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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. A spam forum. Oh wait... :D Actually, I can't think of anything useful, just stuff like "I don't like forest/olive green."
  2. Wild kitty was cute...who says domestic cats aren't dangerous? heheh THe other one cat/car one I've seen before. Didn't find it funny then either. It's not offensive (to me) or anything...just not funny.
  3. I have way too many old magazines.
  4. Manlings...hahah!...I'll have to remember that.
  5. Care for a refreshing dip? And the Hoff...thing... is revolting.
  6. If you're on Malachor and that's why you're alone, the convo thing works, but of course you have to pick the right convo options. So save and keep trying till you win via conversation, or read a walkthrough. Edit: nvm...I see your other post that you're past him now.
  7. If that were true, I'd have about 5000 songs that I couldn't get out of my head on any given day and I'd be in an institution for the insane. I knew every word in the song 'Roxanne' and it still got stuck in my head a lot during it's heyday.
  8. Nope, doesn't bother me one whit. But then, I don't generally find being called 'honey' or 'babe' or 'sugar' offensive either. Women's rights (or anyone's rights) is good and all, but when it comes to words, it's just how it's used, what tone it's said in, and the situation, not the word itself. Sometimes, people need to relax.
  9. I also solo'd through most of my time thru both of these games. If something required me to party up, or I just felt like company, I would find a group, but otherwise... Of course, there are late/end game areas that are designed to not be done alone. WoW, for example, has instance dungeons that require 8+ people, no way around it. GW does too - it's the point of on-line games in the end, after all. GW late-game would not have been terribly soloable without the henchies, but I've known people who've solo'd almost all of GW in terms of quests. Since game designers are currently designing action-RPG's more for on-line than SP, I just treat them like SP games with the option of partying as much as possible. If you like solo'ing more than, or just as much as, grouping, it's still fun in both WoW and GW.
  10. I agree with this completely. Perhaps it's less a complaint about length as the fact that one often can't determine how much one is going to like a given game without buying it first. And once bought, you can't (usually) return them for the full price (or any price). Where I live, you typically can't even exchange for a different game, only for another copy of the same game. I understand the reasons behind this but that doesn't mean I like it. Demos are supposed to help with this, but I often find them lacking since I prefer my opinion of games to be based on more than one or two 'maps' or the tutorial levels - there's many games where I intially didn't like it but then ended up loving it.
  11. Sorry, I lose track of what directories I've 'blocked' and ones I haven't. Fixed.
  12. It's not photography, but I've always liked this shot from one of the Diablo2 'movies'. Course it looks better when it's moving...
  13. I think relationships start with friendships - however, that doesn't always mean an established long-term close friendship. I met my hubby through some work friends, we all hung out together occasionally for a while. He and I never really spent time 'alone', always with those friends around. I didn't even find him initally attractive. Over 5 months or so hubby & I realized/admitted we were attracted to each other and started officially dating. Or something.
  14. I see about 95% of films on DVD and not in theaters. Recent stuff: Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. Liked it better than I thought I would. Irrelevant & useless commentary here. The Interpreter (nice camerwork, kinda dull & typical suspense movie) Warm Springs - HBO film of FDR's life after polio. Overly sentimental but very watchable, with great performances.
  15. You run around and kill things, level up, find loot, ooh and ahh at the scenery, kill other players, and fiddle with skills. Pretty much what you do with all on-line RPG-lites.
  16. To kind of go with the monkey theme:
  17. I can never get scans to look as nice as they did originally. Oh well.
  18. I hate Quicktime. I've tried it (several times over the last decade), I hate it, I hate what it does, I always delete it. All I saw was "You need Quicktime", a PSP option, and in IPOD option, none of which I have/use. Thanks Surreptishus, I'll try there.
  19. Ewwww......Quicktime. I'll wait for the TV version.
  20. Myers-Briggs definitions of terms such as intuitive and judging live in their own special dictionary...don't worry, I won't define them, cause they're still lumpish. Do you guys look up histories on the fly or do you remember all these factoids?
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