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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Well, I was kind of making a joke re: the lemonade stand but if you want a serious answer: The laws probably vary from state to state and even city to city. Underage workers can often work a limited number of hours with parental permission and work permits or something along those lines. You'd have to look them up for your own area.
  2. I was working when I was 15. Put up a lemonade stand, there's no excuse.
  3. Hey, I'd pay more too - not just for length but for better/more innovate gameplay in shorter games etc. It's all a number's game tho. Always is.
  4. I'd be interested in your ideas how to achieve that in a video game. It'd definitely feel more immersive to actually teach rather than just have a few mumbled lines while sitting and then "ding" instant Jedi, but how? Maybe after a few battles you'd get an oppurtunity to 'teach' them a new skill, or something, and after so many, they'd become full Jedi? I dunno...I'm not an idea-person...which is why I'm asking you what yours are.
  5. "In Wildness is the Preservation of the World" Photographs by Eliot Porter based on passages from Henry David Thoreau Some old book my mother gave me recently. Just getting around to reading it. Kind of interesting, Porter does a good job of capturing the words into a photograph.
  6. Wedding Crashers. Maybe it's because I had 0 expectations but it wasn't nearly as horrid as I thought it'd be. Not saying it was great or even that funny...but it had a few moments. But...man...my husband will rent anything.
  7. I'm going to guess he has some kind of on-board video, perhaps....just not a seperately installed video card. Just a guess tho.
  8. I dunno pixie, that sounds like 'aftertaste' to me. What I don't like about sugar is the extra coating of tooth-fur it tends to create after about an hour. I brush my teeth as fast as possible after sweets.
  9. Maxtor or Seagate are both decent...whatever's on sale. I personally don't think it matters all that much anymore. My main PC is about 120GB and my 2nd has 2 drives...one 120 and one very old 2. hehe
  10. Well, if it helps with the research, that's cool. But honestly, how can you resist the green eggs & ham type jokes...lol I want a glow in the dark cat...that would be awesome. Except - I'd prefer it to glow red, plz.
  11. Riftworld: The Game. Oh wait, they tried that already. Betrayal of Krondor. I heard that was bad or something. Edit: Hmm I guess it's freeware now. Maybe I should check it out. Has anyone actually played it? Maybe it was Return to Krondor that got the bad reviews.
  12. That's the main appeal to them for me too...some minor scuffles or sense of danger is sometimes in the offering and that's cool, but overall I like the feeling that my brain & observational skills are being used to solve the 'mystery' rather than whether or not I find the BFG9000 or have increased my strength via some item. I like feeling like Sherlock Holmes, I guess. Unfortunately, most of the adventure games I've played ended up with puzzles that stumped me too much...or were simple 'trial and error' puzzles, which I can't stand...reminding me of the fact that I am not Sherlock Holmes. :D
  13. Hehe...sounds like an exciting game. Sorry to have missed it. Those type of upsets are fun to watch.
  14. I haven't found an answer yet myself, if indeed there is one. Frustrating. If I could figure out how to run the game in a window and wanted to spend a lot of money on video-presentation capture software, there might be a couple ways, but...no. I guess I shall remain Dk1 movie-less.
  15. I suppose it would be rude of me to laugh at that... :D I haven't kept up with football in ages...are these two teams close to/in the playoffs or something?
  16. Don't like baby horses? :D
  17. The best thing to do is get your own account at some site like photobucket, upload a picture to their servers, then use that url. Google search "image hosting" if you need more info.
  18. No...it's a video format/directx thing. Fraps doesn't capture the movies in Diablo2, either...similar thing. I use Hyperionics in cases like this, which specifies that it "Snags also those difficult-to-grab screens from DirectX
  19. This one's DungeonKeeper1, 1996/1997 or thereabouts.
  20. Maybe I should add this is probably a Glide-related thing...
  21. Is there any way to make an avi movie from a game that's old enough to not be supported/noticable by Fraps-type technology? Fraps will record the intro movie but the game itself is apparently invisible. Edit - I have a program that will take screenshots of the game in question (Fraps doesn't...), but it doesn't do movies.
  22. My sister liked a lentil soup with a big dollop of plain yogurt on top. Not my thing...but I did like the flat pan-fried rising bubble bread she made...something from India.
  23. Oh sure, not only are we talking about yummy foods, but now we have tempting pictures too. Time to raid the fridge for dinner. Some steak sirloin tips w/steakhouse type seasoning and some italion seasoned veggies I think...
  24. Home gym...that's the answer. One year instead of spluring on things like cameras I'm going to buy all the home gym stuff for the garage. Heh...I'm not like that, but sometimes on hot days it's inevitable. I remember once skinny dipping in the backyard pool only to realize much later that the whole time there were some roof-repair guys on the house a couple houses over...that was funny.
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