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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I understand the feeling tho...I often enjoy the company of animals more than people. I'm interested in trying to keep all life from undue mistreatment or extinction, even humans. Tho I might make an exception for fleas and the mosquito.
  2. I thought Fio was a green dragon?... I'm also a Dragon....I choose to think I'm the blue one.
  3. Assuming this vaccination has been tested long enough or otherwise decided to have low risk of possible negative short/long-term side effects, then I have nothing against such a policy for any vaccination against communicable and/or life threatening diseases. Would they object as much if they came up with a working vaccine for ebola, or alzheimers, or....? Perhaps illogically tho, I consider the seatbelt issue (for adults) irritating and still object to it... :bunny:
  4. The enemy strength of a "new area" is set and based on your level when you first arrive somewhere, so I'd also say yes. Typically it seems people are 23-30 when they finish the first time, so I think you're doing just fine.
  5. About to eat pizza and watch One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
  6. Then is that what you're sort of thinking of, LordKun? As to will it succeed - I couldn't guess. I suppose the shows willl get high ratings at first out of curiousity, but the rest is up to quality, as always.
  7. Sure. Sent. I was lazy this time and they're a little fuzzy for light backgrounds, just fyi.
  8. Wistrik - for SP? Going to make a mod or just items for your personal use? I've seen some rebalance mods but they usually focus more on skills and monster strengths. Ever since LOD the sets and rares have been largely useless (at least past Normal or Nightmare diff), making the game rather...dull, imo. Such an item rebalance would be nice. If you make a mod, let me know where to get it. :D I usually use the SP editor just when bored to do silly things for laughs like give my sorceror summon skeleton or my hireling the speed of the Flash... "
  9. Yes, Fio. Readjusted versions.
  10. Wasn't there a SW series in the works or on the drawing board or something?...
  11. jorian, the player is controlled by a code that you insert into your webpage document. If you don't demand streaming audio and have upload permissions to your webserver, you don't need a secondary website to achieve what you want. Just upload the file to your server and use the simple embed command to insert the WMplayer. Have the code point to your file location and use it to control the players size and auto-play functions etc. You can Google the embed command, there's all kinds of yakkity yak about it. Example: <embed type="application/x-mplayer2" src="http://your/file/address" name="MediaPlayer" height="42" width="300" ShowControls=1 ShowDisplay=0 ShowStatusBar=0 autostart=0 autorewind=0 ShowPositionControls=1></embed> Notice the height parameter is set small enough to only show the controls, not the whole video box of WMP, since you only want to play audio files. This generally works for IE and Firefox, but as always, maybe not 100% all users depending on what they're using etc. If you want a fancier more modern player, ala Flash or something, or streaming audio, that's something different, isn't always free or simple, and I can't help you there, as I'm cheap & lazy and haven't yet bothered to go beyond basic embedding beyond a little research. " A secondary-site's player code may be less user-flexible options wise than what you could do yourself - that's up to the website, what player they use, and how they've arranged things. If you have a choice, IMO it's always better to do it yourself/be in control. I don't know of any music sites ala Youtube...sorry.
  12. Well, since you re-opened it... If you want music to play when people look at your webpage, the simplest way is to just upload a song (any file host will do) and use html coding in your webpages to embed a simple player and set it to repeat/loop the song. When people hit your page, the song will start to download - when it's finished, it'll play & repeat. Or if you know how, you can go the streaming route and it'll only download a buffer before playing, meaning less delay time. If you're asking whether people can listen to songs without having to spend the time waiting for a file to download at all, there's no way to do that.
  13. It's been so long since I've hung out on b.net that I've forgtten why those amazons have red swirlies around them.
  14. Like most of the others, Atton is influenced by a few situational actions if he's in your party at the time, plus dialogues.
  15. Heh, yeah, it's a pretty nifty site. But I can't make ones like this. :bunny: <---sooo cute. I might...overuse it.
  16. I completely agree. :D He's the only reason I decided to watch the movie. I barely remember the comics I read as a kid, but in terms of appearance only, I thought he didn't look that different as Doom-costume. Updated & shiney I'm sure, but not that bad - not like what they did with the Penguin in the Batman series, for example. Hah. The rest of the film was passable time-wasting if you're half-asleep. I saw the trailer a bit ago...just like the first movie, the some effects are kinda pretty, but I doubt I'll see it until it's a rental.
  17. I'd be more interested if it was, say, William Shatner. Now that would be entertaining.
  18. Which Tombraider is that? The newest one?
  19. That was always my interpretation of it. I also figured it was a..uh...Force mind-clouding sort of hiding. At least, I used that to explain why she and Di had fought side by side before she 'reveals' herself to him in that cutscene.
  20. Didn't want to clutter up the Bugz thread. If you have time to waste, you can make all kinds of smilies in the Invision "style," from simple to silly, using this generator. They're not perfectly blended, but work ok with dark backgrounds. I know it's not vital or anything, lol, but if we want some possible future replacements for the ones that have the white-edges, it's an option to keep in mind. Easier than photoshopping the originals...and kinda fun. I tried making a few. Heheh.
  21. I don't know if I'm industrious, but I tried fixing one of them to see how it went. The best you can get is "mostly better." If that looks good enough to people I can work on some of the others over the week. I'll also search for pre-generated ones; so far haven't found an invision type set for dark backgrounds.
  22. I'd still like to build a more next-generation pc soon, since I'm still on an older one, but I'm kind of deciding that since I haven't been using the pc quite as much lately, it may wait until I do need Vista for something, which probably won't be too soon. I've been resistant to changing the MS O/S every single time...but I always do it eventually, thus I never say never. I know I don't want to go through it and never did and I'd agree that the general public is probably pretty tired of it.
  23. The last option. Since Windows is still the biggie OS, I assume I'll have to get it "someday..."
  24. Ok...that seems to be it then. Just the old uploads don't work quite right with the new scripting, I guess. And I'll confirm I see the green highlight on minimized forum sections as well. Doesn't bother me, except it's kind of an ugly green. :D
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