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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I still personally prefer the Dxun/Sith situation. It does take longer since you can't just spawn dozens of monsters at once, and the Sith give a bit less exp per kill, but it's more fun to play, since you can use 2 party members and goof off the whole time. But I gather that it doesn't work reliably for some people. It always works for me tho.
  2. At this point, despite any reservations I initally had and the few I still have, all I know is that I'm still playing. And playing. And playing. The longer I play, the more I play.
  3. My like for this game is based largely on the player vs. monster aspect. But I definitely think, from what I see/read, that PvP in GW is better than any other game I can think of. Definitely more intelligence/strategy etc. needed - even in player vs. monster, really. a party just flailing away individually, ignoring teamwork and planning, will lose/die. Impatience isn't rewarded. Too bad I don't have time to devote to keep up with people who do. It'll probably be a long time before I get all the skills/game knowledge and such to be competitively helpful in any PvP.
  4. I haven't actuall played WoW, but have several friends who are. With the input from them + reviews +forum reading....I'd say Guild Wars too.
  5. @ Kaftan - heh....I mostly think that way about these games too. I'm actually surprised I like GW as much as I do. But still...they're for when you want to leave your brain at the door and just have fun or hang out w/buddies and goof off with adreline rushes. At least they're a lot better than FPS games that serve the same kind of purpose, IMO.
  6. The airspeeder glitch doesn't seem to work in the PC version. At least, I haven't been able to make it work.
  7. Sorry, didn't mean to make it sound depressing. Just how I see the gameworld, after many years. You get a bit jaded, I guess - like with movies. Only so many variations in the world. :D I kind of disagree that it's not a MMORPG. Even in past MMORPG's, you form parties of 2-8 or whatever and go out into the 'world' and do stuff - it's about the party etc. GW has just elimited the hassle of having your (co-op, non PvP, questing) party be annoyed by other parties. The towns are the same, giant clusters of people to talk to/form parties with etc. Doesn't WoW do the same thing too? Maybe on-line games are headed this way. I for one like it. there's a few preliminary review previews out now from gamespot and such - you can read those. One more bad thing to add to the list, however. Per account, if you join a Guild with one character, ALL characters on that account join the Guild and are visible to all guild members. ie, no 'character/friend privacy/seperatism'. Some may not care, but it's annoying to many and many who'd like it changed. EDIT - But want to re-emphasize that I still really like the game. Good fun and a good option to try if/when one gets bored with a current on-line RPG they're playing.
  8. There's nothing radically different about it. There never is. It's all environment, people, and what kind of character building fits your playstyle - and where your friends are, if that's important to you. In the end, no matter what frills and variations they try to make, they're all about monster bashing and/or player bashing with groups of other people.
  9. I vote for the original Arcade pac-man. *wacka wacka wacka wacka...*
  10. A thousand Kotor dreams?? I think I did have one or two, somewhere the first week when I was playing way too many hours...(anything you spend tons of time thinking about can trigger a few maybe)....but I don't remember what they were about. I tend to lose memory of a dream pretty fast these days. That many tho - yes, you are truly addicted. :D
  11. I wasn't talking about story as the problem - honestly, one doesn't play this kind of game for story. It just gave me no indication that it would be a sudden party-fight and I felt like 'what now?' during the whole transition. As to controls - my main beef is being unable to easily turn my viewpoint once I start combat, since you can't use the 'move forward' etc. keys to change your view then. The r-click mouse thing sucks, to me, for this purpose - too slow and inaccurate when things are happening so fast. Half the time I'm fighting something while not viewing it. I tried the Z key that kind of helps but then I have to keep it pressed the whole fight. I looked at re-mapping keys but I don't really see how to bind 'change view direction without physically moving or stopping combat action' there. (edit - I know if I'm completely zoomed out I can see a lot more w/out having to change viewpoints but everything gets too damn tiny then and I can't see anything, let alone read text that's no taller than a few periods stacked on top of each other) Didn't try things like using CNTRL+W or anything yet tho. Does that work? Eh...even if it does - too many keys to press in the midst of chaos. Is lvl 20 the cap then? The cap so people can just pummel away at each other in the arena after that? :cool:
  12. Yeah, I'm going to say it again (the regulars probably get tired of me saying it, lol), I've never been able to get the console or that ini file or half the other such stuff to work for my game, ever. Not the only one either. Also never needed to set anything to '1' to take screens. " I've assumed it was some kind of weird version thing but no real clue. Just use the editor if you want to tweak, it's more fun anyway. Edit - but if it's mods, well...could be a problem. I've been able to get some of the 'override' folder stuff to work, but a lot of other stuff, no go.
  13. Actually you don't even need 100 to turn to Jedi. Don't know what it is tho - maybe 75%? Maybe Handmaiden's special tho...
  14. If you really don't want to level him, if you haven't reached the anger/pleased quota w/the Exchange yet, you can just fight off the guys on the ship and then go elsewhere for Atton influence to turn him into a Jedi first (if you can't get them from Nar Shadda anymore). Otherwise, yeah, tough battle there, if you leave him at like lvl 8 or something. Or a cheesy battle. Take your pick. :D
  15. You can go through the whole game in your 'underwear' and still win. :D Save your money for something else...like maybe decent guns or saber crystals or whatever else you think you might be lacking by the mid-late game. Or just roll around in your piles of gold for fun.
  16. OK, I've played for 2 days now, and I'm out of the 'training world', so to speak. So here's my current thoughts on this game, for anyone interested. Again, it's not like I've played for weeks/months, so keep that in mind.... General good points from my POV: 1) You can solo the game most of the time, either alone or with use of NPC 'henchmen,' once you reach the 2nd area - their AI is incredibly stupid, they don't talk, and you can't control them at all - but it's kind of like having a RPG party tagging behind you and that's been fun. Plus if you're trying to solo, or if you and your party are 1 member short for a mission, you'll need their help sometimes. This feature is one of my faves. 2) Items and crafting are a bit limited (not as diverse as D2, say) but it's still an interesting part of the game. Iparticularly like the small feature of dying your clothes so you can look more distinctive. 3) The ability to 'buy back' attribute points whenever you want and re-distribute them is a great feature - you can go to town, redistribute points to emphasis melee or healing or ranged skills, go out, go back to town, and switch them around again. Along with the concept of having a primary and a secondary 'profession' (kind of like dual-classing), this makes characters extremely flexible for parties and the amount of 'builds' to try numerable. Plus it prevents you from feeling like you have to start all over from spending points 'wrong'. Nice touch. 4) The game uses the system whereby when you leave town, the world is drawn for you and your party alone. No worrying about people camping for kills etc, because you won't encounter any other players. This is nice for several reasons (feels more like you're playing a vast-world SP game with just some friends...) but it can also make the world feel a bit empty at times. 5) Items are not completely random - ie, monsters drop certain ranges of stuff, and that's it. If you want icy lodestones, you gotta go where the monsters who drop them, are. General bad points from my POV: 1) You level up too fast in the beginning - when you're exploring for the first time and checking everything out in the first map, you'll feel too powerful even solo. This can lead to a bit of boredom in the inital world map if you aren't the type to rush to the next area as fast as possible. But like w/many MMORPG's it gets exponentially harder later, and it won't seem so easy anymore etc. 2) Still don't like the combat interface very much. Hard to target enemies when party members get clustered in with them, even with 'target closest' hotkeys available. 3) Like always, it can be hard to find a group to play with if you're not part of a Guild/have lots of friends. 4) The transition trip/quest from 1st training world to the more 'real' world (where shopping means something) is fast, out of your control, and can be quite a confusing shock-mess the first time. Could have been dealt with better. ------------------------------ Summation: If you like MMORPG and the typical kill monsters for exp and items type games, you'll probably like this one well enough to make the purchase worthwhile, especially if you get it for $30-40 at Wal mart or something. It's not pay-to-play, so that's a bonus. There's a lot of emphasis on Guilds and team PvP, (you don't have to be involved in that if you don't want, tho). This is not like Diablo's PvP or FPS fragfesting at all. I normally loathe PvP, friendly or unfriendly, and avoid it with a passion, but the little bits I've seen here make me think that I'd actually find the team PvP in GW fun. Kind of like co-op war gaming maybe? If I were to rate this game (for it's genre - I'm not trying to rate it against non-genre games) right now, I'd give it an overall 8. It's solid action-RPG fare and once you get past the inital, always irritating 2-6 hour hump of 'where the heck am I supposed to go/do??' it's quite addictive.
  17. Picture of my ranger and her kitty: http://crimsonkeep.com/images/gw/gw-0002.jpg
  18. I now have a 'pet' kitty familiar, and that's making the game more fun to me, particuarly since I like to solo as much as possible, so he's like my party member. He's cool. :D
  19. Well I bought it. The graphics aren't as good as they look in screens - I mean, they do look good, just not quite that good. I'm not fond of a few of the interface things, such as when you enter combat, the ability to change your point of view while fighting seems kind of awkward/annoying. But maybe I just haven't figured out all the keys yet. I don't like the fact that, as a bowslinger, anyway, I click on an enemy and then the game auto-fires, and I just sit in my chair picking my nose while my character either wins or I decide running is the better part of valor. The quest system, so far (and I really haven't gotten very far, so take these comments with grains of salt) is essentially the usual "click on NPC with a ! over their head, get a quest, go do it, return" thing. It's solo-able in the beginning, which is nice for those who like such things, and at least on my fairly high-end system, it runs smooth and I've had no lag/tech problems at all (i'm running on 1600x1200 w/high quality settings). Anyhow...I'm not sure how much I like it yet. I think it's nicely done, but maybe not very....interesting?...even compared to other action-RPG's like Diablo. But as I said...maybe it'll get more fun as I get higher level/get out of the newbie areas. EDIT - and I think if you hate games like D2, you definitely wouldn't get much out of this one.
  20. Game Guides are notorious for being inaccurate in regards to the final shipped game, as they are often printed before the game's final revisions - it's a marketing/time thing.
  21. Movie was garbage, yup. But Ryan cracked me up every time he opened his mouth. :D
  22. That's why I'm using it. On topic - I was watching Blade:Trinity (hubby rented it - that man will rent anything, I swear) and Ryan Reynolds, for some reason, reminded me of Atton. It's not the face so much - it was the attitude and stance - he got all the funny lines in the movie, and I thought they were a good match for the Atton-type lines in the game...he delivered them in the same manner and it made me think he'd make a good movie-Atton. *shrug*
  23. I had almost no interest in it beyond "may as well see it since I've seen the others" until I saw the trailer. Now I'm back to 'well, maybe it won't suck as much as the 1st two.' If the whole movie can keep the tone of the trailer, I have hopes it'll be good. If it falls into the morass of pitfalls of the previous, then, ugh. Although, I will say, I bought Attack of the Clones to refresh my memory and if you skip over all the romance (about half the movie) it does play a lot better.
  24. Considering the overpopulation issue, I think more men should imbibe of that dye. And wear really tight undies. And stuff. *wink*
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