a classroom, there was no such word as 'alot'. :D And no, that's not meant as a insult. God only knows, my spelling/grammar on the net is often atrocious. hehe And it has been a while since the last update. :/
  11. I was going to go edit/delete my reply in the thread in general since it's redundant and you're the file creator, but I see the great-mod-in-the-sky has already taken care of that. :D Anyway, wanted to thank you for that file. I really like it - since I don't want the speed thing but don't want to get rid of the other effects.
  12. Heh..I just uploaded a rar file with that mod in it cause I couldn't find it on the net w/a quick search. Should have read this post first. Are you the originator of the file? Just curious.
  13. No, no! Daylight causes cancer and turns you into a wrinkly leathered prune! Stay away! Stay away from the light!!.... .....Reveilled - that sounds like a great change for you - isn't it nice when life takes a positive turn like that, out of nowhere?
  14. Oh, ugh, the commute thing. Hubby drives about 1.5 hrs per day on the days he has to go to an office - and that's considered 'normal' around here. More and more people move to the edges of cities (or out of the city) and commute further and further to work, usually for econonic reasons. The housing market is insane. And yes, all that driving/traffic can/does affect people's sleeping/stress etc patterns, no doubt. I've always felt bad for the long-haul truckers who work so we can grocery shop and such. :/
  15. I'm not sure I agree with this. It may be true for some people, but not for everyone...and certainly not me. I can get up at 6am and still not go to sleep until 5am-9am the next morning.....often. Quite often. It's why I can never maintain an early-rise habit. Many times, I'm just not sleepy at all, until 25-30 hours have passed. It doesn't matter when I go to bed or if I quit caffeine or exercise more - I'm on a 36 hour day body clock maybe. heh I also read, a long time ago mind you, that to 're-set' your body clock (for those who find their sleep habits seriously interfere w/their lives) you should get up one hour later every day for a while, until you've gone around the clock (ie wake up at 8am, then 9am, then 10am) etc. Requires severe discipline tho, like in a sleep clinic environment, and time off work. But they keep changing their minds on these things all the time.
  16. Of course love can lead to the darkside. Ask anyone who's been married 20 years..... The thing is...in real life, that 'darkside' turn is rarely permanent. In Star Wars, it is....or at least, permanent until your own son finally turns you back to good so you can die a semi-tragic/sympathetic death. :D This kind of 'all or nothing/love is harmful to the hero's ability to be a hero' concept is in tons of stuff - even if it is dealt with in a more complex fashion elsewhere. Spiderman, for example.
  17. I'd hazzard a guess it either got too off-topic one day or it was deemed 'dead horse'. Don't know why it would be deleted tho. Probably best to PM a mod if you really want to know.
  18. Atton tends to veer towards the LS, but there's plenty of DS influence for him as well - largely by killing 'innocents'. I had no problem turning him when I was DS. EDIT thought I'd add that it is possible to un-influence them enough to make them give it all up, as well.
  19. Might have been the dialog option you picked, as well. I've never gotten either a dark side or a light side point for killing the guards, pre-talking to worm-face.
  20. Just for your info - Kreia is always Neutral. You cannot influence her darkside/lightside bar one iota - that's the way her character is. You can still gain influence (populariity) with her that opens up new conversation doors (with Kreia, this is mostly story information) - Kreia's positive influence gains are often DS point givers. And as someone else said, in terms of the plot/game, the important stuff she'll say to you whether she's in your party or not. I ditch her as soon as I get to Telos surface. Most of the NPC's can be molded into almost whatever you want - this is because they're always..uh...lvl 6?...when you get them, no matter what your own level is - thus you can level them up all in one session and put their skills emphasis anywhere you want, within the limits of their class/es. Some NPC's may come with an emphasis on melee or ranged already in place, but it's up to you whether or not to follow that suggestion. For example, Atton makes a very good melee Jedi if you turn him to Jedi soon enough (don't level him up too much before then). But he also makes an good blaster-jedi support-guy if you'd rather your party members support you from the rear rather than get in your way as they try to charge the same monster you're attacking. "
  21. You'd more likely get a (more) knowledgable answer from people who have modded/scripted the game files and probably have a better idea of the game mechanics. Like, the site forum that the KSE editor is hosted on? Can't remember the url at the mo', sorry. At any rate...I've had very high intelligence on several characters and they all got crap for drops early in the game - and I do mean crap - like, almost nothing - and I had one lower level int. character who got 'great' stuff early in the game. And everything in-between. If such things as player stats affects drops, it seems likely it'd be nothing more than a tiny percentage increase chance, meaning, you got 'lucky' to get noticably better stuff twice in a row. It's like streaks of multiple on-base hits in baseball - the chances of getting a lot of consecutive on-base hits are very low - but doesn't mean it never happens. I remember once saving a game just before doing T3's solo bit on Peragus, and re-loading it a few dozen times to see what would randomly pop up in that container behind the door you have to use a mine on - it varied wildy, from great to poor - and his stats always stay the same. Edit - not that a few dozen 're-loads' is a comprehensive enough number to make a serious judgement on...you'd need hundreds or something.
  22. On the Carth thing - I've read that the experience w/Carth is way different if you play a male PC vs. a female PC - ie, he's a lot more whiney seeming if you're male. So perhaps that's some of the reason for the differences on liking/disliking him. But I don't know for sure, since I still haven't gotten out of the 1st training city in Kotor1. In Kotor2, Hanhar would be my most hated. Tho hate is too strong a word, really. I just didn't like him or his childish macho-principled 'lifedebt over common sense' crap and thus never used him.
  23. Nooo....I have to pick only one NPC that I like best. Yes, definitely too simplified, this is. It's like the mini-polls on nuke sites. Ok, I'm done w/the pointless 'up too late w/nothing better to do' whining. :D
  24. I assume when they ask this, that they mean a CONSOLE system? Why can't they be more specific for those of us who think of their PC as their video game system. hahaha EDIT - ok, specifics was on part 2. Bah. This survey is lame. Well, maybe they'll listen, so I guess that's cool.
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