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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Voies are very influential....no doubt. Sean Connery, anyone? (I mean, some people STILL find him sexy and he's what, 75? older? I myself find Kevin Spacey very sexy, and hey, he's not exactly Mr. Stud. But I love his voice, the way he can twist words around with it. Mmm.
  2. I think the Ossus Robe did it about right - a place you can't get to too early in the game - sure you can rush it, but you know what I mean. They could have placed a fixed treasure or two in Dxun's Tomb, Atris's chambers (end game - in a chest or something), Ravenger, etc. I would have actually liked it if there has been more places like the crystal cave - ie, where a certain type of item always spawned but what it specifically was was still random/level based. Or something.
  3. Sounds wonky to me - ie, it should work, if you got the blaster and then went pretty much immediately to Grenn. Unless there's some trigger about having to ask him about all his other stuff first, or something....which I don't think there is. And you don't actually have to ask Chodo about it at all.
  4. I had a game like that once....where nothing was falling. My stats were my usual 'fairly balanced' except for wis/charisma at 10. And then I had another game where I was getting all kinds of stuff dropping - very few of the super-duper items but still, lots and lots of good stuff....not that I used most of it...heh I like the random loot personally - random loot is part of many RPG's (at least in part) and without it I find games rather boring - since items are often so focused upon, if you get the same stuff every time you play it's....dull and predicatable. That said, it is a good idea for there to be 'special' items that are always in the same place, or always dropped by the same enemy, etc. to provide continuity or motivation. So there could've been a few/several more situations like the Ossus Robe, but the rest of the game still be random loot.
  5. I wasn't personally interested in this bit because I hate him. In my case I think it's funny precisely because I like his character so much. Which just confirms my warped mind?
  6. I love you stoffe. :D It works...although the animation is just that he grabs his throat...I'd love to see it animated where you lift him off the ground kind of thing. No special animation when he says "you've fallen far" either - just normal 'I'm talking' graphic. Still funny tho. In my twisted opinion.
  7. But the NPC's get those forms anyway, assumedly because the Exile learns them then passes them on to her 'students'. So it feels to me like it would have been nice to see how the NPC's learned those moves rather than have them just appear magically in their attack option slots. Mostly tho, I just really want the 'more interaction' - and some of those small cut lines just sound really funny, both in context and chr. voice wise.
  8. I was afraid of that. *stomps foot* They took out all the little fun stuff. I would have loved to see that bit. :/
  9. So in the game files, there's this option where the Exile force chokes Disciple during his "You're falling to the darkside" observation...and after, Disciple is supposed to say "You've fallen far." Question: Is it in the final game? Anyone ever get it? I've tried to trigger it numerous times, with various influence settings and trying all the dialogue options (both with and without having the Choke power) and it never comes up.
  10. LOL.....I liked the swamps - it was that damn goblin dungeon you find there that I couldn't stand. I hated that the focus was solely on magic and swords etc. and then all of a sudden it's goblins and bots with electric ray guns. Plus I just disliked the dungeon design. I got through it once to the next outdoorsy area and never got further. But yeah...the mules were cute. :D
  11. Dantoonie: Atton/Kreia then Atton/Disciple Nal Shadda: Atton and Disciple. Dxun (1st): Disciple/Bao-Dur (only because I can't use Atton) Onderon(1st): Mandalore (no choice) and either Disciple or Visas Korriban: Atton and Disciple. (I sense a pattern here) Dxun Tomb: Atton/Disciple/Bao-Dur or Disciple/Bao-Dur/Mira or Atton/Disciple/Mira Palace: doesn't matter, whoever I feel like at the time Essentially, I've tried most of the NPC's in all the areas at least once, but the above is what I stick with now. They all work. Just go by who you like most or dislike the least.
  12. As I recall members an't delete a topic (even if it's your own) once it's been replied to.
  13. I've tried using a lower option and it sounds awful to my ears. Maybe it has something to do w/my soundcard or 3-speaker system or whatever. *tosses up hands* I'm no sound expert.
  14. I don't know. Like I said, I don't use any special program, just WinXp's soundrecorder. I pick the MPEG format to convert to (some people have trouble opening .wma format) and choose the highest option, which for whatever reason, on my menu 56kbit is the highest value. There's a slight drop in sound-quality from the original Miles uncompressed .wav file but not a lot - usually barely noticable, although the female voices tend to show it most. The original files really aren't that high quality to begin with, and some of them are bad recordings (especially some of the cut stuff) - the sound/tone varies a lot per file sometimes - indications of different recording sessions, heh.
  15. Yeah you have to right click on the image to get the permalink url on my site. this picture is better for the purpose anyway, cause it's a close-up instead of a wide angle game-environment imitation shot.
  16. They already have....Van Disel. Just stick horns on his head and he's good to go.
  17. I was noticing that myself the other day - Atton seems to look worse Darkside than the others - his spots are generally darker, anyway. I wonder why...must be vibes from his Jedi-killing days.
  18. Certain angles and poses Atton reminds me of Mr. Matrix Reeves. When Atton yawns, he reminds me of X-Files Muldar (I also think he has Muldar's nose....) So far none of the others have really struck me with a resemblance to anyone 'real'.
  19. Hmm...strangely, I can't think of a 'best' or even a 'coolest' off the top of my head. But the Exile's personal crystal would have to up there, if only because it's not...random! :D I just know I'll think of 5 things a couple hours from now...
  20. Feel the love....we all love y'all for all the effort & dedication being put into this. *dances with eagerness and poorly contained but excited impatience*
  21. Atton's initial mining tunnel lines including his "find the miners outfit? Damn!" lines (female Exile). http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/kotor2sound/at-distract.wav (214kb) HK-50's recitation of what happened to the maintence officer on Peragus - "my leg, oh no my leg!" http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/kotor2sound/ohnomyleg.wav (355kb) ..still no Di battlecries for me, damnit.
  22. Maybe Bao-Dur uses that red paint to hide the wrinkles....
  23. Does anyone know where Disciple's battle-cries are located??? They're not in his GBL folder, and they're not in the multiple Disc_Enc folders, and I can't find them anywhere else. I click and I click and click....it's driving me nuts. Someone tell me, my collection of Di-voice bits isn't complete w/out his amusingly annoying battle-hollers!
  24. Oh, I forgot - another concept/theory is that the more knowledge a culture aquires, the longer time it takes to educate the next generation. But this does not have to equal a longer 'perceived childhood' period. It just does in our culture. And I'll stop now since this is way off the topic. :D
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