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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. My husband had his first smoke when he was around 5. His uncles or grandfathers or something. But their excuse was that times were somewhat different then.
  2. LadyCrimson


    Star Trek action figures from the early/mid 70's. I tortured Scotty. The 'Fireplace log' that a local station would play all day Xmas day...it was just funny & an inside type joke with friends.
  3. They did that for Morrowind, too...and Tombraider...and....
  4. I think the story-reasons are something about how it's a DS place, full of DS energy, that dampens out the LS energy, or something along those lines, however the SW universe might coin such concepts. As to the movitations of the actual level designers...who knows.
  5. Most likely not, although there is a way to 'mess' up and not be able to get that shopkeeper to show her 'extra' wares - that is, if you side with her merchant competitor Oondar on the other side of that main hub area. If you sided with Geeda, then each time you 'clear' a planet's main quest you can go back and talk to her, and her shop will have a few new items. She did always have a specific color crystal at one point when you re-visit her. It might have been silver, I don't remember, sorry. If you've already done a planet, it'll still work, but I think you might have to enter/leave that area first to re-load her inventory....maybe. Otherwise, silver crystal, it's random, as most are.
  6. The first and best Die Hard. "...and I have to kill one with feet smaller than my sister."
  7. I don't get the lyrics stuck in my head so much, but the bass beat of Another One Bites the Dust/Queen often loops around forever...where you run around going "dun dun dun" etc. all day. @dufflover - You're mean and evil and your actions are responsible for my current apperance.
  8. Green Dragon could answer, but then some people would think the GD wasn't telling the real truth, and a whole movement might be spawned, cause, y'know, it's a conspiracy.
  9. Mr. & Mrs. Smith. It has some cute/funny lines that made me laugh, but of course it had plot holes the size of the moon. Not that I was expecting logic. Fun movie for a light romp, but nothing great. The direction felt a little 'cold', a little too distant, too. But it did make me think that poor Greg Ellis will be forever stuck playing micro-cameos.
  10. Oh, darn, it's QT, I can't watch it. Guess actors want to be in 'fantasy' movies these days.
  11. *insert picture of Spam here* ...either that, or I suppose you could see it as a public service announcement...
  12. I liked the Utpauns(sp?) for their dark toothy looks and Jawa's because they're short and incomprehensible like myself. And of course, a runner-up nod must be given to: Space Slug!
  13. "Cheer up, sleepy jean! Oh, what can it mean. To a daydream believer And a homecoming queen!"
  14. I'd say something like the sky is falling, but I think the others have it pretty much covered. :D Why is it (almost) always assumed they're male, heh.
  15. Politically incorrect reaction: Ruuuuuuuuuunnnnn, Forest, run! Well-meaning and sincere reaction: Congrats man, and good luck....and don't trash the honeymoon suite too much, hotel managers get kind of cranky about that. :D
  16. Nooooooooo!!! I'd finally gotten the Numa Numa video out of my head. See what you've done??
  17. As much as I liked the general story and all the jazz, I'm going to have to say the saber battles. Since I hadn't played Kotor1 before Kotor2 - or any other SW game - the snazzy saber sounds and lightshows coupled w/my favorite NPC's, were great...I couldn't get enough for quite a while.
  18. Once in a great while it snows up in the hills here - the sort of snow that usually melts by noon, or at the most a couple days. When this happens, people from the cities like to drive up in their pick ups and shovel the stuff into the back, drive back down, and have snowball fights in the middle of suburbian San Jose. Otherwise, you have to drive 5 or 7 hours to see snow. Pretty pictures. Haven't been in snow in some time. Most we get is icy windows when the temps get close to or slightly below freezing.
  19. Arrgh!! Pretty soon everyone's going to film 3 movie at once, like Mr. LotR director. Oh wait....maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing...might improve consistency... Edit: Then again, if the SW prequel had been filmed all at once...*pictures that floppy-earred creature jivin' through all 3* *shudder*
  20. I liked three things about PotC...Geoffrey Rush, Greg Ellis and the monkey. And the cinemotography. And music. Ok, that's five things. A sequel eh? What a surprise.
  21. Greyhound...are they still around? Then yeah, I'd agree, they're always a good option if you don't have much stuff. When I was 19, I was already in my own place with furniture, computers (what passed for them then anyway), tons of books and such, pets etc. Sometimes it's hard to decide if it's cheaper to toss it all and buy new(ish) stuff or not. But beds and shelving can definitely be ignored. heh Oh and...San Fran is definitely a good option vs. NY. Good suggestion.
  22. The first 1/2 of sci-fi's original "Manticore." The most notable thing about it was being able to point and say "Hey, that's..." Voyager's Chakotay (Roger Beltran).
  23. How much money would I need to make the move? Depends a lot on the cost of living/housing in the place you want to go, and/or what you're willing to put up with for, say, a few months to a year. For example, where I live, just to rent a small place would probably cost you around $3K-5K to move-in. In terms of the moving costs alone - if you drive, the cost of gas and whatever shipping/moving fees you end up with. Coast to coast is approx. 3000 miles (more or less depending on locations of course) for gas mileage considerations. How would I go about securing lodgings/work once I am there. Some say you should have something lined up before you actually move, but I know that's not always realistic. Temp agencies while you're looking for a more permanent job would be my advice on the job front. Housing....you might be able to call ahead to some find-a-rental company that could find you something before you leave. Of course, that be an extra cost service but it might be worth it to save you some hassle. How do you transport all your worldly possessions cross country cheaply and effectively. When my sister moved from CA to MA and back again, she put her stuff on planes and drove her body. She seemed happy with the results. I don't know what she did or used for the baggage-by-air route, or how much it'd cost, since it was years ago. Another friend tried just using UPS (they didn't have a lot of stuff) but complained UPS broke most of their things - likely because they didn't self-pack the boxes very well. If you're comfy driving big trucks you could try renting a big truck and towing your own car behind. And yeah...get rid of anything you absolutely do not need, or put it in storage to wait and see if you want it/need it later, when you're more settled in.
  24. Another poll! I thought that Atton's was the most satisfying in a story-like fashion. Beginning, middle, end kind of thing. I also thought the way they altered his motivations/reasons for telling the story depending on whether you were Dark or Light was fun - gave the story different potential meaning (and doubt about whether it was even true or not) and I always like that sort of thing. Kreia's could have been a lot better with more insight into her mind and motivations. Yeah, I know, they tried at the end, but too little too late for me. A potentially complex character too watered down.
  25. Christian Bale - American Psycho cracked me up. But I'm twisted maybe. He did great in the Batman and Machinist. He's goin' places.
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