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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. You forgot the last one: God laughed at Man.
  2. Just for the record, I didn't find it particuarly offensive - it was obvious to me that it was in a joking/play manner and honestly, big deal. Plenty of steroetype jokes of men, too, out there. (To me it's more about whether something is appropriate in a given situation more than offensive...) I didn't find it actually funny, tho, sorry. heh
  3. the Talking Heads...multiple songs.
  4. But the game isn't designed for lvl 40-50 characters...and it's pretty boring to get there to boot, without the editor. Highest I ever got was around 32, and it was still easy then. No one-hit kills for me, but still easy. Hardest was when I leveled up T3 via the editor to lvl 18 or so and the little bots on Peragus wiped the floor with him because he had nothing powerful to use, haha. Another problem to me was that each area's difficulty was set the first time you entered it so if you skip-hopped around planets/quests and came back it would seem absurdly easy. I'd like it the game would notice and re-scale difficulty when you re-entered an area at a different clvl.
  5. Reformat is always my answer. <snippage> Edit - nvm, I asked a techie friend...got my answers...
  6. As I recall, the movies pretty much had the Force/Jedi trumping everything except other Force users...at least in one on one or one against three type battles...the force persuade trick is one of the few things that seemed to be not all-prevailant because it was a mental hypnotism kind of thing or something, hence the willpower. The problem with any 'superpower' is finding a way to make it seem special and godlike without actually being undefeatable, because invulnerable god-like beings make boring heroes. I think most fantasy fails at this, stories or games... Which as many people point out, is one of the problems with the level-up system - people want to level up and apparently it's hard to find the balance between gaining powers and increasing difficulty. . And Superman and his kryptonite always annoyed me because it was so tiresome to have the bad guy just pull out a green rock at some point in every episode/comic/story whenever it was convienent. Or in game terms, pulling out the almost invincible monster/almost impossible timed situation at key points to give difficulty...it feels like a cheat.
  7. I liked his supposed age range...although yes, they could have tried to make him a little more original vs. the Han image. His original jacket look was too close to Han for comfort. Haha...a drainpipe...*wipes a tear from eye* that was a good one. GoTo wasn't too bad character wise...he had that strange motivation for his doings and stuff, and some of his lines were pretty funny...but as a party member I found no real use for him that other, more entertaining members couldn't fullfill. He also had this tendency in my games to charge forward even for ranged comabt and block my view with his hovering, large and rotund shape.
  8. "Stay out of my head, I mean it." - Atton
  9. Disciple is Disciple because he's a disciple of faith...of the force, of the jedi, of the republic, however you want to look at it. I saw him as kind of monk like, really.
  10. I really wanted to kill that guy...he dashed all my innocent hopes. :D
  11. I've downloaded this but all the techie stuff about installing if it doesn't go smoothly scares me. :ph34r: And @ fingolfin92 - I imagine a thread in this forum or the Computer/Console forum for meeting other pazaak gamers would probably work.
  12. They do look a bit like arteries...
  13. Ailein Duinn, Capercaillie. I think I need to buy some new CD's again...
  14. Ahhh..glad I'm not the only one scratching my head about that. The article is a year old, too, which seems odd if it's just getting around as common 'news' now...? Edit - ahh...I looked again...maybe that site just forgot it was a new year...
  15. I must admit that's one argument for consoles...the renting.
  16. Haven't played either but from everything I hear, Halo2. If you haven't played it yet, I say Dungeon Keeper2. Teehee.
  17. The smilies here are so cute. I do like combat if it's well done...or funny, ala Majesty...in Kotor, it was easy, but I did like the animations and sounds, perhaps overmuch heh, so that made up for it a bit.
  18. I liked that delay too..an edit delay of a few minutes at least is nice, for catching those typos.
  19. Guess I found something else about the game I liked...*cough Atton/Di cough*...combat has never been the main thing for me anyway. Myst was a great game in its day.
  20. Would those be house boilers or something else. Cause the water heaters I've always seen in houses are always on...well...kind of...they kick on at regular intervals and after you've used a lot of hot water, to keep the tank water at a certain temperature. edit - oh...ok...well I guess it's another US conspiracy then
  21. I was referring to that comment, Hades. And yes, the too-easy combat was disappointing. heh
  22. That's a point. It'd be nice if they could invent somethng that heats water superfast so you didn't need this giant tank of heated water sitting in your garage all day. Then again, we're all just spoiled by hot showers. Jumping into an icy lake with a bar of soap is the manly solution.
  23. The Professional...love that one. Sin City...that was interesting. Not exactly great, but interesting.
  24. I think some would disagree that the story of K1 sucks, but yeah, the combat in both is easy, unless you're a total novice to game-playing, perhaps. There are ways to make it harder (even close to impossible) but that involves cheating using the editor so...if you're not liking the game for other reasons than the combat, I'd go play something else.
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