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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Hahaha!!!! I like that attitude. So (usually) true, too.
  2. As much as I disliked Hanharr, he did have backstory. Did you talk to him? And yea, this one's been done before...but I'm not sure I'd expect new members to search polls. Disliked: Hanharr (irritating macho crap+voice)/Mandalore (was just boring, plus more macho crap...) Worst character/story: Mira (orphan/slave turned bounty hunter...yawn) - tho she did have some funny lines.
  3. I don't personally find it offensive...but I didn't live thru WWII either. He is kinda cute, lol - tho at 64x64 it really is hard to tell at a casual glance, without you mentioning who it's supposed to be.
  4. No, I don't hunt. I just kill flies. Hunting because you need/want food is one thing, hunting because you want a trophy on your wall or just want target practice is another. Hunters who shoot something and actually use/freeze the meat (most/all of it, not just a tiny bit of it) don't bother me...not everyone likes processed grocery-store goods - but the rest...meh. This includes fisherman, btw. At least fishermen can catch n release most of the time for their 'sport'. Bullets make that option rather hard. And yes, sometimes animal populations get out of control re: human settlements, and I suppose I understand that too...overpopulated deer starving is part of nature's way, and if people want to hurry the process a little for meat and prudence, so be it. Hunting animals that are nearing extinction tho...or hunting to extinction because humans don't want to share land with "dangerous predators/livestock thieves" - I'm very very against that.
  5. No...you just have to not have accepeted either offer yet.
  6. For the Visas fans out there, since I never really did any of her before: Visas on the destruction of her homeworld (1.2MB) - "To see everything around you extinguished, it was as if I was blinded, as if the Force had been bled from the world..." What a sad, breathy voice... And yea, I'm obsessed again. Kotor2 had it's faults, but voice-acting in general wasn't one of them.
  7. They show up the first time in those offices, near where that lady-leader is who wants to give you work if you're going darkside. When you walk into her 'room' they're there talking, and a brief cutscene happens, they run away/escape. If they aren't there...hmm...I know there were some things that you couldn't do once you'd actually chosen which 'side' to help by accepting their work...don't know if that quest was one of them or not tho, sorry. Edit - I checked - if you've started working for the Ithorians the quest supposedly becomes unsolvable - maybe they don't show up in the offices at all then. The 2nd half of that quest can be bugged too, but it can be completed anyway via certain dialogue options when you report their escape (on the PC anyway, I don't have xbox).
  8. Hmm...considering I saw all three in the theater, then rented each one when they first came out on DVD, then rented the extended versions as they came out one by one, and then bought the extended 3-set when it first came out a while back, plus toyed with capturing stills and avi's, I'd guess....um....too many. But still not as many hours as I spent watching Terminator1 back in the late 80's.
  9. What's in space should belong to everyone. I'd hope that by the time we actually have the ability to not only discover, but effecitvely utilize, space-related resources, the human race would have grown up a little. Course, that's just what I dream during feverish bouts with the flu. More likely, we'll go out there and ruin other planets & pollute space with warp core emissions.
  10. I'd like one set in the US Civil War period. Most Civil War games are RTS. Ancient civilizations like someone else mentioned would be cool, too. Actually, combining RPG with city building somehow would probably turn me on quite a bit, if it was done creatively/well.
  11. I don't recall exactly, but I think you needed a repair of 15? 20? or so to get max value during breakdowns....and until you reached the magical skill number what you get stays fairly low.... Plus, in the beginning/early of the game, most items pretty much have a default value of 1 (or 2, 4, 5, 10 etc), no matter what your skill. The items just aren't 'worth' much.
  12. You can turn virtual memory off, y'know - tho a little is always taken up for the Win OS, that 'reserve' doesn't show up in the swinfo test. As long as there's enough RAM, there's no problem with having it off. A lot of people prefer it disabled, in fact.
  13. My favorite style is what I call science fiction lite, ie, sci-fi that is not too technical or dry, with plenty of fantastical elements, ala Alan Dean Foster or Jack L Chalker. I used to love fantasy too but I finally became a little bored with the whole castles-swords-magic-horses-Kings & Queens routine. I think Stephen R. Donaldson is fantastic - both novels and short stories. His collection of shorts "Reave the Just" has a few wonderful gems. Most of the time these days tho, my nose is usually buried in magazines (all kinds), non-fiction (usually psychology oriented) or reference manuals.
  14. I read Game of Thrones when it was first printed...I remember it looking very lonely on the bookshelf, lol. Started slow and it's not the technical writing style I tend to enjoy most (a bit ponderous/stiff), but by the end I really wanted to know "what happens next" and I was agitated that the next book didn't appear to be coming out for another year and a half or two...I've since bought 2 and 3, but haven't read them. I keep meaning to....just haven't wanted to read the 1st one again, as I barely remember it by now. I could use those cliff notes.
  15. I am definitely not a devout fan. I don't even like the books all that much. But the films are entertaining fantasy, and there's so few of those to choose from...I liked them, and more of what I like is always good...kinda like chocolate...
  16. Y'know, I almost revived this thread the other day, because I've been making more dialogue files, only mp3's this time, and they sound better. Not the cut stuff....Battlewookie's pretty much got that covered...it's just that I realized that I could just record the dialogues w/wavpad in the background, while actually playing the game, which 1) is a lot easier, even if I have to edit out silences and a few 'boops' and 2) comes out sounding a lot better than cobbling together directly from the .wav files in the directory. Why, I don't know...but it does. I can't for the life of me figure out why I didn't think of it before. Doh! At least now, I have my Di battle-cries. haha! :D
  17. Isn't it funny how sometimes one can sit for hours watching TV or on the computer (or for work) and yet sitting in a theater for 3+ hours is grating? I personally wasn't bothered by the theater-length at all...I hardly noticed...but I certainly know plenty who are. Hehe, yeah, the ending of the 3rd went on too long for filmdom. What works in a book doesn't always work in a movie, no matter how you try to shortcut it. I think Jackson did a great job picking what to include and what not, plus his plot/sequence alterations were generally fine. Except for the Ents motivation to "go to war" - that one annoyed me a lot. But I got over it eventually.
  18. My opinion is: if you've read the books or just like more details, you'll generally like the extra content/bits of the extended versions, and they won't seem "too long." What's nice about them is they add those little bits that seemed like a horrible omission in the theater releases, such as the talk with the wizard in his tower, and the 'trees' being part of the end of the Orcs at the end of the first battle, etc. Nothing in-depth, but it was enough to satisfy my sense of "it doesn't make as much sense without at least a hint of those things". There's still a lot missing of course - and altered from the book, which I don't neccesarily think is a bad thing...but I think the extended films make them more complete.
  19. The "crowd" here sometimes scares me a little...but in a good way. I think. I own no blades, since I'm not into collecting stuff much - not to mention I'd probably cut my own toe off or something - but I love non-mechanical weapons, both for looks and for their historical impact and tacitcal use. Plus of course, they look cool. Personally, I want a huge jousting lance for a room corner. Alongside a suit of armor. If someone broke into my house, I would likely cower in the bathroom (or better yet, my neighbor's bathroom) while calling the police. I do not have the skill or the physical attributes to be deadly or intimidating thus I would avoid such a confrontation if at all possible. But I'd probably prefer blunt over sharp because it requires less finesse/skill to use.
  20. Warm Hex Color Codes Proxy Servers list thesaurus.reference.com godaddy domain registration The rest I visit on a frequent basis are a few forums, blogs, and various software program homepages. Almost everything else I might visit once a month, once in a lifetime, or never.
  21. Re-installed Majesty, after reminding myself of it in another thread... I'm soooo behind the times in terms of playing new games - I always seem to go back to the old favorites. heh
  22. I'm not a tech person so can't be of help...but from other threads I know there's some catalyst driver issues with radeon+kotor, ie it works best with certain ones. If you think that's a likely possibility, do a search or three, there's been quite a few threads of catalyst discussion.
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