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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. (posted in Beth forum, doubling up again) GLITCH - Boone's combat behavior is messed up - this isn't about aesthetics of him being a 'robot', Boone is actually somewhat "broken." Here is a video showing the effect. It runs 1min. & 15sec. (first 7 seconds & last 15 seconds are easiest to see because it's daylight in the game). The glitchy combat behavior is largely consistent and happens with any ranged weapon you give him (not just his default). For testing purposes I removed all pc mods and started a fresh game to make sure mods/corrupt saves wasn't the issue. It's not, he still does it. A couple other ppl on the Beth forums I talk to - who are PS3 users - have told me he does this in their game as well. The glitch appears to be two-fold: Instead of firing an entire ammo clip with rifle at his shoulder, he will often fire from the hip - which isn't bad itself - but then when he does do a "complete" reload, he puts away his weapon (in combat) when finished reloading, stands still for a second, and then re-equips his weapon to start combat/firing again. Obviously, against Gecko's and such this is not a game breaker but I suspect against stronger enemies this could be a more serious companion-combat disadvantage. I have not observed the other companions having this issue, although I haven't thoroughly tested for that, so perhaps it does affect other companions at least now and then. I can continue to try to figure out if I can fix him via the Geck (tho this glitch may be beyond me), but if you make another patch, it would be appreciated if at least this aspect of 'broken Boone' might be fixed.
  2. In terms of development teams spending energy on working to fix them, sure, I would largely agree. In terms of what people might individually think of as being important, I'm not sure I'd agree quite as strongly. Especially in a single-player game. But...eh...the personal = subjective so nvm. Btw, Worst, my discussion calling card, if you will, tends to be in trying to be fair/equitable...I'm the first to admit that true logical process is not exactly my...ahem...strong suit, and hence why you rarely see me participate in any debate threads, unless I've been up all night and my judgment about leaping in becomes wildly impaired.
  3. I remember when he told us here on the forum about his cancer, and his positive attitude. Thanks for those quotes, Hurlshot, it makes me feel a tiny bit less sad. Condolences to his family and friends.
  4. I didn't say they were exactly the same. I said I didn't find it any weirder. Edit: Heh. I haven't actually truly played the game in close to a week, unless you count recording video for the Thriller thingie and semi-frequent quick-testing some patch/bug/GECK differences playing.
  5. Where did I ever say I was making "logical arguments"? It's a personal enjoyment thing, which imo is not about logic. And of course I agree no head-tracking is not a priority issue. Which is why I'm trying to figure out how to fix it myself. Now if there's another patch and they had the time/discovered it was simply a matter of tweaking a 1 vs. a 0 and felt like fixing it, great. But if not, well, that's why I'm digging around in the Geck. Which has been interesting of itself for many other non-bug reasons.
  6. Not my problem, take an aspirin, kthxbai.
  7. All right, if you insist on making what I enjoy an issue for yourself: Well, yes, some of my enjoyment comes from that. But some of my enjoyment also comes from the colors in the game. So? In terms of this seeming bug, it's not specifically only about Boone, tho it happens to BE Boone that's affected. Some of my enjoyment comes from the fact npc's look around at the gameworld. It happens that Boone is the only one that appears to have this bug, but if it were reversed and all the other companions were statues and Boone wasn't, I'd find that annoying to my sense of immersion in the game as well, because they started out head-tracking and it's what I expect/am used to. I find the difference noticeable and distracting. It's not just about whether he looks at my character, it's about not looking at anything. They should turn to look at passing npc's as well...it gives them a sense of having personality/interaction w/the world, rather than being inanimate robots I'm dragging behind me on a string. It's why they give them "breathing" animations or make their lips move when they "talk", or make them shuffle their feet now and then, too. Other than that, it's: 1--an interesting technical problem, now that I've noticed it. Can I mod-fix this? I think I've mentioned I can be rather OCD? I've also noticed another quirky behavior issue (holsters/unholster weapon constantly mid-battle) that I'm currently trying to figure out if my "fix" created or if it was there to begin with. Also curious, now, if I can figure out how to put dialogue lines in/back in/take some out. 2--I was trying to help someone else by finding/creating a 'fix' because they didn't back up and can't go back to an older version like I could, if I/they wanted. 3--I find it no weirder than those who refuse to play/mostly stopped playing the game because permanent ash piles have not been "fixed" or because sniper rifles were too powerful or because energy weapons weren't powerful enough. We all have certain things we prefer/enjoy/notice and want, that we'd really like to be (or not be) in the game. Just because one of my (and some other folks) "things" is of a somewhat more intangible nature than a weapon or broken quest issue doesn't make it any more or less sophomoric. If you find what I'm interested in to be creeping you out, I'm sorry it seems to be bothering you so much, but y'know, I also don't care. I'm an honest person and I'm going to talk about what I enjoy/find interesting rather than hide it. You don't have to read it.
  8. It's already a thread in the Beth forums (no I didn't create that thread ) but I'll double up and post my findings here: Re:Zombie-Boone For some reason ticking most of the unchecked "Enable Fallout Behavior" options for the AI Packages FollowersBooneFollowPlayerDEFAULT and FollowersBooneFollowPlayerLONG makes him head-track, but doing the same thing for FollowersBooneFollowPlayerWAIT does not. So he'll head-track while in follow mode but not in Wait mode. At the moment, by default there's only two of the Fallout Behavior options checked and the only thing I did was check more of them. I tried to figure out if there was a specific one that triggered his suddenly head-tracking, but failed...so far it only seems to work when most of them (all but 2) are checked. The other companions (arcade, raul, etc.) do NOT have anything other than the default 2 options checked and they head-track, so...*shakes head* ... just don't know enough about it to guess why doing this works on Boone when the other's don't need it. All I can say is it must be some kind of strange conflict going on with his AI packages.
  9. I don't know about anyone else, but I love it when Sawyer shows his knowledge/opinion on such topics. The Legion thread was awesome, too. Hire Raul and tell him to wait somewhere. Problem solved.
  10. The sniper rifle also has a much greater default sight range. Altho, I don't know what putting a scope on a hunting rifle does for that, if anything. Not always sure what these darn numbers mean. At any rate, the sniper rifle isn't useless. Some people think it was nerfed a little too much, and you will notice a difference, but I really haven't seen the problem. It's still great for it's purpose - long distance sniping. It just isn't as good for shotgun range use, making less "all purpose wonder." The lower dps makes companions not like it so much, tho. heh I'm not sure about the other non-energy weapons...I don't think many were changed.
  11. Well, all I can say is that it hasn't seemed to really affect their ability to play the game for you. I mean, we all know that having a couple points less STR doesn't mean we can't use a gun well enough to kill things... Now this isn't quite fair because its two humans, but I took Arcade & Boone up Black Mountain when they'd still be lvl5, and they still marched up there killing everything for me. I don't any of the mutants even reached them. I think they might have developed one or two dots of sweat on their foreheads, but probably from being overloaded with stuff I was picking up... I gave up on the combat ever feeling hard for me (especially after the 1st playthrough) and just enjoy watching the companions kick butt instead.
  12. Digging into the GECK some more...according to it, all companion's SPECIAL's have been altered. None of them have 10 in anything anymore. What used to be 10's are now 7's, or thereabouts. If they don't ever rise, this means they won't be as effective with some weapons. Under the leveling calcs, Calc Max used to be 20, is now 40. Level multiplier used to be 1.00, is now .75. What this means, I have no idea. I've tried looking at their various scripts as well, to see if I could spot any obvious changes they might have made, but it's still all gobblydook to me in there...
  13. Aye, -5DT in those early areas would be a definitely game changer. Like I said, I haven't played around with them much yet myself. I'm still fiddling with guns. Just trying to relay what I've seen posted by ppl on the Beth forums. I also just noticed one poster say there was a merchant selling 3-4 hundred cells, so that's a bit more than "a little easier' to get the ammo.
  14. Yes. They changed the DT stuff like promised. I can't remember the exact stuff, but the different energy ammo's now have various -DT on them. I haven't tried it yet myself, but from what people are saying, it makes a definite difference...although bullet guns are still 'better.' Energy ammo also a bit easier to collect. (...Most weapon types do more rated dmg. as well...like 10 or 13 according to some ppl's observations) Edit: here, I found a post that describes the known changes: -2DT for standard ammo -5DT for Overcharge ammo -10DT for Max Charge ammo Plasma Defender uses 2 cells instead of 3 per shot Multiplas Rifle uses 3 cells instead of 6 per shot.
  15. Ahaha... I'd try to explain but I have the feeling it'd be useless. I can say it's nothing to do with sex or wanting to jump an animated character's bones. It's more like....you have a favorite chr. in a novel and either the sequel or a movie turns that chr. into something you no longer enjoy, and you're annoyed. Similar concept, only you have to put gaming parameters on it. And yeah, there's Boone fans everywhere. *clanking chains* Can't esssscapes ussss...
  16. Oh no...he just pretends to dislike the party hats. He secretly loves it. I can see it deep within his icy stare. ....at least this has enabled me to test that yes, if you copy the .exe and .esm files, you can revert back to an older version of the game and Steam's auto-patching be damned. Course if you go back online it'll try to patch it again, but then you can just repeat the process. Too bad I don't have a copy of the very first .exe/.esm anymore...
  17. Dear Obsidian: Is there some reason why Boone, and so far, only Boone, no longer looks at you when you get close? For that matter, he doesn't look at anyone anymore, not npc's or other companions. If the other companions also had this new behaviour, I'd think that there was some reason for it. But Arcade and Raul both continue to gaze at any npc/player that's in close up range. No, it's not important to gameplay, but Boone now feels like a statue. This is not fun for me or other Boone fans I've talked to. Could you change it back, please? Bad enough he now almost never says anything but Eat This now. I'd like the non-statue version of Boone back, please. P.S. - I do like the quest fixes and I do like the hand-loader weapon bug fix. Don't really care about the weapons stuff since I can do that myself in the Geck....I did learn if I copy back the 1.1 .esm file but left the new 1.2 .exe file, I'd get the handloader fix, but not the quest/weapons/Boone statue changes. So...maybe I'll go back. The quest issues I rarely had a problem with anyway...
  18. I believe most things are save game compatible/will effect saves, but of course there may be some that won't work retroactively. I don't think it'll harm anything, generally speaking, tho. But...that's just not something one can say for sure.
  19. P.S. The patch works fine with the Improved/multiple companions mod, the dance mod, and the idle-behavior mod I have. Plus all the little non-complex mods I made myself.
  20. I had copied both the exe and the esm file elsewhere in the hopes that if I hated this patch, I could use them to revert back to previous. But so far this new patch is working fine. The changelog could be more descriptive, we're having to find a lot of stuff on our own/use the GECK. --Stimpacks cost a lot more to buy...around 100 now instead of 25ish depending on your skills I guess. --Sniper Rifle crit. chance reduced to x1, DMG lowered to 42, and DPS lowered to mid-70's. Fire rate/speed remains the same, and it still seems quite powerful to me. The Gobi also reduced, to similar. --Cowboy repeater/hand-loaders bug FINALLY FIXED. My fully modded CR is now an awesome machine of destruction again! Did all the quick testing I could do with my nearly-complete current games, so time to wipe the save directory and start a new chr. Yay. Side note that has nothing to do with this patch...I just realized the other day that ever since patch 1.1 (I think), Boone never says "Let me aim that for you next time." Or "What's your problem." He does still say "why don't I aim my gun at you"...but not as often. I know he said the first two lines way too often, but I think never saying them is no fun. I guess it's all or nothing. What bugs me tho is that others still talk constantly. Like Cass and her idle lines..."Sure could use a drink" and "Caravan of two" OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Why didn't they reduce those while they were at it? Hmm? Bah!
  21. All that's left of the System ShockII box... Still have the whole IWD box tho...but I think I tossed the cheap cloth map... I still have most of the games I've bought...just not their whole boxes. Still have Snake Rattle N Roll cartridge in a box in a closet, too.
  22. I think I still have most (but not all) of my game boxes in a giant plastic bag somewhere. They've been flattened, however. And some of the games I kept only the system requirements flap and tossed the rest. If I tried to spread them all out on a table...wouldn't fit. Maybe on the living room floor. I have no truly ancient classics originally bought, tho...eg original console games or whatnot.
  23. Did you try waiting 3 days and see if the robots all respawn. They often do, and when respawned they're not hostile anymore. They usually go hostile because you went into/did stuff in Vault11 or H&H Tools I think it is. They're different? hawhawhaw...
  24. 5 Fallout companions + the famous dance + ghouls = one music dance video. Have a ghoul day! ...if YT is blocking you, here's a smaller, fuzzier, bad audio version on VideoBash. But it does load a lot faster... ....many many many many hours later, I've reached the saturation point on the Thriller song now, thank you very much...
  25. Jesus, 200 hours ?! What's wrong with that? I've probably played 200-225 at this point. Have had the game 50+ days. That's 4-4.5 hours a day average. Course the last couple weeks I've spent more time on videos...
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