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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. @ RedEye...it's watchable, it's just nothing special. It's been there, done that, with an over-drawn out and rather boring & somewhat pointless first hour of set-up. The 2nd half of the film is better, but by then I didn't care. I did like the pencil/scarf bit tho. And I think the 'bad guy' actor is going to go places.
  2. My eyes!! That's even worse than anchovies. I think I was the one who mentioned photography while walking. My camera pretty much goes everywhere I go. On the downside, sometimes I end up doing a little more picture taking than hiking. But I figure it gets me outside and about so...
  3. Y'know...there may come a day when you'll wish you still looked youthful enough to be picked to play someone 1/3-1/2 your age. *wink I'd like to see Smallville cancelled and see Lexxy do something else. Hopefully a good something else. John Schiender (sp?) ......I can never see him as anything but Bo, I wonder if he'll go back to being invisible when the show finally goes off the air.
  4. Yes, yes it is. That's how I've always seen it, especially since I believe that's his critical-strike cry. But I also understand why people joke about the...other thing.
  5. Oh, ugh. Being somewhat toned and in good shape is one thing...but that's too much. Total turn off to me. And Blood_Raven, I think more often it's about their ego - not neccesarily arrogance - the "can I/because I can" self-esteem high kind of thing. No different than people who want to climb Mt. Everest even if they lose half their digits to frostbite.
  6. Yep, after my 1st run through the game, I pretty much stuck with the dark non-master robes. Almost all the armors looked goofy to me and there was no dire need to wear the more the powerful stuff so...
  7. Music as reports...pure genius. I love it.
  8. @ Blood Raven - point taken. @thepixiesrock - good idea...items that have purposes beyond just adding to stats is always a good inclusion in my book.
  9. Somehow I think the smell would give you away....
  10. I have the cynical suspicion that if there was a Kotor3, this would not hold true...
  11. If you boil food you can always use the leftover liquid to mix a sauce with. But I like grilling/broiling or stir-frying myself. Especially animal flesh. Rawr.
  12. Hehehe...yeah, that's one of the biggest cheats in sci-fi. But it sure would be boring in most films/games if they didn't break that rule. On topic - I don't understand why people want hoods so much - just because they're in the movies and look cool? I guess I like seeing the npc's faces/hair too much...in Kotor I didn't even like them to wear their headgear. Having a bunch of people following me all wearing hoods would feel too...I dunno, visually generic.
  13. Envious? A little. I don't like to fly tho. :D My motto for contests tends to be: "I'll take the cash."
  14. They're laser-like and instantly cauterize wounds. Which is a great thing if you're going for a PG/PG-13 movie. " Personally, I have no need for big gouts of blood in my games...a little smudge or spray here and there, but no horror-movie amounts, plz. Doesn't turn me on and the realism factor...haha...if you want realism you shouldn't be able to carry multiple suits of armor+weapons+10,000 gold coins+ammo etc. in your 'inventory.'
  15. I like 'junk' pizza (lots of toppings) but am pretty tradtional - red sauce, really-bad-for-you cured meats, onions, etc. I've tried pizza's with white sauces, shrimp, broccoli, chicken, curry, fruit, etc. and....no....not my thing.
  16. I never did buy Grim Fandango...always meant to, it had such great reviews & looked so funky. So far the lists seem dominated by rpg's/adventure & a few shooters. Given this forum, not surprising. Some other non-rpg games that I liked a lot: Roller Coaster Tycoon series, Casear3, Stronghold.
  17. I'd agree with that on a general level. But if you're killing as duty or neccesity rather than psychopathic intent, using any method that draws out the killing would seem more DS to me - assuming one had a choice in the matter. Swfit beheading vs. long-drawn out electrocution, say... I always found it amazing how long Luke and others could painfully survive that blue force lightning. Force lightning doesn't seem all that powerful to me - except in Kotor of course.
  18. If we're talking 'level' here and not 'planet' - probably the Palace.
  19. Loved the 1st and 2nd season although I hated the daughter. The 3rd year was a yawner. The 4th year was better but still not as good as the first two. The formula is getting old...but I'll still probably buy the 5th season when it's out on DVD. I don't watch this show as it airs, it would drive me batty that way.
  20. That doesn't sound like a fad diet tho...just something that tries to encourage a basic change of eating habit. A gallon of water a day is nothing that abnormal if you're not drinking a lot of soda/juices...and as I think I mentioned earlier, cutting out sweets/sugar etc. if you eat a lot of them to begin with will often result in weight loss. That's not fad...just common sense. He said he still ate a lot...probably lots of fruit, breads, and vegies or something... Whether what he lost was fat or not...well...who knows. Probably not all fat, no. Depends how heavy he was to being with. But if he's going to the gym now, after being inspired by losing a little initial weight, I don't see why weight gained couldn't be muscle...depends what kind of workout he's doing, of course, but from his descriptions it doesn't sound to me like making a grand statement of 'fad diet' in his case is neccesarily true, even if he's calling it a 'water diet'. Sounds like all he's doing is drinking more water between/during meals instead of eating candy & soda's & hamburgers. When I think 'fad diet' I think Atkins or nothing but weird protein shakes all day etc. anything that claims to make you lose weight without exercising and 'keep it off' - which of course is stupid since no one ever stays on the fad diet long enough to keep it off forever, for various reasons. Fad diets are good for movie actors who want to lose a little weight for a role, but not much else.
  21. I didn't even know that show as still on.
  22. Not to mention a quick reference to Alien.
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