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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. So not ELO but TSO? Thank you very much, you're my new hero. I really like the 'Remember' song. I'll have to go out and buy the CD now.
  2. Dialogue makes a game longer and breaks up the action, giving a game less of the 'all combat' feel. . .It (ideally) makes you feel a part of how the game develops because of choices you made, although more often than not, the choices don't really affect all that much beyond party config. and more dialogue. It helps many people feel more like they're part of a story rather than just an observor, perhaps more like one feels when reading a book. That said...I'm one of those that likes choices and fun lines in games, but I'm not very big on really long dialogues that I'm forced to read in order to progress through a (visual) game. Too many long dialogue menus that pause the game remind me I'm playing a game by taking me 'outside' of the flow of the game. I'm the same way with reading books - I read books in one or two sittings most of the time, because to read 30 pages a day disrupts the flow too much & isn't immersive enough for me. So I'm kind of in the middle in terms of wanting dialogue in rpg's. I want some, just not an overload.
  3. He gave us many Happy Days. --------- Ok...that was bad, I'm sorry. Maybe.
  4. Family Man...it's old and I'd seen it before, but it's a cute movie. And I like Nicholas Cage.
  5. Well, I was hungry, and it was beautiful to me...
  6. Strictly Ballroom soundtrack - yeah I like ballroom (you may need to turn the volume up, it's a quiet snippet)
  7. Disciple. Atton's close next, and T3 would be 3rd...I like T3's 'personality'. Bewoop. Edit - 1st time I played and T3 'talked' to me from his room in that cut-scene, I thought he was soooo adorable. Way more adorable than droids are in the movies.
  8. Team America was a pretty funny movie. I didn't realize it was the same voice actor tho...that's great. :D
  9. Flurry or Crit. strike for me. I usually gave party members Crit. Strike and Power Attack, because I liked the way they looked, and they never cast Speed on themselves as meleer's.
  10. You sound a lot like me when it comes to trying to find games these days. I like/d mindless stuff like Diablo and still do sometimes, but they don't hold my attention for very long. I keep going back to my old games...
  11. ELO...lol...I'd forgotten all about them. Yeah, it does, somewhat.
  12. Reminds me a bit of hooked on classics, for some reason.
  13. I still like the music...and still don't know what it's from, if anything.
  14. I dunno...religious novels, religious movies, religious games. I don't see anything weird about it. Just another genre for people who might like them. But I probably won't be buying any of them.
  15. 1. Never heard of him. 2. Never heard of them. 3. Noooooooooooooooo!!! Pat, my man! *cries*
  16. Horse With No Name "La, la, la lalala..."
  17. The only money I've spent on-line is for stuff like Fraps, domain names, and webhosting. And WoW. So far, I haven't had any problems buying what I've wanted in the stores around here. I think there will come a day when I'll be forced to buy retail on-line for many things....but I'm putting it off as long as possible. I don't like to wait either, and I like being able to see (and return) what I'm buying in person. Plus I agree that it's too easy & can breed bad spending habits...especially if you tend to be an impulse buyer. When I was buying domain names I kept buying more and more because it was too easy to get wrapped up into "thought of another one, gotta reserve that one!" and all I had to do is click my mouse to get it - next thing I knew, I had a ton of domain names I have no need for.... -------- I'm introverted in groups, and socializing with people I don't know well makes me feel like I need a nap before even an hour goes by. Familiar people and one on one I can seem like an extrovert - but I just have one of those minds that runs all the time and am mentally hyper, so sometimes I talk a lot
  18. One night stand: Atton Long Term Relationship: Disciple Sexiest voice: Disciple (minus his 'battle cries....) Looks best in the black Jedi robe: Disciple Looks best in his underwear: Atton (tho those white/red shoes have got to go, don't they ever take them off....)
  19. Disciple gets no love. And hey, he has a....unique....smile.... ...seriously...I never really used his lab station skill either. A few times I think. Mostly I just liked his lines, voice, and usefullness in a fight, since most of the other npc's had voices/lines that would annoy me after some time.
  20. The moon! The moon! Koontz reference, among others.
  21. I just noticed a couple things... Lack of quick wit makes me sound that way. I want a lollipop. That one's probably true. :ph34r:
  22. End title music from Pirates of the Caribbean
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