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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Why does every thread that starts w/someone praising what they like about the game have to turn into a 'but this is what sucks about the the game' thread? (ok, sorry, that was a bit harsh for this actual thread but eh...my opinion still stands in principle) There's plenty of 'this sucks' threads already. Let people who like the game like their game w/out raining on their parade like negative nannies. Vortex, I agree with you on all counts. game has problems, of course, and I too skip the ending (I finished twice, once Dark once Light, that was enough of Malachor for me) and just keep on playing the stuff before that. Although, I do tend to rush Peragus now. :D Besides the fan-girlish nature of my obsession (heh) I still just really love to watch the battles - something about saber-fighting/the battle moves/jumps/dodges in this game just never gets old to me. And I also keep hearing bits or larger bits of dialogue that I haven't yet triggered before. Much less now than before, but still...it always surprises me.
  2. In an average non-super-power-gaming game (ie not re-loading so you're pumped full of all the best crystals and items) I haven't noticed that big a difference damage-wise between double-blade and dual-weilding 2 singles (using Flurry/Critical Strike/Power). I started watching the combat detail info and eh... Not enough to make a vital difference in this game, unless you're using some mod that increases difficulty to a point where it would matter. Appearance-wise, I prefer the two singles. The attack animations are much prettier overall - although there's one instance where the double-blade is prettier (one of the power-jump moves they do). Role-playing wise - eh - if I was a Light jedi trying to prevent the end of the galaxy, I'd take any edge I could to help that means. I'd give each of my sabers a name, probably, and they'd both become part of my sense of self-identity. If I was a Dark Jedi, I wouldn't be concerned with whether or not 'more power' was degrading to some symbolic principle. But that's just twisted little me.
  3. So maybe there's a reason Atton sometimes looks like Mr. Reeves? Yeah, yeah...bad funny. :D
  4. Ah....I see. Well, then it probably doesn't unlock for me. I never get the Atton lines that are supposedly unlocked the 3rd playthrough, either - even tho I was female every time and I'd won the game twice before etc. As to Disciple's holocron bits...mmm....I just meant the ones in his Global folder...there's a lot of them there (strangely, his 'grunting' noises are not in there that I could find). There are some other ones besides the ones in the global that I heard, but I don't remember what folder they were in at the moment.
  5. I tried that once as a lark....gave myself 15-20 lvls of experience on Peragus, lvled myself up to about 8 or 9....and 1st new loading area, which was T3's section, died. Repeatedly. On normal difficulty. In fact, T3 couldn't get past the droids at all, even when I leveled him up. So yeah, it kind of works...just have to fiddle w/it enough to find the balance between impossible and not. And if you do it early like I did, you'd probably have to edit in some weapons too, cause there's no way you're going anywhere otherwise.
  6. DarthMac - ah...so the planet was the typo. That makes more sense. (argh! Vash...Korriban...Nal Shadd...whatever) I don't see any reason why the patch would fix this...but....when I get Light side points now, my character no longer seems to temporarily get that Dark side face expression/look anymore, like she used to.
  7. Yes well apparently us US folks got a slightly different version or something. Whatever. heh Edit - and if it's 500MB, no problem for me. :D Not that I'm sure I care about movies/music enough to bother, but we'll see.
  8. Too big for the patch in what way? Download time? Just sounds like a strange way to put it...
  9. Ah well I'm playing in 1600x1200 so...maybe I just don't notice. If there is a difference it's probably more noticable on lower resolutions, perhaps. Edit - and my screen doesn't jump when switching to the movies. I think it's a system/hardware config thingie.
  10. So, do the movies looking better have something to do w/what vid card you were using in the 1st place, cause they sure look the same to me. Cutscenes/movies both. Course, I always they looked just fine to begin with, so...
  11. Ok...all cleaned out/defragged/patched ready to go! If I notice anything wildly cool, I'll mention it. But I probably won't. Diatton Kim is off to Peragus....
  12. Problem w/2 PC's networked & sharing 1 monitor is I forget I'm doing something on one whilst working on the other for a while....harhar. Wow look at all the views on this thread in a short time. Whee.
  13. Anakin, I think he meant, that the Exile's graphic is in place of T3's. Edit - I'm pretty sure I got a lightsaber off of Vash before - maybe it was one of those intermittment bugs. Damn aren't those files of mine done copying yet...
  14. It worked same as always for me. Too bad...that sounds pretty funny. lol I never get any of the funny stuff...
  15. Well I'm copying over all the savegames to my other PC (silly of me I know...since I"ll prolly just delete them later) and going to start completely fresh to see if I notice anything really different. From the list, as others said, I probably won't....but eh nothing better to do. The music files may not have been upgraded but it does, for some reason, sound better in-game. The movies, however, look the same to me as well. No difference.
  16. Still lags in the posion room on Nal Shadda for me. And my PC's no slouch. But yeah, in general it seems to run smoother and the sound's better. I wish they'd decreased the frequency of the battlecries as well Edit - and yup...started a new game...still testing old saves tho. :D
  17. Well I loaded a game on Goto's ship and all the mines that are supposed to be there aren't there...hahaha!!!! My guess - start a new game.
  18. Old saves load up just fine...don't know if fixes affect them tho..prolly not? My US downlaod said 11-12 MB but maybe I missed an additional 5-8 file notice. Numbers were flying by. heh
  19. I guess they just haven't had time to update their site yet - release it first, update page later. heh it happens. And I was wondering about that Vash/Korriban thing too - since you don't kill her. Probably a typo lol
  20. Felix - that link still says 'no updates available' when I go there. - except for that language one which has been there for ages.
  21. Hopefully they won't get mad at me for posting it here but this is what it says:
  22. Don't know not there yet...but I think it's only about 11-12MB download if that says anything.
  23. It's not a joke - it's there. Took about 1.5 minutes to download (for me), it's patching the files now. :D
  24. Ah...I see, thanks..I never run those things.
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