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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I've been watching Android Apocolyps on Sci-Fi - and it's probably the first of their movies where there were actually a few small segments that were actually entertaining - mostly the parts that are kinda like "Enemy Mine."
  2. That's the official story, yes - that he was depressed about being typecast and unable to find new work etc. There are, of course, conspiracy theorists who like to claim he was murdered because of some mysterious circumstances. There's always mysterious circumstances...
  3. The endtitle/credits from PotC...the commercials for the sequel made me want to hear it again.
  4. It does sometimes feel as if California consists of two different states.
  5. I've never actually used it, but a quick search found this old link. Maybe that'll help. Luck.
  6. Rice and kimchee with a little bit chicken.
  7. California is a fairly big state, yup. I still haven't been to the Mystery House, and I've lived in the Bay Area almost all my life. Usually when I go up to that area I'm going to Barnes & Nobles...or one of my fave restaurants. There's an Imax theater in downtown SJ I keep meaning to go to, too, but haven't yet.
  8. Not right now, but hubby wanted Taco Bell on the way home and for once I said "ok I'll get the nachos" instead of just "ugh no way". Big mistake. :angry:
  9. I think the areas I'd suggest have already been mentioned. Will you have access to a car? 17-mile drive definitely a good scenic 'tour' of that area, and Monterey Aquarium is definitely a must in my opinion. If you like amusement parks, Great America is decent but that's not really in the Monterey area, it's further north. If you have a car, Hiway 1 from Santa Cruz to Half Moon Bay is also a very nice drive with some outdoorsy things to do and see including a couple hiking parks and various beaches. If you visit San Francisco, be prepared for traffic irritation in all areas and all ways. I'm not a huge fan of the city but it does have some good tourist attractions. P.S. Monterey is typically pretty overcast, so expect that. Maybe you'll get lucky and have sun the whole time tho. I think it's pretty either way.
  10. The obsession with water droplets continues. There's the wallpaper-shaped one which has tons of fuzzy empty space on top and the more "artfully" cropped one w/less space. *shrug* I didn't spend much time actually shooting this picture, one of those times where you think something looks interesting as you're making lunch and you just try a shot or two.
  11. I've seen 4, maybe 5 movies in the theater in the past 12 months. When movies come out on DVD, well, let's just say 90% of the time, if my husband didn't bring them home all the time, I still wouldn't see them till they came out on TV...and even when hubby rents them, I don't always watch them with him. When it comes to films, at least, I can usually resist hype. I like movies but my serious passion for them cooled about 10 years ago. :cool:
  12. Even if you don't like her music style, I think this girl may go places.
  13. I do remember having some kind of bug on Dantooine with that guy hiding in the room (he didn't drop it...), and bao-dur telling me I didn't have all the parts, and me scratching my head and going back to the ruins. Lost I tell ya. :D
  14. Did you try turning graphics/sound/game options etc. off or to minimum just to see if it would get you past that point?
  15. Squirrel! They do love to steal the birdfood.
  16. I love Zod, over the top goodness. Hackman's Luther seemed great in it's day but on re-viewing it feels over the top in the not-good way. Smallville's Luther is great. Too bad the rest of the show, imo, isn't. Reeve was a good all-purpose Superman but there could be better. I don't think this new guy will be it, tho. If Kevin Spacey wasn't Luther I probably wouldn't see the new Superman until it was a $1 DVD sale.
  17. Sounds like something I might like...or at least try. :D Depends on what they use for the 'hot' tho...ie, I don't like chili powder based stuff too much.
  18. That big blue shadow they end with reminds me of MightyMouse...
  19. I had to say 'a little difficult' - sure it seems easy as pie now, but for me the very first time w/no walkthru help blah blah I was a little bit lost. It wasn't hard to find them but I still...got a bit lost, if that makes sense.
  20. That's pretty similar to what happened to my hubby w/the army. The bait and switch sort of thing...he was not happy.
  21. That might make me pick up the game again, soon. Also, looking at youtube, it was nice to see the intro movie w/out graphical glitches. For some reason on my PC half of it is broken up into top and bottom sections & subsections and they move at different frame rates. It's watchable and the audio is fine, but, well, it's very strange.
  22. Has to be one of the best post title typos/mispellings ever. :D And when it comes to console comparisons, I agree with astro's comment (post #7).
  23. Well, at least you know yourself. Some say that's the 1st step to the road of recovery. "
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