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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I like what Disciple (prolly Handmaiden too, certain events are somewhat dialogue-duplicated) says before you go off by yourself. Not romantic persay, but certainly gives you the impression he cares more than he's saying. But yeah, the game at most gives you a few hints drowned in melodrama-dialogue - nothing that will even remotely satisfy a desire for character-romance. Any romance has to be a product of self-imagination. *cough*
  2. We just have clouds and moderately chilly temps. I bet a lot of people went up to Tahoe to ski tho. And just in case there's 1 person who hasn't seen it yet...
  3. Is that a black stripe down that dog's back or did you perform impromtu surgery with that sword one day? :D hehe...that's the only way to eat a box of chocolates.
  4. For some reason that makes me think of Linus and his countdown to Beethoven's birthday. Brrr...who's having a white Xmas? (not me)
  5. Of course they did...or will...it's a staple!
  6. We're not into presents persay...but my mother gave me her collection of 1960's Peanuts books. Could be valuable one day. And one of hubby's bosses got him some cordless headphones. Which I might steal. haha
  7. Wishmaster2, because Sci-Fi channel is playing a lot of really bad movies for Xmas.
  8. Yo ho ho and a bottle of eggnog! Merry Xmas to all.
  9. Going to see Syriana this weekend...from here and elsewhere I don't expect a lot, but I must...see...Cooper... Did anyone see Jarhead or Capote? I missed those and I guess I'll have to wait for DVD.
  10. Hehe...a dancing blue meanie with a heart of platinum. :D
  11. Ooooo.....kitten cuteness!!! Although that one on the left is little odd looking... :D
  12. Not you...didn't say you specifically did, either. But.... Trying to answer the question usually implies helping someone understand. Telling them to Google and then closing the proverbial door might achieve that too.
  13. So who made the little Frappr forum...fess up... Edit - guess it's a new Frappr feature...there's one in every spot.
  14. Somehow, I don't think those explanations will help a young child understand, very well. Maybe something more like "The space between water molecules gets bigger when water freezes." Perhaps not technically accurate but a little easier to comprehend the basic idea for children? Then you can tell them to go Google if they want more exactness. "
  15. Re-watching Pharaoh's Army and drinking a bottle of red wine. Great little Civil War period film. *raises glass*
  16. And I thought mine was fairly high. I used to be such a ST geek...stuff like that is what got my score up there. But at least I never wore pointy ears!
  17. 905/Lvl4 Geek. I punched the numbers into a credit-card sized, hand-held, flip-top calculator as I went along. Is that plus or minus geek points?
  18. The editor. Either that or the mine exp. thing, because I could use it really early in the game and thus could level up (name fave NPC's here) a lot more from right when I first met them. Not to make the game easier...just because it was fun.
  19. The fact the end game didn't include my ability to take my party with me. That really ticked me off initially. It still does.
  20. Hanhar. Tall, growling, furry, angry men aren't my thing. All he did was make me want to scream "go jump off a bridge, then!" And I'm normally a fairly sympathetic soul.
  21. I can't either. GW was kinda fun for, oh...3 weeks...but RPG? and of the year?
  22. I'm just pleased that my picture is no longer on that bottom strip.
  23. I really like the...uh..landscape?...one, Kaftan. Dark and moody.
  24. The only thing that really bugs me about sigs is when a forum isn't equipped, software or setting wise, to restrict stuff - which happens a lot. Like I've seen people with avatars that are 300kb in size - the forum shrunk their physical dimmensions but not their actual file size. And I still remember the guy here several months ago who had a sig pic that was almost a 1MB. I may have high speed now, but I remember what it was like not to. Limey.
  25. Periods of time with too many threads with this type of hostile environment is why I stop posting at places - and as Gab said, why I avoid joining in a lot of topics, sometimes, too. Know your limits, as they say. :ph34r:
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