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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I must have old eyes because the graphics look fine and dandy to me, with all the settings up high and on 1600 resolution. Granted, I'm sure plenty of games have more vibrant colors, less polygon jointing, smoother textures, blah blah blah, and I know that Doom1 sure looks pixelated to me now (god people thought that looked so great, back then, lol) but it's never going to look like a movie (unless you want to pay more and wait longer) and so I'm happy with Kotr's graphics as is. But! A new engine would still be nice - if only to make something different/have new potential options instead of more of the same.
  2. Am I the only one who never even uses any of those saber forms? I don't think I've even tried to use them. Never seemed needed, and it'd be one more thing I'd have to think about, so I don't. I'm lazy. But as an aside - do the NPC's ever use them? They learn them as they level up - do they use whatever one you're using, or are they only used when you directly control them.
  3. I'd like to play the game but I also refuse to get a console anytime soon. There's hardly any games (yet) I'd care to play on any of them, so not worth it to get one or more consoles just for a couple games now and then. That and I don't like gamepads or no-patches and all of that. But it does sound interesting, this game. I'd love to try it, even if it is short. Sigh.
  4. My game didn't install an override folder either...nor did it install the dialoge file (I copied it from the CD to look at it). No, my game isn't broken. It works fine. And in case you're wondering, the game rarely reads off the CD either...(edit - sorry, I mean CD not HD - ie, it's not accessing a file on the CD to make up for not having the dialoge file on HD) I wonder tho if some versions of the game don't install it (I'm in the US), because I'm not the only one I've seen say they're not there. Probably not, but it's a curious thing. I created an override folder and it worked for a couple things, but the dialoge editor doesn't recgonize the dialoge file (even tho I copied it in the proper directory) and hence, won't work.
  5. You must be thinking of something else or your game is bugged or something because that isn't true. I've also triggered about 3/4 of his Jedi-talk and then continued it later when I got 1 more influence. He just says he's 'not ready' when you hit the wall.
  6. ...Must....have...my...male...harem.... :ph34r: That and Chinese food. Mmm...hungry.
  7. Not everyone cares about power-gaming or re-loading to get the best crystals out of that cave...especially in a game where you don't need the best crystals to still kick everyone's hiney here and back. :D But no, since it's level-based, I believe, you won't get those in the cave if you do Dantoon first. I always seem to get a few high-end crystals like the Pearl and Sapphire in the Dxun temple anyway. Some people also have NPC whims to consider. ...er...hrm...yeah...
  8. JarJar. Another stupid attempt by Lucas to subject the public with his version of childhood fantasy cuteness that just makes me barf. Like the Ewoks. At least Anakin will one day grow into Vader.
  9. Dark Padawan or plain Dark Jedi robe for Exile. plain Jedi Robe for Disciple (it fits his personality...) - alternatively, there's a couple armors I like on Di, but that's not robe related so... Dark anything or his original ribbed jacket for Atton. And actually, he looks kinda cool in the green mutaki robe too, tho I wouldn't wear it on my Exile. Everyone else....whatever's available. The Ossus robe is nice, but I don't like the reddish brown color much. It's too...well...non-Jedi looking to me. And I agree...overlays/underlays are only really needed early in the game. After that, anything goes fashion-wise.
  10. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/file/s...i_influence.txt You really only need to gain influence about 3 times (maybe 4 in a couple cases) to get them to open up and start blathering about being a jedi. Some encounters are multiple-character-possible and random - ie, Atton and Bao will both gain influence for something, but if they're both in your party, only one will get the influence, and which one it is is randomly chosen. So remove other party members if you want to be sure a certain person gets it. Edit - the FAQ doesn't give you a step by step dialogue guide, just where and how.
  11. Assuming I understood you....my guess is your old designer re-registered the name before you got around to checking into it. He might even have had one of those thingies where a domain 'seller' notifies and tries to grab it as soon as it becomes available. There's not much you can do about it - if a name expires and is not renewed (by you) before it expires, it's up for grabs to whoever gets it first. *shrug So if he's willing to transfer it/sell it/give it away, great. If not...
  12. I do pretty much the same thing - although sometimes I skip actually 'finishing' Dantoon and Nal Shad till later...because...well, because I like to. Yeah, it ruins the max exp but peh, doesn't matter much in this game. :D
  13. You can cast Force Storm just as much as a LS - well almost as much. The penalty in point cost isn't very noticable, before very long.
  14. The T3/Atton pazaak stuff - mind you, I have no idea what order it's 'supposed' to go in, I just put 'em in an order that worked well for a sound-only file. Came out cute tho I think. http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/kotor2sou...aak-cheater.wav (335kb)
  15. Any that don't take longer to 'say' as it does to read the sub-titles. But in terms of sound alone, I'd say twi'lek.
  16. Forum stream-lining. Effecient. Wonder how much longer it'll stay up...
  17. Yup yup...it's related to that (I think, hehe). One of the graphic options in the game - I never remember the proper name...something buffer. Some cards don't support it etc.
  18. Yes...so true....I'm not exactly going to hold my breath for those pictures.
  19. Someone asked me to do a comparison like that on my screenie site...but it's hard since I'd have to play the game w/every possible Exile model to get the shots (only need Dark, since Light doesn't change much). So I haven't done it. It's a good idea tho - if enough people post (decent) pictures and give permission I'd 'steal' the pics for a compiliation picture to put up on the site etc.
  20. Flux of blackchampange is entertaining most of the time, although he tends to blather about some of his home-hobbies too long. I'd have to agree tho that since blogging is a huge 'fad' now, that about 98% of them suck. There are gems in there - both the personal and the more 'cause related ones' (ie politics or whatever) but you often only hear of them by word of mouth or occasionally random surfing luck. I know the couple times I've made blog-sites, they had little entertainment value - but mine aren't really for the public, more for family or personal reasons. And I have to say - gets boring TO blog almost as much as it can be a bore to read them. :D
  21. I prefer the term 'unused' to 'cut' myself. :D
  22. I have a couple 'net friends who are playing it - both are the types who resist on-line gaming addictions, and both are becoming pretty addicted, if that tells you anything. But they've only been playing a couple weeks or so, so don't know about long term. I'd guess it's certainly worth to play a month to see if you like it, assuming you like that kind of game in the first place. I refuse to touch it tho - something about the Warcraft Universe that I've never liked - that and I really don't need to get addicted to a game like that. Plus, as a couple others said, MMORPG's tend to get kind of boring to me after a short while, and I prefer SP games anyway. So...I'll skip this one.
  23. Can't speak for Kotor1 (yet) but I didn't really find any single battle in 2 to be particuarly better than another. I focus more on whether I like an entire area or not. So in that regard, I like the Dxun tomb thing - because you can pick 3 NPC's and change 'em around each time, and that's fun. Although I did also like the Acad. on Korriban for some reason - it wasn't very big, but I liked fighting all the Sith. The palace...eh...except for the fact Tobin cracks me up, I didn't find that too entertaining. But then, I'm not really into "Save/Damn the Queen! kind of plots.
  24. I like the influence system, but yes, it wasn't implemented terribly well this time around. Some of the unused material would have changed that a bit - ie, high influence w/Disciple & not Atton making Atton turn dark etc. Sigh.
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