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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I don't like near any rainforests. I don't think a lot of people here do. *scratches head* I could be wrong, but I think you might have missed the joke I was making.
  2. I'm beginning to understand how some people can rack up 1000's of posts... I have no suggestions but I'll add my 2 cents on whether or not I want a Kotor3 - I'd like one. But I don't feel a big need for it to be a direct sequel to the first two. I didn't like the unfinished ending of #2, but to me that's the past and I'd just be happy with a new game of similar quality/style/fun. I'm not sure any attempt at bringing back old characters to finish their stories would work for me in a game-setting...maybe some cameos or something. I'd prefer to have new characters to get to know and love/hate...to me that's half the fun of a RPG game. If I really want to see or hear Atton I can just play the Kotor2 again. I understand that people like to see their favorite characters over and over again...which is why the entertainment industry -games, films, books - has a really bad case of sequel-itis...but I for one am kind of tired of that routine and I want new characters, worlds, and environments. Being able to play a non-Jedi character class would be interesting - especially if you could play an alien. I also liked the idea of the frequent downloadable new content, say, 2-4 times a year or something, perhaps, even if I had to pay a few bucks for each one (say $5-10). One of the big selling points of MMORPG's is their constant updates...not just bug fixes but new levels and maps etc. I wish they'd do that for other types of games as well.
  3. Hey, can someone tell me exactly what vsync is supposed to do? In the ancient past a lot of my fave games would go a little wonky if I had it on, and I never understood it's purpose...so by habit it's always off.... Am I missing something by not using it?
  4. I often say I'm not an expert at anything, but I am an expert at wasting time. *looks at watch* oh look, it's evening already and I haven't done a damn thing. :D
  5. Biochemistry and attitude combine together to create peace or chaos. It's hard to control either one all the time - no matter how many times you may tell yourself to 'don't worry be happy' or try to convince yourself to be rational/practical vs. irrational/emotional it doesn't always work. Is that a failing of attitude or a failing of biochemistry? Does attitude influence biochemistry more than biochemistry influences attitude? Can you really seperate the two? I don't think we know enough to know that yet. And yes, Fionavar, very subtle.
  6. Soon if you want to visit the rainforest you'll just have to walk out your door.
  7. Ah...that's a trying path to have to walk. Hopefully it'll have a happy ending. *sends goodwill and luck his way*
  8. I finished watching The Island. I suppose if you just like big explosions & CGI and such it's tolerable. The plot concept could have been interesting but wasn't. It's Michael Bay, what can one expect. I'm a little shocked that so many reviwers gave it a B tho...
  9. So where is metadigital? I haven't seen him in some time, I miss his wit.
  10. I think we'd have a severe shortage of males before too long.
  11. What sound card you using - sounds more like a sound card issue than a graphics one.
  12. Oh, I'm definitely not a techie. I just know some things from research/years, but I don't understand half of what I know, if you know what I mean. Like knowing if you plug something in it turns on, but not knowing why, thus it's hard to make informed decisions. And yes, you were helpful...especially for the heads up on the PCI-E thing. I knew that was coming but hadn't thought about it much recently. That's the one thing about PC's I don't like..the constant upgrading. I only built this one a year ago. <_< Cheers.
  13. Is AGP so 'out' now? About 8 months ago I asked that question and I got the general idea that it would be eventually, but it still was going to be quite a while before the PCI-E was a 'must have' to be able to play games. Sigh. Well, guess I'll be looking at building yet another system soon. Oh well, I can always use a 3rd PC.
  14. Yes. Not 50 years, but 35 (I was 2 when we moved here), plus some research on weather patterns + grandparents.
  15. Hehehe I'm definitely a B. The A goes up and down...when it's up, there's no 'try' - just do.
  16. It's been raining like mad here for days...flood warnings the past few years have become commonplace where they used to be fairly rare. We've also had 'big' lightning quite a bit lately too - I'd never seen that kind of lightning here, ever, until a few years ago. Freaked me out. And so far this year we've had three tornado warnings that I know of...granted, they were very tiny miniscule tornado warnings, not like out in mid-US, but still...for San Francisco Bay Area it's quite odd. The weather around my area really has been rather out of the norm in terms of the last 50 years or so, IMO.
  17. @ @\NightandtheShape/@ - I use AGP. If I can find a GeF 6200 w/256 I'd buy it. I've been pretty happy with the 128 one. I don't like buying on-line tho and sometimes the stores don't have much of the older stuff because they like to reserve the shelf space for the $500 new things. As to games...well to be honest I haven't played too many lately, especially when there's so few in the genres that I like, new release wise. WoW/ DungeonSiege2 are probably the most current. WoW, digital photo manipulation and some older RTS games like Stronghold/Majesty NE/RCT with their huge 'chug-chug' map sizes is why I bought another gig of RAM...didn't absoultely need it but it helped quite a bit. I was waiting for Majesty2 but apparently it's kaput. In short, I like RPG's, action-RPG's, and RTS that have something different from AoE like gameplay. Edit - sometimes even 3 smileys seem like too many...
  18. Yeah, I don't play FPS's much so I don't generally worry about it. But a lot of games these days are more and more demanding, even so. I do that...I just don't neccesarily like the 'latest' one because I have no need for the bells and whistles...and it always seems like on the shelf, there's 20 different options...each one having a different number in their 'name.' I tend to notice a lot more tech/bug complaints on myriad forums with ATI over Ge, so I agree. Tho I don't think it's unreliable so much as perhaps games not supporting ATI as well, or something. Dunno.
  19. This is going to sound stupid, but when I had a SBLiveValue card I had all kinds of game problems that were not related to sound, like choppiness, lag, and crashes. I usually found workarounds on forums but eventually I ditched the thing.
  20. That's like asking why ants take one path when there's so many other clear paths to choose from. Perhaps it was just the shortest way to where they were going, or something. Or maybe they didnt like the way his wife smelled, or the way her side of the bed's blankets were rumpled.
  21. I had a thought...maybe there were some spider egg sacs near the bed and they hatched, releasing hundreds of itty bitty spiders that crawled all over the bed for a couple days.
  22. I might've made a good doctor...those pictures don't bother me at all. Then again, my gag-reflex for bad smells is very high, so...scratch that. :D
  23. I remember playing Quake 2 at 1600x1200, and the health and console and everything were absolutely miniscule. I have 2gig RAM too and it certainly makes a difference. The only reason I play in 1600 is for screenshots. Unfortunately after a long period of time I've gotten so used to the way it looks in 1600 that 1024 looks rather horrible to me in most games - flatter colors, pixels too large and noticable, the view too "close-up" and confined feeling. So I run at 1280 when I'm not concerned with capturing images. I think Kaftan (and others like him) are just so used to max AA that they can't go back...I've never run at top AA for long so I've never gotten overly used to the look, but I'm sure if I did, I might start to get more picky about it. One's eyes get used to stuff after a while, that's all. I think some people's eyes are also just a lot more sensitive to some things, like how some can hear those very high-pitched electronic whines to a point of distraction and some can't. I grew up with games that make today's low level of aliasing look like perfect straight lines by comparison so I don't really think about that too much. The resolution tho...different story.
  24. I'm not sure he was talking to you that time.
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