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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. No. I have no fancy theories as to why not...just....no.
  2. To all those who 'eat everything' and don't gain weight....My brother, hubby, and I are like that (bro's does x-country running), and the past 5 years we've been joking how it appears it's actually possible for us to gain a little too much weight if we're not careful, even with moderate exercise. It does catch up with you...build good habits early - they don't have to be extreme - so you don't have to play catch-up later. Relying largely on the high-metabolism (either natural or from training) doesn't work quite so well as you get older. Also, being thin doesn't neccesarily mean good-health, especially as you age and all the bad habits start to accumulate inside.
  3. Transporter2 - totally absurd but hey, it's an action flick...and Jason's a hottie. Watchable, a few laughs. RedEye - the bad guy has really pretty blue eyes but the movie was pretty boring/bad.
  4. I like some of them because they're...well....funny. Even if it is the unintentional, so bad it's fun to make fun of them kind of way. But I can only take so much at one time. heh Steven Segal cracks me up...we used to joke about how almost all his film titles consist of three short words.
  5. No, not really. Unless someone's made some kind of AI mod or something, I'm never up to speed on those things. I find I'm better off just controlling one character and letting the AI do what it wants, pausing only to deal with health or something. If they're giving you a lot of trouble in certain situations by running forward to melee when you don't want them to, put long range guns in their hands (23m or more) and put them on ranged AI for a while. Also, you can do that to prevent them from running off alone when the first hit they recieve is from someone way 'in the back' (the AI goes for the first attacker, not the closest), then pause to switch weapons/AI and tell them to attack someone closer. I'm kind of a control freak, but in Kotor2 it doesn't matter 99% of the time. If melee is really your thing, once you've given them the top level of a melee skill they'll use it a lot on their own with no prompting. They tend to use their regular attack by default a lot, until then, I assume because the AI considers the lower-feats penalty too high, maybe. Anyway, I've watched Atton & Di beat all the Sith down with no help from me at all, not even pausing, so I let them do what they want. <_< Just give them max Power and/or Critical Strike, since they won't cast Speed on their own in melee, making Flurry not so spectacular for AI melee.
  6. I'll still take a good bike ride or hike through a hilly park over riding an exercycle in some mirrored room. Tho of course I know some people live in a areas where that's not really feasible. And I do have portable music players...it still doesn't keep me from being bored & counting the minutes in a gym. Not everyone is that into music.
  7. Peragus, simply because it's the beginning and all beginnings get really boring to me after a while. I like the fun of starting a new character, but something about Peragus sucks all of that away. Maybe it's because there's too much "Hi here's some newbie info" in all the convo's. Click click, skip. Click click skip. I also found Nar Shadda extremely dull on re-plays, tho I'm not sure why - maybe because it's a dingy ugly city, and because the whole GoTo ship thing really annoyed me.
  8. My back is giving me too many problems to do anything very strenuous these days. Sucks. I"ve been trying to combine photography with long walks tho, it helps some. I hate public gyms. It's not embarassment...I just don't like people and staring at 4 walls while on a machine. Not to mention, being hit on all the time. :angry: Never tried an all-female gym tho.
  9. The tentacle-mouth in the refugee sector is not the same as the main quest tentacle-mouth you meet on Nar Shadda. I don't have an answer for you tho - there have been some people who had bugs where the meanies never show up on the Ebon Hawk, or some other needed event, and if that's the case here (bug) then there may be no answer except re-load and re-play Nar Shadda again. But it's probably more likely that you just missed something that triggers that situation.
  10. I used to bicycle/hike/dance (ballroom) a lot, but the older I get the more it takes to keep the balance and I've been sliding, particuarly since I've never been one for regulated exercise and the computer does nothing for cardio. heheh I'm not a nutrition health nut but I do try to balance things out in that area, especially as I age. I still binge on 'bad' foods more than I'd like, tho. :D
  11. Don't know if you did a search on this forum or not, but yeah, other laptop users have had some problems too. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=37355&hl= You could try some forum searchs on 'mobility' and 'laptops' as well as catalyst, tho some results will repeat, of course. Luck.
  12. My husband is largely a self-employed contractor and what we mail to the IRS is about an inch thick, unfolded. <_< We have an very good independant accountant, because there's no way we could (or want to) muddle through all of that ourselves, not to mention get past all the legalise to figure out what we can and can't do to make our taxes as painless as possible, especially when those things change in some fairly fundamental way every bloody year. And even with the accountant, obviously, mistakes are made because the law/code is horribly complex and reads like an instruction manual/terms of agreement from hell. The more you make and the more investments/toes you have in financial whindings, the more nightmarish it becomes, even if you're not rich, which we're not. Our 2005 tax stuff is going to be the worst yet.
  13. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=39048 I know you're not getting a black screen, but it's probably still related...
  14. Are we talking The Professional Jean Reno? I like his movies sometimes, but interviews I've read turned me off of him pretty quickly. :D As to Chuckie...he's all cheese. hahaha!
  15. Someday there may be a world when the phrase "did you know....is gay" isn't part of the language anymore, because such a thing will no longer be "news." Someday...
  16. Dark Water. Predictable yet somehow, very watchable. I liked it more than The Ring, say. Probably the strong & mature performances in the movie, the fact it was more drama/suspense than 'horror' and the rain/water images, which I always like. Weak ending but that's almost always true.
  17. I guess I don't notice these things because Nikko didn't look distinctively out of place/out of proportion to me. It's interesting to know the artistic background on one of the game's characters. heh. Neat-o. I bet that was a blast seeing yourself on screen like that. :D I'd make a good jawa I think, lol.
  18. Whatever that horrible sci-fi original monster movie was last night. What is it with them and their obsession with giant snakes, insects, etc...and why can they produce decent shows like Gallactica and make such utter crap for movies?
  19. Yeah, I wasn't trying to say Shalit's veiw of the novel/film itself is a 'good one', or the majority view...just that his using of the phrase in question could come from something other than homophobia.
  20. Good enough reason. Still, aren't they both married for much of their relationship? Maybe Shalit is old-fashioned and thinks people shouldn't pursue/have affairs when they're married. Er...yeah...I'll shut up now. heh
  21. Was that directed at me? If so, I don't understand the question...if not...ignore this post.
  22. In this day of political correctness, the ideal of freedom of expression becomes even more seperated from the reality because people are afraid to open their mouths and dance around everything to avoid arguments or being sued. No one wants to be made an example of for a casual remark they barely remember making. I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but reviews I've read of the film suggest one character is more the agressor while the other is more reticient - maybe that reluctance comes from not wanting to come out of the closet & the encounters are always consensual, but it could still be viewed as being 'predatory' in the sense that if the one wasn't agressive about actively pursuing, the relationship would not have continued for so long? But then, like I said, I haven't seen the movie so maybe I'm talking out my ass here... My point I guess is that perhaps Shalit really does view the film relationship dynamic that way and used the term precisely because he figured he'd use it if the couple was hetrosexual, so therefore he deemed it appropriate to use for this movie. I've certainly heard him use such similar phrases before (not that I could quote you specific examples), he's been around a long long time, and he's always had that loud and kind of abrasively quick style, even when he's ga-ga over a film.
  23. Speaking of taxes, it sucks when the IRS mails you (8 months later) saying "thanks for the $21,000 for 2004 but we've looked at your return and want $750 more." Especially when $480 of that is a penalty for not having figured them correctly and not paying that portion on time. They could have mailed sooner, but no, then they wouldn't get as much of a penalty fee. -1,000,000 pts to the IRS.
  24. I downloaded Fate and I have to say...it's fun. Doesn't pretend to be anything other than it is, a mindless yet obsessive hack n slash dungeon game....my new fix for this game genre. So, thanks for that article link, cause I found my new brainless game. And only $20. :D My weekend is all set.
  25. Song ID, please? I liked that one, heh
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